413 research outputs found

    Implications of quantum automata for contextuality

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    We construct zero-error quantum finite automata (QFAs) for promise problems which cannot be solved by bounded-error probabilistic finite automata (PFAs). Here is a summary of our results: - There is a promise problem solvable by an exact two-way QFA in exponential expected time, but not by any bounded-error sublogarithmic space probabilistic Turing machine (PTM). - There is a promise problem solvable by an exact two-way QFA in quadratic expected time, but not by any bounded-error o(logā”logā”n) o(\log \log n) -space PTMs in polynomial expected time. The same problem can be solvable by a one-way Las Vegas (or exact two-way) QFA with quantum head in linear (expected) time. - There is a promise problem solvable by a Las Vegas realtime QFA, but not by any bounded-error realtime PFA. The same problem can be solvable by an exact two-way QFA in linear expected time but not by any exact two-way PFA. - There is a family of promise problems such that each promise problem can be solvable by a two-state exact realtime QFAs, but, there is no such bound on the number of states of realtime bounded-error PFAs solving the members this family. Our results imply that there exist zero-error quantum computational devices with a \emph{single qubit} of memory that cannot be simulated by any finite memory classical computational model. This provides a computational perspective on results regarding ontological theories of quantum mechanics \cite{Hardy04}, \cite{Montina08}. As a consequence we find that classical automata based simulation models \cite{Kleinmann11}, \cite{Blasiak13} are not sufficiently powerful to simulate quantum contextuality. We conclude by highlighting the interplay between results from automata models and their application to developing a general framework for quantum contextuality.Comment: 22 page

    Two Variable vs. Linear Temporal Logic in Model Checking and Games

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    Model checking linear-time properties expressed in first-order logic has non-elementary complexity, and thus various restricted logical languages are employed. In this paper we consider two such restricted specification logics, linear temporal logic (LTL) and two-variable first-order logic (FO2). LTL is more expressive but FO2 can be more succinct, and hence it is not clear which should be easier to verify. We take a comprehensive look at the issue, giving a comparison of verification problems for FO2, LTL, and various sublogics thereof across a wide range of models. In particular, we look at unary temporal logic (UTL), a subset of LTL that is expressively equivalent to FO2; we also consider the stutter-free fragment of FO2, obtained by omitting the successor relation, and the expressively equivalent fragment of UTL, obtained by omitting the next and previous connectives. We give three logic-to-automata translations which can be used to give upper bounds for FO2 and UTL and various sublogics. We apply these to get new bounds for both non-deterministic systems (hierarchical and recursive state machines, games) and for probabilistic systems (Markov chains, recursive Markov chains, and Markov decision processes). We couple these with matching lower-bound arguments. Next, we look at combining FO2 verification techniques with those for LTL. We present here a language that subsumes both FO2 and LTL, and inherits the model checking properties of both languages. Our results give both a unified approach to understanding the behaviour of FO2 and LTL, along with a nearly comprehensive picture of the complexity of verification for these logics and their sublogics.Comment: 37 pages, to be published in Logical Methods in Computer Science journal, includes material presented in Concur 2011 and QEST 2012 extended abstract

    Classical and quantum Merlin-Arthur automata

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    We introduce Merlin-Arthur (MA) automata as Merlin provides a single certificate and it is scanned by Arthur before reading the input. We define Merlin-Arthur deterministic, probabilistic, and quantum finite state automata (resp., MA-DFAs, MA-PFAs, MA-QFAs) and postselecting MA-PFAs and MA-QFAs (resp., MA-PostPFA and MA-PostQFA). We obtain several results using different certificate lengths. We show that MA-DFAs use constant length certificates, and they are equivalent to multi-entry DFAs. Thus, they recognize all and only regular languages but can be exponential and polynomial state efficient over binary and unary languages, respectively. With sublinear length certificates, MA-PFAs can recognize several nonstochastic unary languages with cutpoint 1/2. With linear length certificates, MA-PostPFAs recognize the same nonstochastic unary languages with bounded error. With arbitrarily long certificates, bounded-error MA-PostPFAs verify every unary decidable language. With sublinear length certificates, bounded-error MA-PostQFAs verify several nonstochastic unary languages. With linear length certificates, they can verify every unary language and some NP-complete binary languages. With exponential length certificates, they can verify every binary language.Comment: 14 page

    Probabilistic Input-Driven Pushdown Automata

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    On the state complexity of semi-quantum finite automata

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    Some of the most interesting and important results concerning quantum finite automata are those showing that they can recognize certain languages with (much) less resources than corresponding classical finite automata \cite{Amb98,Amb09,AmYa11,Ber05,Fre09,Mer00,Mer01,Mer02,Yak10,ZhgQiu112,Zhg12}. This paper shows three results of such a type that are stronger in some sense than other ones because (a) they deal with models of quantum automata with very little quantumness (so-called semi-quantum one- and two-way automata with one qubit memory only); (b) differences, even comparing with probabilistic classical automata, are bigger than expected; (c) a trade-off between the number of classical and quantum basis states needed is demonstrated in one case and (d) languages (or the promise problem) used to show main results are very simple and often explored ones in automata theory or in communication complexity, with seemingly little structure that could be utilized.Comment: 19 pages. We improve (make stronger) the results in section

    Uncountable realtime probabilistic classes

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    We investigate the minimum cases for realtime probabilistic machines that can define uncountably many languages with bounded error. We show that logarithmic space is enough for realtime PTMs on unary languages. On binary case, we follow the same result for double logarithmic space, which is tight. When replacing the worktape with some limited memories, we can follow uncountable results on unary languages for two counters.Comment: 12 pages. Accepted to DCFS201

    Game Characterization of Probabilistic Bisimilarity, and Applications to Pushdown Automata

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    We study the bisimilarity problem for probabilistic pushdown automata (pPDA) and subclasses thereof. Our definition of pPDA allows both probabilistic and non-deterministic branching, generalising the classical notion of pushdown automata (without epsilon-transitions). We first show a general characterization of probabilistic bisimilarity in terms of two-player games, which naturally reduces checking bisimilarity of probabilistic labelled transition systems to checking bisimilarity of standard (non-deterministic) labelled transition systems. This reduction can be easily implemented in the framework of pPDA, allowing to use known results for standard (non-probabilistic) PDA and their subclasses. A direct use of the reduction incurs an exponential increase of complexity, which does not matter in deriving decidability of bisimilarity for pPDA due to the non-elementary complexity of the problem. In the cases of probabilistic one-counter automata (pOCA), of probabilistic visibly pushdown automata (pvPDA), and of probabilistic basic process algebras (i.e., single-state pPDA) we show that an implicit use of the reduction can avoid the complexity increase; we thus get PSPACE, EXPTIME, and 2-EXPTIME upper bounds, respectively, like for the respective non-probabilistic versions. The bisimilarity problems for OCA and vPDA are known to have matching lower bounds (thus being PSPACE-complete and EXPTIME-complete, respectively); we show that these lower bounds also hold for fully probabilistic versions that do not use non-determinism

    Note on the succinctness of deterministic, nondeterministic, probabilistic and quantum finite automata

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    We investigate the succinctness of several kinds of unary automata by studying their state complexity in accepting the family {Lm} of cyclic languages, where Lm = {akm|k 08 N}. In particular, we show that, for any m, the number of states necessary and sufficient for accepting the unary language Lm with isolated cut point on one-way probabilistic finite automata is p1\u3b11 + p2\u3b12 + ef + ps\u3b1s, with p1\u3b11p2\u3b12 ef ps\u3b1s being the factorization of m. To prove this result, we give a general state lower bound for accepting unary languages with isolated cut point on the one-way probabilistic model. Moreover, we exhibit one-way quantum finite automata that, for any m, accept Lm with isolated cut point and only two states. These results are settled within a survey on unary automata aiming to compare the descriptional power of deterministic, nondeterministic, probabilistic and quantum paradigms

    Photonic realization of a quantum finite automaton

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    We describe a physical implementation of a quantum finite automaton that recognizes a well-known family of periodic languages. The realization exploits the polarization degree of freedom of single photons and their manipulation through linear optical elements. We use techniques of confidence amplification to reduce the acceptance error probability of the automaton. It is worth remarking that the quantum finite automaton we physically realize is not only interesting per se but it turns out to be a crucial building block in many quantum finite automaton design frameworks theoretically settled in the literature
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