865 research outputs found

    Multivariate data assimilation in snow modelling at Alpine sites

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    The knowledge of snowpack dynamics is of critical importance to several real-time applications such as agricultural production, water resource management, flood prevention, hydropower generation, especially in mountain basins. Snowpack state can be estimated by models or from observations, even though both these sources of information are affected by several errors

    An Enkf-Based Scheme for Snow Multivariable Data Assimilation at an Alpine Site

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    Abstract The knowledge of snowpack dynamics is of critical importance to several real-time applications especially in mountain basins, such as agricultural production, water resource management, flood prevention, hydropower generation. Since simulations are affected by model biases and forcing data uncertainty, an increasing interest focuses on the assimilation of snow-related observations with the purpose of enhancing predictions on snowpack state. The study aims at investigating the effectiveness of snow multivariable data assimilation (DA) at an Alpine site. The system consists of a snow energy-balance model strengthened by a multivariable DA system. An Ensemble Kalman Filter (EnKF) scheme allows assimilating ground-based and remotely sensed snow observations in order to improve the model simulations. This research aims to investigate and discuss: (1) the limitations and constraints in implementing a multivariate EnKF scheme in the framework of snow modelling, and (2) its performance in consistently updating the snowpack state. The performance of the multivariable DA is shown for the study case of Torgnon station (Aosta Valley, Italy) in the period June 2012 - December 2013. The results of several experiments are discussed with the aim of analyzing system sensitivity to the DA frequency, the ensemble size, and the impact of assimilating different observations

    Analysis and application of the ensemble Kalman filter for the estimation of bounded quantities

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    Mapping Regional Turbulent Heat Fluxes via Assimilation of MODIS Land Surface Temperature Data into an Ensemble Kalman Smoother Framework

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    Estimation of turbulent heat fluxes via variational data assimilation (VDA) approaches has been the subject of several studies. The VDA approaches need an adjoint model that is difficult to derive. In this study, remotely sensed land surface temperature (LST) data from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) are assimilated into the heat diffusion equation within an ensemble Kalman smoother (EnKS) approach to estimate turbulent heat fluxes. The EnKS approach is tested in the Heihe River Basin (HRB) in northwest China. The results show that the EnKS approach can estimate turbulent heat fluxes by assimilating low temporal resolution LST data from MODIS. The findings indicate that the EnKS approach performs fairly well in various hydrological and vegetative conditions. The estimated sensible (H) and latent (LE) heat fluxes are compared with the corresponding observations from large aperture scintillometer systems at three sites (namely, Arou, Daman, and Sidaoqiao) in the HRB. The turbulent heat flux estimates from EnKS agree reasonably well with the observations, and are comparable to those of the VDA approach. The EnKS approach also provides statistical information on the H and LE estimates. It is found that the uncertainties of H and LE estimates are higher over wet and/or densely vegetated areas (grassland and forest) compared to the dry and/or slightly vegetated areas (cropland, shrubland, and barren land)

    The Multiple Snow Data Assimilation System (MuSA v1.0)

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    Accurate knowledge of the seasonal snow distribution is vital in several domains including ecology, water resources management, and tourism. Current spaceborne sensors provide a useful but incomplete description of the snowpack. Many studies suggest that the assimilation of remotely sensed products in physically based snowpack models is a promising path forward to estimate the spatial distribution of snow water equivalent (SWE). However, to date there is no standalone, open-source, community-driven project dedicated to snow data assimilation, which makes it difficult to compare existing algorithms and fragments development efforts. Here we introduce a new data assimilation toolbox, the Multiple Snow Data Assimilation System (MuSA), to help fill this gap. MuSA was developed to fuse remotely sensed information that is available at different timescales with the energy and mass balance Flexible Snow Model (FSM2). MuSA was designed to be user-friendly and scalable. It enables assimilation of different state variables such as the snow depth, SWE, snow surface temperature, binary or fractional snow-covered area, and snow albedo and could be easily upgraded to assimilate other variables such as liquid water content or snow density in the future. MuSA allows the joint assimilation of an arbitrary number of these variables, through the generation of an ensemble of FSM2 simulations. The characteristics of the ensemble (i.e., the number of particles and their prior covariance) may be controlled by the user, and it is generated by perturbing the meteorological forcing of FSM2. The observational variables may be assimilated using different algorithms including particle filters and smoothers as well as ensemble Kalman filters and smoothers along with their iterative variants. We demonstrate the wide capabilities of MuSA through two snow data assimilation experiments. First, 5 m resolution snow depth maps derived from drone surveys are assimilated in a distributed fashion in the Izas catchment (central Pyrenees). Furthermore, we conducted a joint-assimilation experiment, fusing MODIS land surface temperature and fractional snow-covered area with FSM2 in a single-cell experiment. In light of these experiments, we discuss the pros and cons of the assimilation algorithms, including their computational cost.</p

    Data Assimilation by Artificial Neural Networks for an Atmospheric General Circulation Model: Conventional Observation

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    This paper presents an approach for employing artificial neural networks (NN) to emulate an ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF) as a method of data assimilation. The assimilation methods are tested in the Simplified Parameterizations PrimitivE-Equation Dynamics (SPEEDY) model, an atmospheric general circulation model (AGCM), using synthetic observational data simulating localization of balloon soundings. For the data assimilation scheme, the supervised NN, the multilayer perceptrons (MLP-NN), is applied. The MLP-NN are able to emulate the analysis from the local ensemble transform Kalman filter (LETKF). After the training process, the method using the MLP-NN is seen as a function of data assimilation. The NN were trained with data from first three months of 1982, 1983, and 1984. A hind-casting experiment for the 1985 data assimilation cycle using MLP-NN were performed with synthetic observations for January 1985. The numerical results demonstrate the effectiveness of the NN technique for atmospheric data assimilation. The results of the NN analyses are very close to the results from the LETKF analyses, the differences of the monthly average of absolute temperature analyses is of order 0.02. The simulations show that the major advantage of using the MLP-NN is better computational performance, since the analyses have similar quality. The CPU-time cycle assimilation with MLP-NN is 90 times faster than cycle assimilation with LETKF for the numerical experiment.Comment: 17 pages, 16 figures, monthly weather revie

    Hydrologic Remote Sensing and Land Surface Data Assimilation

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    Accurate, reliable and skillful forecasting of key environmental variables such as soil moisture and snow are of paramount importance due to their strong influence on many water resources applications including flood control, agricultural production and effective water resources management which collectively control the behavior of the climate system. Soil moisture is a key state variable in land surface?atmosphere interactions affecting surface energy fluxes, runoff and the radiation balance. Snow processes also have a large influence on land-atmosphere energy exchanges due to snow high albedo, low thermal conductivity and considerable spatial and temporal variability resulting in the dramatic change on surface and ground temperature. Measurement of these two variables is possible through variety of methods using ground-based and remote sensing procedures. Remote sensing, however, holds great promise for soil moisture and snow measurements which have considerable spatial and temporal variability. Merging these measurements with hydrologic model outputs in a systematic and effective way results in an improvement of land surface model prediction. Data Assimilation provides a mechanism to combine these two sources of estimation. Much success has been attained in recent years in using data from passive microwave sensors and assimilating them into the models. This paper provides an overview of the remote sensing measurement techniques for soil moisture and snow data and describes the advances in data assimilation techniques through the ensemble filtering, mainly Ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF) and Particle filter (PF), for improving the model prediction and reducing the uncertainties involved in prediction process. It is believed that PF provides a complete representation of the probability distribution of state variables of interests (according to sequential Bayes law) and could be a strong alternative to EnKF which is subject to some limitations including the linear updating rule and assumption of jointly normal distribution of errors in state variables and observation

    Désagrégation de l'humidité du sol issue des produits satellitaires micro-ondes passives et exploration de son utilisation pour l'amélioration de la modélisation et la prévision hydrologique

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    De plus en plus de produits satellitaires en micro-ondes passives sont disponibles. Cependant, leur large résolution spatiale (25-50 km) n’en font pas un outil adéquat pour des applications hydrologiques à une échelle locale telles que la modélisation et la prévision hydrologiques. Dans de nombreuses études, une désagrégation d’échelle de l’humidité du sol des produits satellites micro-ondes est faite puis validée avec des mesures in-situ. Toutefois, l’utilisation de ces données issues d’une désagrégation d’échelle n’a pas encore été pleinement étudiée pour des applications en hydrologie. Ainsi, l’objectif de cette thèse est de proposer une méthode de désagrégation d’échelle de l’humidité du sol issue de données satellitaires en micro-ondes passives (Satellite Passive Microwave Active and Passive - SMAP) à différentes résolutions spatiales afin d’évaluer leur apport sur l’amélioration potentielle des modélisations et prévisions hydrologiques. À partir d’un modèle de forêt aléatoire, une désagrégation d’échelle de l’humidité du sol de SMAP l’amène de 36-km de résolution initialement à des produits finaux à 9-, 3- et 1-km de résolution. Les prédicteurs utilisés sont à haute résolution spatiale et de sources différentes telles que Sentinel-1A, MODIS et SRTM. L'humidité du sol issue de cette désagrégation d’échelle est ensuite assimilée dans un modèle hydrologique distribué à base physique pour tenter d’améliorer les sorties de débit. Ces expériences sont menées sur les bassins versants des rivières Susquehanna (de grande taille) et Upper-Susquehanna (en comparaison de petite taille), tous deux situés aux États-Unis. De plus, le modèle assimile aussi des données d’humidité du sol en profondeur issue d’une extrapolation verticale des données SMAP. Par ailleurs, les données d’humidité du sol SMAP et les mesures in-situ sont combinées par la technique de fusion conditionnelle. Ce produit de fusion SMAP/in-situ est assimilé dans le modèle hydrologique pour tenter d’améliorer la prévision hydrologique sur le bassin versant Au Saumon situé au Québec. Les résultats montrent que l'utilisation de l’humidité du sol à fine résolution spatiale issue de la désagrégation d’échelle améliore la représentation de la variabilité spatiale de l’humidité du sol. En effet, le produit à 1- km de résolution fournit plus de détails que les produits à 3- et 9-km ou que le produit SMAP de base à 36-km de résolution. De même, l’utilisation du produit de fusion SMAP/ in-situ améliore la qualité et la représentation spatiale de l’humidité du sol. Sur le bassin versant Susquehanna, la modélisation hydrologique s’améliore avec l’assimilation du produit de désagrégation d’échelle à 9-km, sans avoir recours à des résolutions plus fines. En revanche, sur le bassin versant Upper-Susquehanna, c’est le produit avec la résolution spatiale la plus fine à 1- km qui offre les meilleurs résultats de modélisation hydrologique. L’assimilation de l’humidité du sol en profondeur issue de l’extrapolation verticale des données SMAP n’améliore que peu la qualité du modèle hydrologique. Par contre, l’assimilation du produit de fusion SMAP/in-situ sur le bassin versant Au Saumon améliore la qualité de la prévision du débit, même si celle-ci n’est pas très significative.Abstract: The availability of satellite passive microwave soil moisture is increasing, yet its spatial resolution (i.e., 25-50 km) is too coarse to use for local scale hydrological applications such as streamflow simulation and forecasting. Many studies have attempted to downscale satellite passive microwave soil moisture products for their validation with in-situ soil moisture measurements. However, their use for hydrological applications has not yet been fully explored. Thus, the objective of this thesis is to downscale the satellite passive microwave soil moisture (i.e., Satellite Microwave Active and Passive - SMAP) to a range of spatial resolutions and explore its value in improving streamflow simulation and forecasting. The random forest machine learning technique was used to downscale the SMAP soil moisture from 36-km to 9-, 3- and 1-km spatial resolutions. A combination of host of high-resolution predictors derived from different sources including Sentinel-1A, MODIS and SRTM were used for downscaling. The downscaled SMAP soil moisture was then assimilated into a physically-based distributed hydrological model for improving streamflow simulation for Susquehanna (larger in size) and Upper Susquehanna (relatively smaller in size) watersheds, located in the United States. In addition, the vertically extrapolated SMAP soil moisture was assimilated into the model. On the other hand, the SMAP and in-situ soil moisture were merged using the conditional merging technique and the merged SMAP/in-situ soil moisture was then assimilated into the model to improve streamflow forecast over the au Saumon watershed. The results show that the downscaling improved the spatial variability of soil moisture. Indeed, the 1-km downscaled SMAP soil moisture presented a higher spatial detail of soil moisture than the 3-, 9- or original resolution (36-km) SMAP product. Similarly, the merging of SMAP and in-situ soil moisture improved the accuracy as well as spatial representation soil moisture. Interestingly, the assimilation of the 9-km downscaled SMAP soil moisture significantly improved the accuracy of streamflow simulation for the Susquehanna watershed without the need of going to higher spatial resolution, whereas for the Upper Susquehanna watershed the 1-km downscaled SMAP showed better results than the coarser resolutions. The assimilation of vertically extrapolated SMAP soil moisture only slightly further improved the accuracy of the streamflow simulation. On the other hand, the assimilation of merged SMAP/in-situ soil moisture for the au Saumon watershed improved the accuracy of streamflow forecast, yet the improvement was not that significant. Overall, this study demonstrated the potential of satellite passive microwave soil moisture for streamflow simulation and forecasting
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