7 research outputs found


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    Universities face increasing numbers of students leading to increasingly large lectures, and decreasing interaction and collaboration, which are important factors for learning success and satisfaction. The use of IT can help overcoming this challenge by increasing the interaction in large-scale lectures without massively increasing the workload of lecturers. In this research-in-progress paper, we present the design and pre-test of a mobile-learning application aiming to increase the interaction in large-scale lectures and the learning success of learners. For designing our application, we follow a design science research approach. We rely on insights from interaction theory as well as requirements gathered from lecturers and students in a focus group workshop. A pre-test of our application showed high valus for Perceived Usefulness, User Satisfaction, and Perceived Presentation Quality for the overall application and moreover high valus for Performance Expectancy and Intention to Use of all but one functions. The results show that the application is ready for being used in large-scale lectures. As a next step, the application will be used in one of our large-scale lectures aiming to evaluate whether using our application has a positive impact on interaction, satisfaction and learning success

    Context-Aware Mobile Augmented Reality Visualization in Construction Engineering Education

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    Recent studies suggest that the number of students pursuing science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) degrees has been generally decreasing. An extensive body of research cites the lack of motivation and engagement in the learning process as a major underlying reason of this decline. It has been discussed that if properly implemented, instructional technology can enhance student engagement and the quality of learning. Therefore, the main goal of this research is to implement and assess effectiveness of augmented reality (AR)-based pedagogical tools on student learning. For this purpose, two sets of experiments were designed and implemented in two different construction and civil engineering undergraduate level courses at the University of Central Florida (UCF). The first experiment was designed to systematically assess the effectiveness of a context-aware mobile AR tool (CAM-ART) in real classroom-scale environment. This tool was used to enhance traditional lecture-based instruction and information delivery by augmenting the contents of an ordinary textbook using computer-generated three-dimensional (3D) objects and other virtual multimedia (e.g. sound, video, graphs). The experiment conducted on two separate control and test groups and pre- and post- performance data as well as student perception of using CAM-ART was collected through several feedback questionnaires. In the second experiment, a building design and assembly task competition was designed and conducted using a mobile AR platform. The pedagogical value of mobile AR-based instruction and information delivery to student learning in a large-scale classroom setting was also assessed and investigated. Similar to the first experiment, students in this experiment were divided into two control and test groups. Students\u27 performance data as well as their feedback, suggestions, and workload were systematically collected and analyzed. Data analysis showed that the mobile AR framework had a measurable and positive impact on students\u27 learning. In particular, it was found that students in the test group (who used the AR tool) performed slightly better with respect to certain measures and spent more time on collaboration, communication, and exchanging ideas in both experiments. Overall, students ranked the effectiveness of the AR tool very high and stated that it has a good potential to reform traditional teaching methods

    Käyttäjäyhteisöt ja tuotekonseptit – Tutkimuksia ihmiskeskeisestä teknologiasta ja visuaalisuudesta

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    KÄYTTÄJÄYHTEISÖT JA TUOTEKONSEPTIT on monitieteinen avaus ajankohtaiseen ihmiskeskeisen teknologian tutkimukseen. Teos koostuu yhdestätoista artikkelista, jotka ristivalottavat uuden teknologian, yhteisöllisyyden ja visuaalisuuden välistä ongelmakenttää. Kirjoittajat kysyvät, toimiiko uusi teknologia uudenlaisten yhteisöjen perustana vai toisinpäin. Millaisia palveluita ja sovellutuksia nykyiset ja tulevat teknologian käyttäjäyhteisöt tarvitsevat ja kaipaavat? Mikä on käyttäjäyhteisöjen rooli uuden teknologian tuottamisessa ja muokkaamisessa? Miten tavalliset käyttäjät ja heidän kokemustietonsa olisi mahdollista integroida nykyistä paremmin tekniikan ja sen sovellutusten suunnittelutyöhön? Antologiassa pohditaan myös mainonnan yhteisöllisiä ulottuvuuksia ja tämän yhteisöllisyyden nopeasti muuttuvaa luonnetta tietotekniikan aikakaudella. Teoksen kirjoittajat ovat Porin monitieteisen yliopistokeskuksen tutkijoita, professoreita ja opiskelijoita, jotka ovat työskennelleet yhdessä vuosina 2005–2007 Tekesin ja yritysten rahoittamassa tutkimushankkeessa. Kuten käsillä olevasta teoksesta käy ilmi, hanke on synnyttänyt uudenlaista poikkitieteellistä keskustelua humanistien, tekniikan tutkijoiden ja taideteollisen alan tutkijoiden kesken.Siirretty Doriast

    Design and evaluation of mobile games to support active and reflective learning outdoors

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    This thesis explores the use of situated, location-based mobile games for supporting learning in the field, to determine how these types of activity can support learners with reference to specific curricular aims, beyond just providing highly engaging and motivating activities. A software toolkit was developed to support the design and deployment of situated mobile learning activities. This was used to design and deploy mobile learning activities for two field studies. The first study used the critical incident technique to identify specific benefits and problems arising from outdoor mobile learning. We found that whilst learners were highly engaged by an outdoor learning activity facilitated by mobile devices, they were engaged only in the surface level of the activity and did not reflect on what they were doing. The second study comprised a grounded theory analysis of learner behaviour in the context of a location-based, enquiry-led learning game designed to overcome the problems found in Study 1 and in other projects. We present an analysis of learner interactions with the environment during an enquiry-led learning activity. Compared to an equivalent paper-based activity, the game helped to coordinate the learners’ activities and unexpected results from game actions prompted learners to reflect on their actions and what they observed. The physical environment also prompted discussion and reflection, but we saw specific problems arising from learners becoming distracted by their previous experience of the environment and by the proximity of environmental features. We discuss these findings and present implications for the design of future mobile learning games

    Design and evaluation of mobile games to support active and reflective learning outdoors

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    This thesis explores the use of situated, location-based mobile games for supporting learning in the field, to determine how these types of activity can support learners with reference to specific curricular aims, beyond just providing highly engaging and motivating activities. A software toolkit was developed to support the design and deployment of situated mobile learning activities. This was used to design and deploy mobile learning activities for two field studies. The first study used the critical incident technique to identify specific benefits and problems arising from outdoor mobile learning. We found that whilst learners were highly engaged by an outdoor learning activity facilitated by mobile devices, they were engaged only in the surface level of the activity and did not reflect on what they were doing. The second study comprised a grounded theory analysis of learner behaviour in the context of a location-based, enquiry-led learning game designed to overcome the problems found in Study 1 and in other projects. We present an analysis of learner interactions with the environment during an enquiry-led learning activity. Compared to an equivalent paper-based activity, the game helped to coordinate the learners’ activities and unexpected results from game actions prompted learners to reflect on their actions and what they observed. The physical environment also prompted discussion and reflection, but we saw specific problems arising from learners becoming distracted by their previous experience of the environment and by the proximity of environmental features. We discuss these findings and present implications for the design of future mobile learning games

    Exploring the Role of Technology in Formative Assessment in an International Baccalaureate Secondary School: Perspectives of Students and Teachers

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    Although technology has been available in secondary school teaching and learning practices for some time, research suggests that teachers and students in some contexts have been slow to adopt and integrate technology in formative assessment and feedback processes. This presents a challenge to advancing pedagogy in the 21st century, since the use of technology in formative assessment and feedback by teachers during the learning process is increasingly regarded as instrumental in achieving improved outcomes for students. This study used a conceptual framework that blended affordance theory, the Technology Acceptance Model from information systems research, and constructivism as learning to explore this problem and the intersection between formative assessment and technologies to reveal students' and teachers' corresponding attitudes, perceptions, use and utilisation. A mixed methods research design comprised surveys, observations, and semi-structured interviews in a London, UK secondary school context. The study highlights changes and limitations in technological affordances and the amount of teacher and student involvement and autonomy arising from their utilisation. The study found disparities and variability in the utilisation and perception of technology-assisted formative assessment and feedback among participants and discipline groups. These disparities diminished the efficacy of the teachers in measuring student progress and evaluating teaching methods using the technology, while concurrently presenting obstacles to students gaining the support they require. Therefore, the study recommends that developers focus on subject-specialist pedagogy-based and teacher-led software, while continually updating and supporting technology systems integration with teaching and assessment. Moreover, teachers should receive discipline-appropriate technology-aided formative assessment and feedback training, and students should have a technological framework to guide them in receiving and responding to teachers’ formative assessment and feedback practices. Such a holistic application should be the next aim for more effectively integrating technology in the International Baccalaureate school education system