10 research outputs found

    Efficient tongue-computer interfacing for people with upper-limb impairments

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    Wireless intraoral tongue control of an assistive robotic arm for individuals with tetraplegia

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    Abstract Background For an individual with tetraplegia assistive robotic arms provide a potentially invaluable opportunity for rehabilitation. However, there is a lack of available control methods to allow these individuals to fully control the assistive arms. Methods Here we show that it is possible for an individual with tetraplegia to use the tongue to fully control all 14 movements of an assistive robotic arm in a three dimensional space using a wireless intraoral control system, thus allowing for numerous activities of daily living. We developed a tongue-based robotic control method incorporating a multi-sensor inductive tongue interface. One abled-bodied individual and one individual with tetraplegia performed a proof of concept study by controlling the robot with their tongue using direct actuator control and endpoint control, respectively. Results After 30 min of training, the able-bodied experimental participant tongue controlled the assistive robot to pick up a roll of tape in 80% of the attempts. Further, the individual with tetraplegia succeeded in fully tongue controlling the assistive robot to reach for and touch a roll of tape in 100% of the attempts and to pick up the roll in 50% of the attempts. Furthermore, she controlled the robot to grasp a bottle of water and pour its contents into a cup; her first functional action in 19 years. Conclusion To our knowledge, this is the first time that an individual with tetraplegia has been able to fully control an assistive robotic arm using a wireless intraoral tongue interface. The tongue interface used to control the robot is currently available for control of computers and of powered wheelchairs, and the robot employed in this study is also commercially available. Therefore, the presented results may translate into available solutions within reasonable time

    Design of a portable device: Toward assisting in tongue-strengthening exercises and dysphagia management

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    A Tongue-Machine Interaction System (TMIS) can serve as a valuable tool for tongue strengthening training which could contribute to rehabilitation of patients with dysphagia and eventually help in mending the oropharyngeal pattern of swallowing. The TMIS can also facilitate research into dysphagia, as tongue positioning and Range-of-Motion are commonly used outcome parameters in dysphagia research. Using a TMIS (for interacting with computers, a variety of communication devices and mobility support systems) would be tantamount to performing tongue muscle strengthening exercises. Such exercises can help patients with dysphagia in improving strength of the oral musculature. TMIS’s features can also provide valuable biofeedback during the tongue muscle exercises. The adoption of TMIS’s in clinical practice has been limited in the past since many of them require patients to have a palatal plate or some component of interactivity mounted in the mouth and/or on the tongue. This paper reports the design and implementation of a portable, low-cost, minimally invasive and, easy to learn TMIS which can be utilized for training and strengthening of tongue musculature. The selection and incorporation of design features important to the target patient demography are also discussed

    Tongue Control of Upper-Limb Exoskeletons For Individuals With Tetraplegia

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    Evaluaciones utilizadas en investigaciones de tecnología de asistencia : Estado de arte.

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    El propósito del trabajo de grado ¿Estado de arte: Evaluaciones utilizadas en las investigaciones de tecnología de asistencia¿ fue identificar, analizar e interpretar los artículos en tecnología de asistencia, en relación con las evaluaciones, al no encontrarse una recopilación que diera cuenta de los contenidos y tendencias en el tema de investigación, para guiar a los profesionales de diferentes disciplinas en el proceso de prestación de servicios en tecnología de asistencia. Se propuso un estudio cualitativo, de tipo exploratorio, con diseño de investigación documental a 12 meses, llevado cabo en 8 bases de datos disponibles de la Universidad del Valle: EBSCO, DOAJ, SCIENCE, Springer Link, IEEE, Wiley Journals, Pubmed, ISI web of Science. Para lo anterior se elaboró un marco teórico dando referencia a conceptos del tema de investigación: discapacidad, tecnología de asistencia (TA), Modelo de la Actividad Humana: Tecnología de Asistencia (HAAT), Modelo Persona- Tecnología (MPT), Clasificación Internacional del Funcionamiento de la Discapacidad y la Salud (CIF), Modelo de Evaluación de la Prestación de Servicios en Tecnología de Asistencia (ATA), Prestación de servicios en Tecnología de Asistencia, evaluaciones, entre otros. Se evidenciaron tendencias en materia de investigación, determinando necesidades futuras que consolidan un marco de conocimientos sobre el tema, con el análisis de 134 artículos, la mayoría obtenidos de la base de datos EBSCO, publicados en 97 revistas, comprendidas en 50 áreas de conocimiento, en 27 países. A partir de estos artículos se recopilaron 274 evaluaciones utilizadas en las investigaciones en tecnología de asistencia

    Makine öğrenmesi algoritmaları kullanılarak glossokinetik potansiyel tabanlı dil - makine arayüzü tasarımı

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    06.03.2018 tarihli ve 30352 sayılı Resmi Gazetede yayımlanan “Yükseköğretim Kanunu İle Bazı Kanun Ve Kanun Hükmünde Kararnamelerde Değişiklik Yapılması Hakkında Kanun” ile 18.06.2018 tarihli “Lisansüstü Tezlerin Elektronik Ortamda Toplanması, Düzenlenmesi ve Erişime Açılmasına İlişkin Yönerge” gereğince tam metin erişime açılmıştır.Yardımcı teknolojiler, ağır engelli bireylerin diğer aygıtlara veya bireylere niyetlerini iletmelerini sağlayabilir. Bu teknolojiler, bireylerin sürekli yardım alma ihtiyacını kolaylaştırarak, aile üyelerinin yükünü ve sağlık maliyetlerini azaltacaktır. Omurilik yaralanmalarında veya amiyotrofik lateral sklerozda, engelli insanlar dış dünyayla sınırlı derecede iletişim kurabilirler. Bu tez çalışmasında, makine öğrenmesi algoritmalarını uygulayarak 1-boyutlu hareketler içeren yardımcı teknolojileri kontrol etmek için glossokinetik potansiyel (GKP) tabanlı dil-makine arayüzü geliştirilmiştir. GKP sinyalleri, dil hareket bilgilerini içeren elektrik sinyalleridir. Tez çalışmasında GKP sinyalleri, deneysel düzenler içinde dil ucunun yanak duvarlarıyla teması sırasında kafa derisine yerleştirilen elektrotlarla ölçülmüştür. İnsan vücudunun en esnek organlarından biri olan dil, yardımcı teknolojiler alanında çalışan araştırmacılar tarafından ileri motor kontrol görevlerine aday olarak kabul edilmiştir. Dil, omurilik yaralanmaları ve çoğu sinir-kas bozukluklarında bile genellikle ağır hasarlardan kaçabilir ve beyine hipoglosal kraniel sinir yoluyla bağlanır. Bu nedenle, yüksek düzeyde omurilik yaralanması olan felçli kişiler bile, dil kontrol yeteneklerini korurlar. Bununla beraber dil, çok fazla çaba gerektirmeden ağız boşluğu içinde hızlı ve doğru bir şekilde hareket edebilir. Dahası, bu yetenekli organ, ağız boşluğu içinde olmasından dolayı engelli bireyler için mahremiyet sağlayabilir. Dil-makine arayüzlerini kullanan araştırma çalışmalarının çoğu, ağız boşluğu içinde ve baş çevresinde rahatsızlık veren, hijyenik olmayan ekipmanlara sahiptir. Ancak, bu tez çalışması, engelli insanlara yardımcı cihazları doğal, rahatsızlık vermeyen, hızlı ve güvenilir bir şekilde kontrol etmeye hizmet edebilir. Çalışmada, geleneksel makine öğrenmesi algoritmaları ve konvolüsyonel yapay sinir ağı kullanarak sırasıyla %99 ve %100'e ulaşan sınıflandırma doğrulukları elde edilmiş ve yöntemlerin karşılaştırmalı analizi yapılmıştır. Zaman alanı ve frekans alanı özellik çıkarma metotlarının yanı sıra ayrık dalgacık dönüşümü, temel bileşen analizi ve bağımsız bileşen analizi sinyal işleme teknikleri de kullanılmıştır. Ayrıca, glossokinetik potansiyel tabanlı dil-makine arayüzü, elektroensefalografi (EEG) sinyallerinden kaynaklanan önemli yetersizlikleri içeren geleneksel EEG tabanlı beyin-bilgisayar arayüzleri için alternatif veya yardımcı kontrol ve iletişim kanalı olabileceği beklenmektedir.Assistive technologies (ATs) can enable severely disabled individuals to communicate their intentions to other devices or individuals. These technologies will ease the burden on family members and health costs by facilitating the need for continuous help for individuals. In spinal cord injuries (SCIs) or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), diasabled people can communicate with the external world to a limited degree. In this thesis study, we have developed glossokinetic potential (GKP) based tongue-machine interface (TMI) to control assistive technologies for 1-D movements via implementing machine learning algorithms. GKP signals are electrical signals that consist of information on tongue movements. In the thesis study, GKP signals were measured by electrodes placed on the scalp during contact of the tongue tip and buccal walls in the experimental setups. Tongue, one of the most flexible organs of the human body, has been accepted as a candidate for advanced motor control tasks by researchers in the field of assistive technologies. The tongue is connected to the brain via the hypoglossal cranial nerve and can generally escape severe damages in SCIs and most neuromuscular disorders. Hence, high-level SCIs still maintain intact tongue control capabilities. Then the tongue is able move quickly and accurately without so much effort. Moreover, this gifted organ may provide privacy for paralytics because in the oral cavity. Most of the research using TMIs have obtrusive, unhygienic pieces of equipment in the oral cavity and around the headset. However, this dissertation may serve disabled people to control assistive technologies in natural, unobtrusive, speedy and reliable manner. In the study, traditional machine learning algorithms and convolutional neural network were used and classification accuracies of %99 and %100 were achieved respectively. And then comparative analysis of the algorithms was performed. In addition to time domain and frequency domain feature extraction methods, discrete wavelet transform, principal component analysis and independent component analysis signal processing techniques were also used. Moreover, it is expected that GKP-based TMI could be alternative or partner control and communication channel for traditional electroencephalography (EEG)-based brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) which involve significant inadequacies arisen from the EEG signals

    Tip of the Tongue Selectivity and Motor Learning in the Palatal Area

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