61 research outputs found

    Timed circuit verification using TEL structures

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    Journal ArticleAbstract-Recent design examples have shown that significant performance gains are realized when circuit designers are allowed to make aggressive timing assumptions. Circuit correctness in these aggressive styles is highly timing dependent and, in industry, they are typically designed by hand. In order to automate the process of designing and verifying timed circuits, algorithms for their synthesis and verification are necessary. This paper presents timed event/level (TEL) structures, a specification formalism for timed circuits that corresponds directly to gate-level circuits. It also presents an algorithm based on partially ordered sets to make the state-space exploration o f TEL structures more tractable. The combination of the new specification method and algorithm significantly improves efficiency for gate-level timing verification. Results on a number of circuits, including many from the recently published gigahertz unit Test Site (guTS) processor from IBM indicate that modules of significant size can be verified using a level of abstraction that preserves the interesting timing properties of the circuit. Accurate circuit level verification allows the designer to include less margin in the design, which can lead to increased performance

    Timed circuit synthesis using implicit methods

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    Journal ArticleThe design and synthesis of asynchronous circuits is gaining importance in both the industrial and academic worlds. Timed circuits are a class of asynchronous circuits that incorporate explicit timing information in the specification. This information is used throughout the synthesis procedure to optimize the design. In order to synthesize a timed circuit, it is necessary to exp lore the timed state space of the specification. The memory required to store the timed state space of a complex specification can be prohibitive for large designs when explicit representation methods are used. This paper describes the application of BDDs and MTBDDs to the representation of timed state spaces and the synthesis of timed circuits. These implicit techniques significantly improve the memory efficiency of timed state space exploration and allow more complex designs to be synthesized. Implicit methods also allow the derivation of solution spaces containing all valid solutions to the synthesis problem facilitating subsequent optimization and technology mapping steps

    Verification of delayed-reset domino circuits using ATACS

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    Journal ArticleThis paper discusses the application of the timing analysis tool ATACS to the high performance, self-resetting and delayed-reset domino circuits being designed at IBM's Austin Research Laboratory. The tool, which was originally developed to deal with asynchronous circuits, is well suited to the self-resetting style since internally, a block of selfresetting or delayed-reset domino logic is asynchronous. The circuits are represented using timed event/level structures. These structures correspond very directly to gate level circuits, making the translation from a transistor schematic to a TEL structure straightforward. The statespace explosion problem is mitigated using an algorithm based on partially ordered sets (POSETs). Results on a number of circuits from the recently published guTS (gigahertz unit Test Site) processor from IBM indicate that modules of significant size can be verified with ATACS using a level of abstraction that preserves the interesting timing properties of the circuit. Accurate circuit level verification allows the designer to include less margin in the design, which can lead to increased performance

    Timed circuits: a new paradigm for high-speed design

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    Journal ArticleAbstract| In order to continue to produce circuits of increasing speeds, designers must consider aggressive circuit design styles such as self-resetting or delayed-reset domino circuits used in IBM's gigahertz processor (GUTS) and asynchronous circuits used in Intel's RAPPID instruction length decoder. These new timed circuit styles, however, cannot be efficiently and accurately analyzed using traditional static timing analysis methods. This lack of efficient analysis tools is one of the reasons for the lack of mainstream acceptance of these design styles. This paper discusses several industrial timed circuits and gives an overview of our timed circuit design methodology

    Automatic abstraction for synthesis and verification of deterministic timed systems

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    Journal ArticleThis paper presents a new approach for synthesis and verification of asynchronous circuits by using abstraction. It attacks the state explosion problem by avoiding the generation of a flat state space for the whole design. Instead, it breaks the design into sub-blocks and conducts synthesis and verification on each of them. Using this approach, the speed of synthesis and verification improves dramatically. This paper introduces how abstraction is applied to times Petri-nets to speed up synthesis and verification

    Verification of timed circuits with failure-directed abstractions

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    Journal ArticleAbstract-This paper presents a method to address state explosion in timed-circuit verification by using abstraction directed by the failure model. This method allows us to decompose the verification problem into a set of subproblems, each of which proves that a specific failure condition does not occur. To each subproblem, abstraction is applied using safe transformations to reduce the complexity of verification. The abstraction preserves all essential behaviors conservatively for the specific failure model in the concrete description. Therefore, no violations of the given failure model are missed when only the abstract description is analyzed. An algorithm is also shown to examine the abstract error trace to either find a concrete error trace or report that it is a false negative. This paper presents results using the proposed failure-directed abstractions as applied to several large timed circuit designs

    Efficient verification of hazard-freedom in gate-level timed asynchronous circuits

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    Journal ArticleAbstract-This paper presents an efficient method for verifying hazard-freedom in gate-level timed asynchronous circuits. Timed circuits are a class of asynchronous circuits that are optimized using explicit timing information. In asynchronous circuits, correct operation requires that there are no hazards in the circuit implementation. Therefore, when designing an asynchronous circuit, each internal node and output of the circuit must be verified for hazard-freedom to ensure correct operation. Current verification algorithms for timed circuits require an explicit state exploration that often results in state explosion for even modest-sized examples. The goal of this paper is to abstract the behavior of internal nodes and utilize this information to make a conservative determination of hazard-freedom for each node in the circuit. Experimental results indicate that this approach is substantially more efficient than existing timing verification tools. These results also indicate that this method scales well for large examples that could not be previously analyzed, in that it is capable of analyzing these circuits in less than a second. While this method is conservative in that some false hazards may be reported, our results indicate that their number is small

    A partial order semantics approach to the clock explosion problem of timed automata

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    AbstractWe present a new approach to the symbolic model checking of timed automata based on a partial order semantics. It relies on event zones that use vectors of event occurrences instead of clock zones that use vectors of clock values grouped in polyhedral clock constraints. We provide a description of the different congruences that arise when we consider an independence relation in a timed framework. We introduce a new abstraction, called catchup equivalence which is defined on event zones and which can be seen as an implementation of one of the (more abstract) previous congruences. This formal language approach helps clarifying what the issues are and which properties abstractions should have. The catchup equivalence yields an algorithm to check emptiness which has the same complexity bound in the worst case as the algorithm to test emptiness in the classical semantics of timed automata. Our approach works for the class of timed automata proposed by Alur–Dill, except for state invariants (an extension including state invariants is discussed informally). First experiments show that the approach is promising and may yield very significant improvements

    Level oriented formal model for asynchronous circuit verification and its efficient analysis method

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    Journal ArticleUsing a level-oriented model for verification of asynchronous circuits helps users to easily construct formal models with high readability or to naturally model datapath circuits. On the other hand, in order to use such a model on large circuits, techniques to avoid the state explosion problem must be developed. This paper first introduces a level-oriented formal model based on time Petri nets, and then proposes its partial order reduction algorithm that prunes unnecessary state generation while guaranteeing the correctness of the verification

    Abstractions and Static Analysis for Verifying Reactive Systems

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    Fokkink, W.J. [Promotor]Sidorova, N. [Copromotor
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