57 research outputs found

    A limited feedback scheme based on spatially correlated channels for coordinated multipoint systems

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    High spectral efficiency can be achieved in the downlink of multi-antenna coordinated multi-point systems provided that the multiuser interference is appropriately managed at the transmitter side. For this sake, downlink channel information needs to be sent back by the users, thus reducing the rate available at the uplink channel. The amount and type of feedback information required has been extensively studied and many limited feedback schemes have been proposed lately. A common pattern to all of them is that achieving low rates of feedback information is possible at the cost of increasing complexity at the user side and, sometimes, assuming that some statistics of the channel are known. In this article, we propose a simple and versatile limited feedback scheme that exploits the spatial correlation at each multi-antenna base station (BS) without requiring any previous statistical information of the channel and without adding significant computational complexity. It is based on the separate quantization of the channel impulse response modulus and phase and it shows better mean square error performance than the standard scheme based on quantization of real and imaginary parts. In order to evaluate the performance of the downlink regarding multiuser interference management, different precoding techniques at the BSs, such as zero-forcing (ZF), Tomlinson-Harashima precoding (THP) and lattice reduction Tomlinson- Harashima precoding (LRTHP), have been evaluated. Simulations results show that LRTHP and THP present a higher robustness than ZF precoding against channel quantization errors but at the cost of a higher complexity at the BS. Regarding sum-capacity and bit error rate performances, our versatile scheme achieves better results than the standard one in the medium and high SNR regime, that is, in the region where quantization errors are dominant against noise, for the same feedback cost measured in bits per user

    Performance of Orthogonal Beamforming for SDMA with Limited Feedback

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    On the multi-antenna broadcast channel, the spatial degrees of freedom support simultaneous transmission to multiple users. The optimal multiuser transmission, known as dirty paper coding, is not directly realizable. Moreover, close-to-optimal solutions such as Tomlinson-Harashima precoding are sensitive to CSI inaccuracy. This paper considers a more practical design called per user unitary and rate control (PU2RC), which has been proposed for emerging cellular standards. PU2RC supports multiuser simultaneous transmission, enables limited feedback, and is capable of exploiting multiuser diversity. Its key feature is an orthogonal beamforming (or precoding) constraint, where each user selects a beamformer (or precoder) from a codebook of multiple orthonormal bases. In this paper, the asymptotic throughput scaling laws for PU2RC with a large user pool are derived for different regimes of the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). In the multiuser-interference-limited regime, the throughput of PU2RC is shown to scale logarithmically with the number of users. In the normal SNR and noise-limited regimes, the throughput is found to scale double logarithmically with the number of users and also linearly with the number of antennas at the base station. In addition, numerical results show that PU2RC achieves higher throughput and is more robust against CSI quantization errors than the popular alternative of zero-forcing beamforming if the number of users is sufficiently large.Comment: 27 pages; to appear in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technolog

    Hybrid TH-VP Precoding for Multi-User MIMO

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    Vector perturbation (VP) is a nonlinear precoding technique that achieves near-capacity performance in multiuser multiple-input multiple-output systems at the expense of large complexity due to the search for the optimum perturbation vector. In this paper, we present the hybrid Tomlinson–Harashima VP (TH-VP) algorithm, a novel zero-forcing pre coding scheme, which combines TH precoding to remove interuser interference, and VP precoding to equalize each user’s multiple spatial streams. We show that the two nonlinear techniques can be integrated in a single optimization and that the proposed algorithm has lower computational requirements than any other. The performance of TH-VP is analyzed and simulation results show that TH-VP outperforms conventional zero-forcing VP and approaches the performance of dirty paper coding

    Study of MMSE-Based Resource Allocation for Clustered Cell-Free Massive MIMO Networks

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    In this paper, a downlink cell-free massive multiple-input multiple-output (CF massive MIMO) system and a network clustering is considered. Closed form sum-rate expressions are derived for CF and the clustered CF (CLCF) networks where linear precoders included zero forcing (ZF) and minimum mean square error (MMSE) are implemented. An MMSE-based resource allocation technique with multiuser scheduling based on an enhanced greedy technique and power allocation based on the gradient descent (GD) method is proposed in the CLCF network to improve the system performance. Numerical results show that the proposed technique is superior to the existing approaches and the computational cost and the signaling load are essentially reduced in the CLCF network.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figure

    Precoding and multiuser scheduling in MIMO broadcast channels

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    Design of limited feedback for robust MMSE precoding in multiuser MISO systems

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    [Resumen] En este trabajo consideramos un sistema multiusuario con múltiples antenas en transmisión y una única antena en cada uno de los usuarios receptores y que se denota por brevedad como MU-MISO, del inglés Multi–User Multiple–Input/Single–Output. Este modelo MU–MISO se ajusta perfectamente al enlace descendente de un sistema de comunicaciones móviles, donde múltiples antenas situadas en la estación base envían información a varios usuarios dentro de su zona de cobertura y cuyos terminales móviles disponen generalmente de una única antena. Este canal descendente se denomina también canal de difusión (BC, del inglés Broadcast Channel). Cuando se considera un canal de difusión, el transmisor centralizado tiene claramente más grados de libertad que cada uno de los receptores descentralizados, por lo que es más apropiado separar las señales aplicando precodificación en transmisión. Para poder realizar el diseño de los parámetros del precodificador, el transmisor necesita conocer la información de canal (CSI, en inglés Channel State Information) correspondiente a los distintos usuarios receptores. En el caso de sistemas FDD (del inglés, Frequency Division Duplex), esta información puede obtenerse (al menos parcialmente) mediante realimentación, siempre tras haber aplicado un proceso de cuantificación de la información enviada con el objetivo de adaptarse a las condiciones de ancho de banda limitado del canal de retorno
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