3,737 research outputs found

    Feature-based time-series analysis

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    This work presents an introduction to feature-based time-series analysis. The time series as a data type is first described, along with an overview of the interdisciplinary time-series analysis literature. I then summarize the range of feature-based representations for time series that have been developed to aid interpretable insights into time-series structure. Particular emphasis is given to emerging research that facilitates wide comparison of feature-based representations that allow us to understand the properties of a time-series dataset that make it suited to a particular feature-based representation or analysis algorithm. The future of time-series analysis is likely to embrace approaches that exploit machine learning methods to partially automate human learning to aid understanding of the complex dynamical patterns in the time series we measure from the world.Comment: 28 pages, 9 figure

    A Review of Atrial Fibrillation Detection Methods as a Service

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    Atrial Fibrillation (AF) is a common heart arrhythmia that often goes undetected, and even if it is detected, managing the condition may be challenging. In this paper, we review how the RR interval and Electrocardiogram (ECG) signals, incorporated into a monitoring system, can be useful to track AF events. Were such an automated system to be implemented, it could be used to help manage AF and thereby reduce patient morbidity and mortality. The main impetus behind the idea of developing a service is that a greater data volume analyzed can lead to better patient outcomes. Based on the literature review, which we present herein, we introduce the methods that can be used to detect AF efficiently and automatically via the RR interval and ECG signals. A cardiovascular disease monitoring service that incorporates one or multiple of these detection methods could extend event observation to all times, and could therefore become useful to establish any AF occurrence. The development of an automated and efficient method that monitors AF in real time would likely become a key component for meeting public health goals regarding the reduction of fatalities caused by the disease. Yet, at present, significant technological and regulatory obstacles remain, which prevent the development of any proposed system. Establishment of the scientific foundation for monitoring is important to provide effective service to patients and healthcare professionals

    Detection of atrial fibrillation episodes in long-term heart rhythm signals using a support vector machine

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    Atrial fibrillation (AF) is a serious heart arrhythmia leading to a significant increase of the risk for occurrence of ischemic stroke. Clinically, the AF episode is recognized in an electrocardiogram. However, detection of asymptomatic AF, which requires a long-term monitoring, is more efficient when based on irregularity of beat-to-beat intervals estimated by the heart rate (HR) features. Automated classification of heartbeats into AF and non-AF by means of the Lagrangian Support Vector Machine has been proposed. The classifier input vector consisted of sixteen features, including four coefficients very sensitive to beat-to-beat heart changes, taken from the fetal heart rate analysis in perinatal medicine. Effectiveness of the proposed classifier has been verified on the MIT-BIH Atrial Fibrillation Database. Designing of the LSVM classifier using very large number of feature vectors requires extreme computational efforts. Therefore, an original approach has been proposed to determine a training set of the smallest possible size that still would guarantee a high quality of AF detection. It enables to obtain satisfactory results using only 1.39% of all heartbeats as the training data. Post-processing stage based on aggregation of classified heartbeats into AF episodes has been applied to provide more reliable information on patient risk. Results obtained during the testing phase showed the sensitivity of 98.94%, positive predictive value of 98.39%, and classification accuracy of 98.86%.Web of Science203art. no. 76

    The severity of stages estimation during hemorrhage using error correcting output codes method

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    As a beneficial component with critical impact, computer-aided decision making systems have infiltrated many fields, such as economics, medicine, architecture and agriculture. The latent capabilities for facilitating human work propel high-speed development of such systems. Effective decisions provided by such systems greatly reduce the expense of labor, energy, budget, etc. The computer-aided decision making system for traumatic injuries is one type of such systems that supplies suggestive opinions when dealing with the injuries resulted from accidents, battle, or illness. The functions may involve judging the type of illness, allocating the wounded according to battle injuries, deciding the severity of symptoms for illness or injuries, managing the resources in the context of traumatic events, etc. The proposed computer-aided decision making system aims at estimating the severity of blood volume loss. Specifically speaking, accompanying many traumatic injuries, severe hemorrhage, a potentially life-threatening condition that requires immediate treatment, is a significant loss of blood volume in process resulting in decreased blood and oxygen perfusion of vital organs. Hemorrhage and blood loss can occur in different levels such as mild, moderate, or severe. Our proposed system will assist physicians by estimating information such as the severity of blood volume loss and hemorrhage , so that timely measures can be taken to not only save lives but also reduce the long-term complications as well as the cost caused by unmatched operations and treatments. The general framework of the proposed research contains three tasks and many novel and transformative concepts are integrated into the system. First is the preprocessing of the raw signals. In this stage, adaptive filtering is adopted and customized to filter noise, and two detection algorithms (QRS complex detection and Systolic/Diastolic wave detection) are designed. The second process is to extract features. The proposed system combines features from time domain, frequency domain, nonlinear analysis, and multi-model analysis to better represent the patterns when hemorrhage happens. Third, a machine learning algorithm is designed for classification of patterns. A novel machine learning algorithm, as a new version of error correcting output code (ECOC), is designed and investigated for high accuracy and real-time decision making. The features and characteristics of this machine learning method are essential for the proposed computer-aided trauma decision making system. The proposed system is tested agasint Lower Body Negative Pressure (LBNP) dataset, and the results indicate the accuracy and reliability of the proposed system