3,879 research outputs found

    Dynamic conversion of solar generated heat to electricity

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    The effort undertaken during this program led to the selection of the water-superheated steam (850 psig/900 F) crescent central receiver as the preferred concept from among 11 candidate systems across the technological spectrum of the dynamic conversion of solar generated heat to electricity. The solar power plant designs were investigated in the range of plant capacities from 100 to 1000 Mw(e). The investigations considered the impacts of plant size, collector design, feed-water temperature ratio, heat rejection equipment, ground cover, and location on solar power technical and economic feasibility. For the distributed receiver systems, the optimization studies showed that plant capacities less than 100 Mw(e) may be best. Although the size of central receiver concepts was not parametrically investigated, all indications are that the optimal plant capacity for central receiver systems will be in the range from 50 to 200 Mw(e). Solar thermal power plant site selection criteria and methodology were also established and used to evaluate potentially suitable sites. The result of this effort was to identify a site south of Inyokern, California, as typically suitable for a solar thermal power plant. The criteria used in the selection process included insolation and climatological characteristics, topography, and seismic history as well as water availability

    Survey of EPA facilities for solar thermal energy applications

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    A study was done to assess the feasibility of applying solar thermal energy systems to EPA facilities. A survey was conducted to determine those EPA facilities where solar energy could best be used. These systems were optimized for each specific application and the system/facility combinations were ranked on the basis of greatest cost effectiveness

    Solar heating in Greenland:Resource assessment and potential

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    Intelligent energy buildings based on RES and Nanotechnology

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    The paper presents the design features, the energy modelling and optical performance details of two pilot Intelligent Energy Buildings, (IEB). Both are evolution of the Zero Energy Building (ZEB) concept. RES innovations backed up by signal processing, simulation models and ICT tools were embedded into the building structures in order to implement a new predictive energy management concept. In addition, nano-coatings, produced by TiO2 and ITO nano-particles, were deposited on the IEB structural elements and especially on the window panes and the PV glass covers. They exhibited promising SSP values which lowered the cooling loads and increased the PV modules yield. Both pilot IEB units were equipped with an on-line dynamic hourly solar radiation prediction model, implemented by sensors and the related software to manage effectively the energy source, the loads and the storage or the backup system. The IEB energy sources covered the thermal loads via a south façade embedded in the wall and a solar roof which consists of a specially designed solar collector type, while a PV generator is part of the solar roof, like a compact BIPV in hybrid configuration to a small wind turbine

    Solar energy for process heat: Design/cost studies of four industrial retrofit applications

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    Five specific California plants with potentially attractive solar applications were identified in a process heat survey. These five plants were visited, process requirements evaluated, and conceptual solar system designs were generated. Four DOE (ERDA) sponsored solar energy system demonstration projects were also reviewed and compared to the design/cost cases included in this report. In four of the five cases investigated, retrofit installations providing significant amounts of thermal energy were found to be feasible. The fifth was rejected because of the condition of the building involved, but the process (soap making) appears to be an attractive potential solar application. Costs, however, tend to be high. Several potential areas for cost reduction were identified including larger collector modules and higher duty cycles

    Characterization and energy performance of a slurry PCM-based solar thermal collector: a numerical analysis

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    Flat plate solar thermal collector is the most common technology for solar energy conversion at the building scale. This technology has been established since long time and continuous developments have been achieved as time passed by; significant improvements of flat plate solar thermal collectors are thus now limited. A novel approach to increase further the performance of this technology is based on the exploitation of the latent heat of the heat carrier fluid. In order to assess this strategy, a previously developed numerical model of flat plate solar thermal collector with slurry PCM as heat carrier is herewith used to simulate the technology. The characterization and energy performance of such a system are herewith presented, based on the outcome of the numerical analysis. The results demonstrate that the novel approach is able to improve the performance of the system under different boundary conditions and in different climates: the improvement in the instantaneous efficiency is in the range 5-10%, while during the winter season the converted heat by the slurry PCM-based system is 20-40% higher than that of a conventional water based solar collector, depending on the climates – the colder the climate, the larger the improvement

    Low-Concentrating, Stationary Solar Thermal Collectors for Process Heat Generation

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    The annual gain of stationary solar thermal collectors can be increased by non-focusing reflectors. Such concentrators make use of diffuse irradiance. A collector’s incidence angle modifier for diffuse (diffuse-IAM) accounts for this utilization. The diffuse irra-diance varies over the collector hemisphere, which dynamically influences the diffuse-IAM. This is not considered by state-of-the-art collector models. They simply calculate with one constant IAM value for isotropic diffuse irradiance from sky and ground. This work is based on the development of a stationary, double-covered process heat flat-plate collector with a one-sided, segmented booster reflector (RefleC). This reflector approximates one branch of a compound parabolic concentrator (CPC). Optical meas-urement results of the collector components as well as raytracing results of different variants are given. The thermal and optical characterization of test samples up to 190 °C in an outdoor laboratory as well as the validation of the raytracing are discussed. A collector simulation model with varying diffuse-IAM is described. Therein, ground reflected and sky diffuse irradiance are treated separately. Sky diffuse is weighted with an anisotropic IAM, which is re-calculated in every time step. This is realized by gener-ating an anisotropic sky radiance distribution with the model of Brunger and Hooper, and by weighting the irradiance from distinct sky elements with their raytraced beam-IAM values. According to the simulations, the RefleC booster increases the annual out-put of the double-covered flat-plate in Würzburg, Germany, by 87 % at a constant inlet temperature of 120 °C and by 20 % at 40 °C. Variations of the sky diffuse-IAM of up to 25 % during one day are found. A constant, isotropic diffuse-IAM would have under-valued the gains from the booster by 40 % at 40 °C and by 20 % at 120 °C. The results indicate that the gain of all non-focusing solar collectors is undervalued when constant, isotropic diffuse-IAMs calculated from raytracing or steady-state test data are used. Process heat generation with RefleC is demonstrated in a monitored pilot plant at work-ing temperatures of up to 130 °C. The measured annual system utilization ratio is 35 %. Comparing the gains at all inlet temperatures above 80 °C, the booster increases the an-nual output of the double-covered flat-plates by 78 %. Taking all inlet temperatures, the total annual gains of RefleC are 39 % above that of the flat-plates without reflectors. A qualitative comparison of the new simulation model results to the laboratory results and monitoring data shows good agreement. It is shown that the accuracy of existing collector models can be increased with low effort by calculating separate isotropic IAMs for diffuse sky and ground reflected irradiance. The highest relevance of this work is seen for stationary collectors with very distinctive radiation acceptance

    Characterization and energy performance of a slurry PCM-based solar thermal collector: a numerical analysis

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    Flat plate solar thermal collector is the most common technology for solar energy conversion at the building scale. This technology has been established since long time and continuous developments have been achieved as time passed by; significant improvements of flat plate solar thermal collectors are thus now limited. A novel approach to increase further the performance of this technology is based on the exploitation of the latent heat of the heat carrier fluid. In order to assess this strategy, a previously developed numerical model of flat plate solar thermal collector with slurry PCM as heat carrier is herewith used to simulate the technology. The characterization and energy performance of such a system are herewith presented, based on the outcome of the numerical analysis. The results demonstrate that the novel approach is able to improve the performance of the system under different boundary conditions and in different climates: the improvement in the instantaneous efficiency is in the range 5-10%, while during the winter season the converted heat by the slurry PCM-based system is 20-40% higher than that of a conventional water based solar collector, depending on the climates – the colder the climate, the larger the improvement
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