29 research outputs found

    Simulation Analysis of Medium Access Techniques

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    This paper presents comparison of Access Techniques used in Medium Access Control (MAC) protocol for Wireless Body Area Networks (WBANs). Comparison is performed between Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA), Frequency Division Multiple Access (FDMA), Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance (CSMA/CA), Pure ALOHA and Slotted ALOHA (S-ALOHA). Performance metrics used for comparison are throughput (T), delay (D) and offered load (G). The main goal for comparison is to show which technique gives highest Throughput and lowest Delay with increase in Load. Energy efficiency is major issue in WBAN that is why there is need to know which technique performs best for energy conservation and also gives minimum delay.Comment: NGWMN with 7th IEEE International Conference on Broadband and Wireless Computing, Com- munication and Applications (BWCCA 2012), Victoria, Canada, 201

    Transmission Delay of Multi-hop Heterogeneous Networks for Medical Applications

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    Nowadays, with increase in ageing population, Health care market keeps growing. There is a need for monitoring of Health issues. Body Area Network consists of wireless sensors attached on or inside human body for monitoring vital Health related problems e.g, Electro Cardiogram (ECG), ElectroEncephalogram (EEG), ElectronyStagmography(ENG) etc. Data is recorded by sensors and is sent towards Health care center. Due to life threatening situations, timely sending of data is essential. For data to reach Health care center, there must be a proper way of sending data through reliable connection and with minimum delay. In this paper transmission delay of different paths, through which data is sent from sensor to Health care center over heterogeneous multi-hop wireless channel is analyzed. Data of medical related diseases is sent through three different paths. In all three paths, data from sensors first reaches ZigBee, which is the common link in all three paths. After ZigBee there are three available networks, through which data is sent. Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN), Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access (WiMAX), Universal Mobile Telecommunication System (UMTS) are connected with ZigBee. Each network (WLAN, WiMAX, UMTS) is setup according to environmental conditions, suitability of device and availability of structure for that device. Data from these networks is sent to IP-Cloud, which is further connected to Health care center. Main aim of this paper is to calculate delay of each link in each path over multihop wireless channel.Comment: BioSPAN with 7th IEEE International Conference on Broadband and Wireless Computing, Communication and Applications (BWCCA 2012), Victoria, Canada, 201

    Experimental evaluation of IEEE 802.15.4/ZigBee for multi-patient ECG monitoring

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    IEEE 802.15.4/ZigBee wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are a promising alternative to cabled systems for patient monitoring in hospitals. Some areas where monitoring systems based on WSNs can be successfuly used are ambulatory, waiting and triage rooms, post-op, and emergency rooms. The low power and small size ZigBee devices have the ability to form self-configuring networks that can extend themselves through a hospital wing or floor. Using spatially distributed networks, it is possible to cover an extended area and serve several patients. However, the low data rate protocols provided by IEEE 802.15.4 poses several challenges, mainly because its protocols were primarily designed to operate in low traffic load scenarios but some vital signs sensors generate a large volume of data. This work presents an experimental evaluation of the performance of multi-hop ZigBee networks comprised of several nodes that carry the traffic of wearable electrocardiogram (ECG) sensors. The results indicate that star networks can relay 100% of the traffic generated by at least 12 ECG nodes. In tree topologies, the increase of the network traffic load reduces the performance but even these networks can reliably relay the traffic of a considerable number of ECG nodes.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT)Grupo AMI – Assistência Médica Integral (Casa de Saúde Guimarães, SA

    Improving Packet Analysis in Wireless Sensor Network using Bit Rate Classifier

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    Remote sensor system (WSN) has risen as a promising innovation. Despite the fact that WSN is a promising innovation, there is still a lot of extra research required before it ?nally turns into a developed innovation. An extensive variety of WSN applications have been proposed, for example, living space checking, natural perceptions and estimating frameworks, wellbeing observing, and so on. In these applications, numerous low power and cheap sensor hubs are sent in an unlimited space to coordinate as a system. This paper assesses the impact of utilization of bit rate investigation on bundle approaching to the switch in the remote sensor system. The fundamental point is to accomplish an effective remote sensor system which ought to be not any more defenseless to parcel misfortune. Alternate parameters are deferral, throughput, bundle conveyance proportion, jitter and vitality. The calculation minimizes the postponement that may happen because of high activity rate by utilizing bit rate classifier in this way enhancing the throughput and different parameters

    Performance evaluation of a ZigBee-based medical sensor network

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    Low power consumption and small footprint make 802.15.4/ZigBee based devices well suited for personal healthcare applications, representing a promising alternative to patient monitoring under important scenarios such as emergency, postop, continuous care, and chronic diseases. However, their use in a healthcare facility to monitor several mobile patients poses several difficulties, mainly because this protocol was primarily designed to operate in low data rate scenarios. This paper presents simulation results used to evaluate important quality of service (QoS) markers and, ultimately, estimate the maximum number of sensors that could integrate a wireless vital signs monitoring system. Results show that the system is able to carry the signals from 30 ECG sensors with delivery ratio higher than 99% in the considered scenario, provided that an adequate number of retransmissions are allowed.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT)Grupo AMI – Assistência Médica Integral (Casa de Saúde Guimarães, SA

    Reliable and Energy Efficient Network Protocols for Wireless Body Area Networks

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    In a wireless Body Area Network (WBAN) various sensors are attached on clothing, on the body or are even implanted under the skin. The wireless nature of the network and the wide variety of sensors offers numerous new, practical and innovative applications. A motivating example can be found in the world of health monitoring. The sensors of the WBAN measure for example the heartbeat, the body temperature or record a prolonged electrocardiogram. Using a WBAN, the patient experiences a greater physical mobility and is no longer compelled to stay in a hospital. A WBAN imposes the networks some strict and specific requirements. The devices are tiny, leaving only limited space for a battery. It is therefore of uttermost importance to restrict the energy consumption in the network. A possible solution is the development of energy efficient protocols that regulate the communication between the radios. Further, it is also important to consider the reliability of the communication. The data sent contains medical information and one has to make sure that it is correctly received at the personal device. It is not allowed that a critical message gets lost. In addition, a WBAN has to support the heterogeneity of its devices. This thesis focuses on the development of energy efficient and reliable network protocols for WBANs. Considered solutions are the use of multi-hop communication and the improved interaction between the different network layers. Mechanisms to reduce the energy consumption and to grade up the reliability of the communication are presented. In a first step, the physical layer of the communication near the human body is studied and investigated. The probability of a connection between two nodes on the body is modeled and used to investigate which network topologies can be considered as the most energy efficient and reliable. Next, MOFBAN, a lightweight framework for network architecture is presented. Finally, CICADA is presented: a new cross layer protocol for WBANs that both handles channel medium access and routing

    Simulation analysis of IEEE 802.15.4 for wireless networked control systems

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    The deployment of wireless networks in industrial environments can bring several advantages over their wired counterparts; however, the characteristics of the wireless channels pose challenges to the provisioning of quality of service (QoS) that are not seen in wired networks. This paper provides an analysis of how important QoS parameters, such as message delivery ratio, delay and energy consumption, vary as a function of the number of sensor nodes injecting traffic in IEEE 802.15.4 networks operating in unbeaconed mode. Results show that the peer-to-peer topology enables better performance than the star topology, under the same conditions, indicating that the former is a better option if centralized control is not required. The use of retransmissions increases significantly the reliability of the network; however, even a high number of retransmissions are not enough to provide full reliability when the channel is highly affected by errors. Results also show that presence of hidden nodes can severely degrade the performance of the network, while the reduction of the turnaround time can improve the performance.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    Rancang Bangun M2M (Machine-to-Machine) Communication Berbasis 6LoWPAN

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    At the present time the development of technology enabling communication services without the use of cables its called wireless technology. One such wireless communication technology is M2M (Machine to Machine) communication. In this study, using a protocol 6LoWPAN as the basis of M2M communications, becaused in Zigbee protocol encountered to the weakness such as the value of end-to-end delay and packet loss is greater than 6LoWPAN protocol. Work on this study is desaign system of M2M communication based on 6LoWPAN protocol and compare the data of the performance of 6LoWPAN protocol with Zigbee protocol terms of end-to-end delay and packet loss. Variations of testing is to set the baud rate Xbee 1200 bps, 4800 bps, 9600 bps, 19200 bps, 38400 bps, 57600 bps, 115200 bps. Besides the baud rate, the variation also adjusting the distance between  nodes from 10 meter up to 60 meter by 10 meter intervals. Average of end-to-end delay time is 1899 milliseconds on 6LoWPAN, while protocol Zigbee is 422 miliseconds. In the packet loss aspect, in 6LoWPAN protocol not provided because the use of UDP not have an acknowledgement and squence number to track packet loss, while average of packet loss Zigbee protocol is 26%