928 research outputs found

    An Underwater SLAM System using Sonar, Visual, Inertial, and Depth Sensor

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    This paper presents a novel tightly-coupled keyframe-based Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) system with loop-closing and relocalization capabilities targeted for the underwater domain. Our previous work, SVIn, augmented the state-of-the-art visual-inertial state estimation package OKVIS to accommodate acoustic data from sonar in a non-linear optimization-based framework. This paper addresses drift and loss of localization -- one of the main problems affecting other packages in underwater domain -- by providing the following main contributions: a robust initialization method to refine scale using depth measurements, a fast preprocessing step to enhance the image quality, and a real-time loop-closing and relocalization method using bag of words (BoW). An additional contribution is the addition of depth measurements from a pressure sensor to the tightly-coupled optimization formulation. Experimental results on datasets collected with a custom-made underwater sensor suite and an autonomous underwater vehicle from challenging underwater environments with poor visibility demonstrate performance never achieved before in terms of accuracy and robustness

    Keyframe-based visual–inertial odometry using nonlinear optimization

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    Combining visual and inertial measurements has become popular in mobile robotics, since the two sensing modalities offer complementary characteristics that make them the ideal choice for accurate visual–inertial odometry or simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM). While historically the problem has been addressed with filtering, advancements in visual estimation suggest that nonlinear optimization offers superior accuracy, while still tractable in complexity thanks to the sparsity of the underlying problem. Taking inspiration from these findings, we formulate a rigorously probabilistic cost function that combines reprojection errors of landmarks and inertial terms. The problem is kept tractable and thus ensuring real-time operation by limiting the optimization to a bounded window of keyframes through marginalization. Keyframes may be spaced in time by arbitrary intervals, while still related by linearized inertial terms. We present evaluation results on complementary datasets recorded with our custom-built stereo visual–inertial hardware that accurately synchronizes accelerometer and gyroscope measurements with imagery. A comparison of both a stereo and monocular version of our algorithm with and without online extrinsics estimation is shown with respect to ground truth. Furthermore, we compare the performance to an implementation of a state-of-the-art stochastic cloning sliding-window filter. This competitive reference implementation performs tightly coupled filtering-based visual–inertial odometry. While our approach declaredly demands more computation, we show its superior performance in terms of accuracy

    Vision-based localization methods under GPS-denied conditions

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    This paper reviews vision-based localization methods in GPS-denied environments and classifies the mainstream methods into Relative Vision Localization (RVL) and Absolute Vision Localization (AVL). For RVL, we discuss the broad application of optical flow in feature extraction-based Visual Odometry (VO) solutions and introduce advanced optical flow estimation methods. For AVL, we review recent advances in Visual Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (VSLAM) techniques, from optimization-based methods to Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) based methods. We also introduce the application of offline map registration and lane vision detection schemes to achieve Absolute Visual Localization. This paper compares the performance and applications of mainstream methods for visual localization and provides suggestions for future studies.Comment: 32 pages, 15 figure

    Optimal Image-Aided Inertial Navigation

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    The utilization of cameras in integrated navigation systems is among the most recent scientific research and high-tech industry development. The research is motivated by the requirement of calibrating off-the-shelf cameras and the fusion of imaging and inertial sensors in poor GNSS environments. The three major contributions of this dissertation are The development of a structureless camera auto-calibration and system calibration algorithm for a GNSS, IMU and stereo camera system. The auto-calibration bundle adjustment utilizes the scale restraint equation, which is free of object coordinates. The number of parameters to be estimated is significantly reduced in comparison with the ones in a self-calibrating bundle adjustment based on the collinearity equations. Therefore, the proposed method is computationally more efficient. The development of a loosely-coupled visual odometry aided inertial navigation algorithm. The fusion of the two sensors is usually performed using a Kalman filter. The pose changes are pairwise time-correlated, i.e. the measurement noise vector at the current epoch is only correlated with the one from the previous epoch. Time-correlated errors are usually modelled by a shaping filter. The shaping filter developed in this dissertation uses Cholesky factors as coefficients derived from the variance and covariance matrices of the measurement noise vectors. Test results with showed that the proposed algorithm performs better than the existing ones and provides more realistic covariance estimates. The development of a tightly-coupled stereo multi-frame aided inertial navigation algorithm for reducing position and orientation drifts. Usually, the image aiding based on the visual odometry uses the tracked features only from a pair of the consecutive image frames. The proposed method integrates the features tracked from multiple overlapped image frames for reducing the position and orientation drifts. The measurement equation is derived from SLAM measurement equation system where the landmark positions in SLAM are algebraically by time-differencing. However, the derived measurements are time-correlated. Through a sequential de-correlation, the Kalman filter measurement update can be performed sequentially and optimally. The main advantages of the proposed algorithm are the reduction of computational requirements when compared to SLAM and a seamless integration into an existing GNSS aided-IMU system

    Review and classification of vision-based localisation techniques in unknown environments

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    International audienceThis study presents a review of the state-of-the-art and a novel classification of current vision-based localisation techniques in unknown environments. Indeed, because of progresses made in computer vision, it is now possible to consider vision-based systems as promising navigation means that can complement traditional navigation sensors like global navigation satellite systems (GNSSs) and inertial navigation systems. This study aims to review techniques employing a camera as a localisation sensor, provide a classification of techniques and introduce schemes that exploit the use of video information within a multi-sensor system. In fact, a general model is needed to better compare existing techniques in order to decide which approach is appropriate and which are the innovation axes. In addition, existing classifications only consider techniques based on vision as a standalone tool and do not consider video as a sensor among others. The focus is addressed to scenarios where no a priori knowledge of the environment is provided. In fact, these scenarios are the most challenging since the system has to cope with objects as they appear in the scene without any prior information about their expected position
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