187 research outputs found

    Equational Reasonings in Wireless Network Gossip Protocols

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    Gossip protocols have been proposed as a robust and efficient method for disseminating information throughout large-scale networks. In this paper, we propose a compositional analysis technique to study formal probabilistic models of gossip protocols expressed in a simple probabilistic timed process calculus for wireless sensor networks. We equip the calculus with a simulation theory to compare probabilistic protocols that have similar behaviour up to a certain tolerance. The theory is used to prove a number of algebraic laws which revealed to be very effective to estimate the performances of gossip networks, with and without communication collisions, and randomised gossip networks. Our simulation theory is an asymmetric variant of the weak bisimulation metric that maintains most of the properties of the original definition. However, our asymmetric version is particularly suitable to reason on protocols in which the systems under consideration are not approximately equivalent, as in the case of gossip protocols

    Secure Routing in Wireless Mesh Networks

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    Wireless mesh networks (WMNs) have emerged as a promising concept to meet the challenges in next-generation networks such as providing flexible, adaptive, and reconfigurable architecture while offering cost-effective solutions to the service providers. Unlike traditional Wi-Fi networks, with each access point (AP) connected to the wired network, in WMNs only a subset of the APs are required to be connected to the wired network. The APs that are connected to the wired network are called the Internet gateways (IGWs), while the APs that do not have wired connections are called the mesh routers (MRs). The MRs are connected to the IGWs using multi-hop communication. The IGWs provide access to conventional clients and interconnect ad hoc, sensor, cellular, and other networks to the Internet. However, most of the existing routing protocols for WMNs are extensions of protocols originally designed for mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) and thus they perform sub-optimally. Moreover, most routing protocols for WMNs are designed without security issues in mind, where the nodes are all assumed to be honest. In practical deployment scenarios, this assumption does not hold. This chapter provides a comprehensive overview of security issues in WMNs and then particularly focuses on secure routing in these networks. First, it identifies security vulnerabilities in the medium access control (MAC) and the network layers. Various possibilities of compromising data confidentiality, data integrity, replay attacks and offline cryptanalysis are also discussed. Then various types of attacks in the MAC and the network layers are discussed. After enumerating the various types of attacks on the MAC and the network layer, the chapter briefly discusses on some of the preventive mechanisms for these attacks.Comment: 44 pages, 17 figures, 5 table

    Advanced security aspects on Industrial Control Network.

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    Security threats are one of the main problems of this computer-based era. All systems making use of information and communication technologies (ICT) are prone to failures and vulnerabilities that can be exploited by malicious software and agents. In the latest years, Industrial Critical Installations started to use massively network interconnections as well, and what it is worst they came in contact with the public network, i.e. with Internet. Industrial networks are responsible for process and manufacturing operations of almost every scale, and as a result the successful penetration of a control system network can be used to directly impact those processes. Consequences could potentially range from relatively benign disruptions, such as the disruption of the operation (taking a facility offline), the alteration of an operational process (changing the formula of a chemical process), all the way to deliberate acts of sabotage that are intended to cause harm. The interconnectivity of Industrial Control Systems with corporate networks and the Internet has significantly increased the threats to critical infrastructure assets. Meanwhile, traditional IT security solutions such as firewalls, intrusion detection systems and antivirus software are relatively ineffective against attacks that specifically target vulnerabilities in SCADA protocols. This presents presents an innovative approach to Intrusion Detection in SCADA systems based on the concept of Critical State Analysis and State Proximity. The theoretical framework is supported by tests conducted with an Intrusion Detection System prototype implementing the proposed detection approach

    Advanced security aspects on Industrial Control Network.

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    Security threats are one of the main problems of this computer-based era. All systems making use of information and communication technologies (ICT) are prone to failures and vulnerabilities that can be exploited by malicious software and agents. In the latest years, Industrial Critical Installations started to use massively network interconnections as well, and what it is worst they came in contact with the public network, i.e. with Internet. Industrial networks are responsible for process and manufacturing operations of almost every scale, and as a result the successful penetration of a control system network can be used to directly impact those processes. Consequences could potentially range from relatively benign disruptions, such as the disruption of the operation (taking a facility offline), the alteration of an operational process (changing the formula of a chemical process), all the way to deliberate acts of sabotage that are intended to cause harm. The interconnectivity of Industrial Control Systems with corporate networks and the Internet has significantly increased the threats to critical infrastructure assets. Meanwhile, traditional IT security solutions such as firewalls, intrusion detection systems and antivirus software are relatively ineffective against attacks that specifically target vulnerabilities in SCADA protocols. This presents presents an innovative approach to Intrusion Detection in SCADA systems based on the concept of Critical State Analysis and State Proximity. The theoretical framework is supported by tests conducted with an Intrusion Detection System prototype implementing the proposed detection approach

    Advanced security aspects on Industrial Control Network.

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    Security threats are one of the main problems of this computer-based era. All systems making use of information and communication technologies (ICT) are prone to failures and vulnerabilities that can be exploited by malicious software and agents. In the latest years, Industrial Critical Installations started to use massively network interconnections as well, and what it is worst they came in contact with the public network, i.e. with Internet. Industrial networks are responsible for process and manufacturing operations of almost every scale, and as a result the successful penetration of a control system network can be used to directly impact those processes. Consequences could potentially range from relatively benign disruptions, such as the disruption of the operation (taking a facility offline), the alteration of an operational process (changing the formula of a chemical process), all the way to deliberate acts of sabotage that are intended to cause harm. The interconnectivity of Industrial Control Systems with corporate networks and the Internet has significantly increased the threats to critical infrastructure assets. Meanwhile, traditional IT security solutions such as firewalls, intrusion detection systems and antivirus software are relatively ineffective against attacks that specifically target vulnerabilities in SCADA protocols. This presents presents an innovative approach to Intrusion Detection in SCADA systems based on the concept of Critical State Analysis and State Proximity. The theoretical framework is supported by tests conducted with an Intrusion Detection System prototype implementing the proposed detection approach

    Networking And Security Solutions For Vanet Initial Deployment Stage

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    Vehicular ad hoc network (VANET) is a special case of mobile networks, where vehicles equipped with computing/communicating devices (called smart vehicles ) are the mobile wireless nodes. However, the movement pattern of these mobile wireless nodes is no more random, as in case of mobile networks, rather it is restricted to roads and streets. Vehicular networks have hybrid architecture; it is a combination of both infrastructure and infrastructure-less architectures. The direct vehicle to vehicle (V2V) communication is infrastructure-less or ad hoc in nature. Here the vehicles traveling within communication range of each other form an ad hoc network. On the other hand, the vehicle to infrastructure (V2I) communication has infrastructure architecture where vehicles connect to access points deployed along roads. These access points are known as road side units (RSUs) and vehicles communicate with other vehicles/wired nodes through these RSUs. To provide various services to vehicles, RSUs are generally connected to each other and to the Internet. The direct RSU to RSU communication is also referred as I2I communication. The success of VANET depends on the existence of pervasive roadside infrastructure and sufficient number of smart vehicles. Most VANET applications and services are based on either one or both of these requirements. A fully matured VANET will have pervasive roadside network and enough vehicle density to enable VANET applications. However, the initial deployment stage of VANET will be characterized by the lack of pervasive roadside infrastructure and low market penetration of smart vehicles. It will be economically infeasible to initially install a pervasive and fully networked iv roadside infrastructure, which could result in the failure of applications and services that depend on V2I or I2I communications. Further, low market penetration means there are insufficient number of smart vehicles to enable V2V communication, which could result in failure of services and applications that depend on V2V communications. Non-availability of pervasive connectivity to certification authorities and dynamic locations of each vehicle will make it difficult and expensive to implement security solutions that are based on some central certificate management authority. Nonavailability of pervasive connectivity will also affect the backend connectivity of vehicles to the Internet or the rest of the world. Due to economic considerations, the installation of roadside infrastructure will take a long time and will be incremental thus resulting in a heterogeneous infrastructure with non-consistent capabilities. Similarly, smart vehicles will also have varying degree of capabilities. This will result in failure of applications and services that have very strict requirements on V2I or V2V communications. We have proposed several solutions to overcome the challenges described above that will be faced during the initial deployment stage of VANET. Specifically, we have proposed: A VANET architecture that can provide services with limited number of heterogeneous roadside units and smart vehicles with varying capabilities. A backend connectivity solution that provides connectivity between the Internet and smart vehicles without requiring pervasive roadside infrastructure or large number of smart vehicles. A security architecture that does not depend on pervasive roadside infrastructure or a fully connected V2V network and fulfills all the security requirements. v Optimization solutions for placement of a limited number of RSUs within a given area to provide best possible service to smart vehicles. The optimal placement solutions cover both urban areas and highways environment

    Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks

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    Being infrastructure-less and without central administration control, wireless ad-hoc networking is playing a more and more important role in extending the coverage of traditional wireless infrastructure (cellular networks, wireless LAN, etc). This book includes state-of the-art techniques and solutions for wireless ad-hoc networks. It focuses on the following topics in ad-hoc networks: vehicular ad-hoc networks, security and caching, TCP in ad-hoc networks and emerging applications. It is targeted to provide network engineers and researchers with design guidelines for large scale wireless ad hoc networks

    Supporting distributed computation over wide area gigabit networks

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    The advent of high bandwidth fibre optic links that may be used over very large distances has lead to much research and development in the field of wide area gigabit networking. One problem that needs to be addressed is how loosely coupled distributed systems may be built over these links, allowing many computers worldwide to take part in complex calculations in order to solve "Grand Challenge" problems. The research conducted as part of this PhD has looked at the practicality of implementing a communication mechanism proposed by Craig Partridge called Late-binding Remote Procedure Calls (LbRPC). LbRPC is intended to export both code and data over the network to remote machines for evaluation, as opposed to traditional RPC mechanisms that only send parameters to pre-existing remote procedures. The ability to send code as well as data means that LbRPC requests can overcome one of the biggest problems in Wide Area Distributed Computer Systems (WADCS): the fixed latency due to the speed of light. As machines get faster, the fixed multi-millisecond round trip delay equates to ever increasing numbers of CPU cycles. For a WADCS to be efficient, programs should minimise the number of network transits they incur. By allowing the application programmer to export arbitrary code to the remote machine, this may be achieved. This research has looked at the feasibility of supporting secure exportation of arbitrary code and data in heterogeneous, loosely coupled, distributed computing environments. It has investigated techniques for making placement decisions for the code in cases where there are a large number of widely dispersed remote servers that could be used. The latter has resulted in the development of a novel prototype LbRPC using multicast IP for implicit placement and a sequenced, multi-packet saturation multicast transport protocol. These prototypes show that it is possible to export code and data to multiple remote hosts, thereby removing the need to perform complex and error prone explicit process placement decisions
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