15 research outputs found

    A Predictor-Informed Multi-Subject Bayesian Approach for Dynamic Functional Connectivity

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    Time Varying Functional Connectivity (TVFC) investigates how the interactions among brain regions vary over the course of an fMRI experiment. The transitions between different individual connectivity states can be modulated by changes in underlying physiological mechanisms that drive functional network dynamics, e.g., changes in attention or cognitive effort as measured by pupil dilation. In this paper, we develop a multi-subject Bayesian framework for estimating dynamic functional networks as a function of time-varying exogenous physiological covariates that are simultaneously recorded in each subject during the fMRI experiment. More specifically, we consider a dynamic Gaussian graphical model approach, where a non-homogeneous hidden Markov model is employed to classify the fMRI time series into latent neurological states, borrowing strength over the entire time course of the experiment. The state-transition probabilities are assumed to vary over time and across subjects, as a function of the underlying covariates, allowing for the estimation of recurrent connectivity patterns and the sharing of networks among the subjects. Our modeling approach further assumes sparsity in the network structures, via shrinkage priors. We achieve edge selection in the estimated graph structures, by introducing a multi-comparison procedure for shrinkage-based inferences with Bayesian false discovery rate control. We apply our modeling framework on a resting-state experiment where fMRI data have been collected concurrently with pupillometry measurements, leading us to assess the heterogeneity of the effects of changes in pupil dilation, previously linked to changes in norepinephrine-containing locus coeruleus, on the subjects' propensity to change connectivity states

    Brain Connectivity and Information-Flow Breakdown Revealed by a Minimum Spanning Tree-Based Analysis of MRI Data in Behavioral Variant Frontotemporal Dementia

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    Brain functional disruption and cognitive shortfalls as consequences of neurodegeneration are among the most investigated aspects in current clinical research. Traditionally, specific anatomical and behavioral traits have been associated with neurodegeneration, thus directly translatable in clinical terms. However, these qualitative traits, do not account for the extensive information flow breakdown within the functional brain network that deeply affect cognitive skills. Behavioural variant Frontotemporal Dementia (bvFTD) is a neurodegenerative disorder characterized by behavioral and executive functions disturbances. Deviations from the physiological cognitive functioning can be accurately inferred and modeled from functional connectivity alterations. Although the need for unbiased metrics is still an open issue in imaging studies, the graph-theory approach applied to neuroimaging techniques is becoming popular in the study of brain dysfunction. In this work, we assessed the global connectivity and topological alterations among brain regions in bvFTD patients using a minimum spanning tree (MST) based analysis of resting state functional MRI (rs-fMRI) data. Whilst several graph theoretical methods require arbitrary criteria (including the choice of network construction thresholds and weight normalization methods), MST is an unambiguous modeling solution, ensuring accuracy, robustness, and reproducibility. MST networks of 116 regions of interest (ROIs) were built on wavelet correlation matrices, extracted from 41 bvFTD patients and 39 healthy controls (HC). We observed a global fragmentation of the functional network backbone with severe disruption of information-flow highways. Frontotemporal areas were less compact, more isolated, and concentrated in less integrated structures, respect to healthy subjects. Our results reflected such complex breakdown of the frontal and temporal areas at both intra-regional and long-range connections. Our findings highlighted that MST, in conjunction with rs-fMRI data, was an effective method for quantifying and detecting functional brain network impairments, leading to characteristic bvFTD cognitive, social, and executive functions disorders

    Graph theory applied to neuroimaging data reveals key functional connectivity alterations in brain of behavioral variant Frontotemporal Dementia subjects

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    Brain functional architecture and anatomical structure have been intensively studied to generate efficient models of its complex mechanisms. Functional alterations and cognitive impairments are the most investigated aspects in the recent clinical research as distinctive traits of neurodegeneration. Although specific behaviours are clearly associated to neurodegeneration, information flow breakdown within the brain functional network, responsible to deeply affect cognitive skills, remains not completely understood. Behavioural variant Frontotemporal Dementia (bvFTD) is the most common type of Frontotemporal degeneration, marked by behavioural disturbances, social instabilities and impairment of executive functions. Mathematical modelling offers effective tools to inspect deviations from physiological cognitive functions and connectivity alterations. As a popular recent methodology, graph theoretical approaches applied to imaging data expanded our knowledge of neurodegenerative disorders, although the need for unbiased metrics is still an open issue. In this thesis, we propose an integrated analysis of functional features among brain areas in bvFTD patients, to assess global connectivity and topological network alterations respect to the healthy condition, using a minimum spanning tree (MST) based-model to resting state functional MRI (rs-fMRI) data. Contrary to several graph theoretical approaches, dependent to arbitrary criteria (e.g., correlation thresholds, network density or a priori distribution), MST represents an unambiguous modelling solution, ensuring full reproducibility and robustness in different conditions. Our MSTs were obtained from wavelet correlation matrices derived from mean time series intensities, extracted from 116 regions of interest (ROIs) of 41 bvFTD patients and 39 healthy controls (HC), which underwent rs-fMRI. The resulting graphs were tested for global connectivity and topological differences between the two groups, by applying a Wilcoxon rank sum test with a significance level at 0.05 (nonparametric median difference estimates with 95% confidence interval). The same test was applied for methodological comparison between MST and other common graph theory methods. After methodological comparisons, our MST model achieved the best bvFTD/HC separation performances, without a priori assumptions. Direct MST comparison between bvFTD and healty controls revealed key brain functional architecture differences. Diseased subjects showed a linear-shape network configuration tendency, with high distance between nodes, low centrality parameter values, and a low exchange information capacity (i.e., low network integration) in MST parameters. Moreover, edge-level and node-level features (i.e., superhighways, and node degree and betweenness centrality) indicated a more complex scenario, showing some of the key bvFTD dysfunctions observed in large scale resting-state functional networks (default-mode (DMN), salience (SN), and executive (EN) networks), suggesting an underlying involvement of the limbic system in the observed functional deterioration. Functional isolation has been observed as a generalized process affecting the entire bvFTD network, showing brain macro-regions isolation, with homogeneous functional distribution of brain areas, longer distances between hubs, and longer within-lobe superhighways. Conversely, the HC network showed marked functional integration, where superhighways serve as shortcuts to connect areas from different brain macro-regions. The combination of this theoretical model with rs-fMRI data constitutes an effective method to generate a clear picture of the functional divergence between bvFTD and HCs, providing possible insights on the effects of frontotemporal neurodegeneration and compensatory mechanisms underlying characteristic bvFTD cognitive, social, and executive impairments

    The dynamic functional connectome: State-of-the-art and perspectives

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    Resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) has highlighted the rich structure of brain activity in absence of a task or stimulus. A great effort has been dedicated in the last two decades to investigate functional connectivity (FC), i.e. the functional interplay between different regions of the brain, which was for a long time assumed to have stationary nature. Only recently was the dynamic behaviour of FC revealed, showing that on top of correlational patterns of spontaneous fMRI signal fluctuations, connectivity between different brain regions exhibits meaningful variations within a typical resting-state fMRI experiment. As a consequence, a considerable amount of work has been directed to assessing and characterising dynamic FC (dFC), and several different approaches were explored to identify relevant FC fluctuations. At the same time, several questions were raised about the nature of dFC, which would be of interest only if brought back to a neural origin. In support of this, correlations with electroencephalography (EEG) recordings, demographic and behavioural data were established, and various clinical applications were explored, where the potential of dFC could be preliminarily demonstrated. In this review, we aim to provide a comprehensive description of the dFC approaches proposed so far, and point at the directions that we see as most promising for the future developments of the field. Advantages and pitfalls of dFC analyses are addressed, helping the readers to orient themselves through the complex web of available methodologies and tools

    Brain networks in time : deriving and quantifying dynamic functional connectivity

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    Studying the brain’s structure and function as a network has provided insight about the brain’s activity in health and disease. Networks in the brain are often averaged over trials, frequency and time and this is called functional connectivity. This thesis aims to extend the analyses beyond these assumptions and simplifiations. Connectivity that varies over time has been called dynamic functional connectivity. This thesis considers diffrent ways to derive a dynamic functional connectivity representation of the brain and subsequently quantify this using temporal network theory. Paper I: discusses diffrent interpretations about what can be considered “interesting” or “high” dynamic functional connectivity. The choices made here can prioritize diffrent edges. Paper II: discusses how the stability of the variance of dynamic connectivity time series can be achieved. This is an important preprocessing step in dynamic functional connectivity as it can bias the subsequent analysis if done incorrectly. Paper III: quantifis the degree of burstiness, the distribution of temporal connections, between diffrent edges in fMRI data. Paper IV: provides an introduction and application of metrics from temporal network theory onto fMRI activity. Paper V: multi-layer network analysis of resting state networks over diffrent frequencies of the BOLD response. This work shows that a full analysis of the network structure of the brain in fMRI may require considering networks over frequency. Paper VI: Investigates whether the functional connectivity at time of trauma for patient with traumatic brain injury (TBI) correlates with features related to long term cognitive outcome. Paper VII: is a mass meta-analysis using Neurosynth to cluster diffrent brain networks from diffrent tasks into a hierarchical network structure. This provides the start of a data driven hierarchical network atlas for diffrent tasks. Paper VIII: is a conceptual overview of the diffrent assumptions made in many popular methods to compute dynamic functional connectivity. Paper IX: aims to evaluate diffrent dynamic functional connectivity methods based on several simulations designed to track a signal covariance that flctuates over time

    Time-dependence of graph theory metrics in functional connectivity analysis

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    Brain graphs provide a useful way to computationally model the network structure of the connectome, and this has led to increasing interest in the use ofᅠgraph theoryᅠto quantitate and investigate the topological characteristics of the healthy brain and brain disorders on the network level. The majority of graph theory investigations of functional connectivity have relied on the assumption of temporal stationarity. However, recent evidence increasingly suggests that functional connectivity fluctuates over the length of the scan. In this study, we investigate the stationarity of brain network topology using a Bayesianᅠhidden Markov modelᅠ(HMM) approach that estimates the dynamic structure of graph theoretical measures of whole-brain functional connectivity. In addition to extracting the stationary distribution and transition probabilities of commonly employed graph theory measures, we propose two estimators of temporal stationarity: theᅠS-index andᅠN-index. These indexes can be used to quantify different aspects of the temporal stationarity of graph theory measures. We apply the method and proposed estimators to resting-stateᅠfunctional MRIᅠdata from healthy controls and patients withᅠtemporal lobe epilepsy. Our analysis shows that several graph theory measures, including small-world index, global integration measures, and betweenness centrality, may exhibit greater stationarity over time and therefore be more robust. Additionally, we demonstrate that accounting for subject-level differences in the level of temporal stationarity of network topology may increase discriminatory power in discriminating between disease states. Our results confirm and extend findings from other studies regarding the dynamic nature of functional connectivity, and suggest that using statistical models which explicitly account for the dynamic nature of functional connectivity in graph theory analyses may improve the sensitivity of investigations and consistency across investigations