479 research outputs found

    Threesomes, With and Without Blame

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    The blame calculus of Wadler and Findler gives a high-level semantics to casts in higher-order languages. The coercion calculus of Henglein, on the other hand, provides an instruction set for casts whose normal forms ensure space efficiency. In this paper we address two questions: 1) can space efficiency be obtained in a high-level semantics? and 2) can we precisely characterize the relationship between the high and low-level semantics of casts? Towards answering both of these questions, we design a cast calculus that summarizes a sequence of casts as a threesome cast that contains a source type, a target type, and a third middle type that is the greatest lower bound of all the types in the sequence. We show that the threesome calculus is equivalent to the blame calculus and to one of the coercion-based, blame-tracking calculi of Siek, Garcia, and Taha. We also show that the threesome calculus is space efficient and obtain a tighter bound than that of Herman, Tomb, and Flanagan

    Blame and coercion: Together again for the first time

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    Towards Practical Gradual Typing

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    Over the past 20 years, programmers have embraced dynamically-typed programming languages. By now, they have also come to realize that programs in these languages lack reliable type information for software engineering purposes. Gradual typing addresses this problem; it empowers programmers to annotate an existing system with sound type information on a piecemeal basis. This paper presents an implementation of a gradual type system for a full-featured class-based language as well as a novel performance evaluation framework for gradual typing

    Type-Directed Operational Semantics for Gradual Typing

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    The semantics of gradually typed languages is typically given indirectly via an elaboration into a cast calculus. This contrasts with more conventional formulations of programming language semantics, where the semantics of a language is given directly using, for instance, an operational semantics. This paper presents a new approach to give the semantics of gradually typed languages directly. We use a recently proposed variant of small-step operational semantics called type-directed operational semantics (TDOS). In TDOS type annotations become operationally relevant and can affect the result of a program. In the context of a gradually typed language, such type annotations are used to trigger type-based conversions on values. We illustrate how to employ TDOS on gradually typed languages using two calculi. The first calculus, called ? B^g, is inspired by the semantics of the blame calculus, but it has implicit type conversions, enabling it to be used as a gradually typed language. The second calculus, called ? B^r, explores a different design space in the semantics of gradually typed languages. It uses a so-called blame recovery semantics, which enables eliminating some false positives where blame is raised but normal computation could succeed. For both calculi, type safety is proved. Furthermore we show that the semantics of ? B^g is sound with respect to the semantics of the blame calculus, and that ? B^r comes with a gradual guarantee. All the results have been mechanically formalized in the Coq theorem prover

    Space-Efficient Gradual Typing in Coercion-Passing Style

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    Herman et al. pointed out that the insertion of run-time checks into a gradually typed program could hamper tail-call optimization and, as a result, worsen the space complexity of the program. To address the problem, they proposed a space-efficient coercion calculus, which was subsequently improved by Siek et al. The semantics of these calculi involves eager composition of run-time checks expressed by coercions to prevent the size of a term from growing. However, it relies also on a nonstandard reduction rule, which does not seem easy to implement. In fact, no compiler implementation of gradually typed languages fully supports the space-efficient semantics faithfully. In this paper, we study coercion-passing style, which Herman et al. have already mentioned, as a technique for straightforward space-efficient implementation of gradually typed languages. A program in coercion-passing style passes "the rest of the run-time checks" around - just like continuation-passing style (CPS), in which "the rest of the computation" is passed around - and (unlike CPS) composes coercions eagerly. We give a formal coercion-passing translation from ?S by Siek et al. to ?S?, which is a new calculus of first-class coercions tailored for coercion-passing style, and prove correctness of the translation. We also implement our coercion-passing style transformation for the Grift compiler developed by Kuhlenschmidt et al. An experimental result shows stack overflow can be prevented properly at the cost of up to 3 times slower execution for most partially typed practical programs

    The identification of critical facilities from the position of cybersecurity violation by the example of energy

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    The article describes methods for identification of critical facilities, being a significant trend in researching critical infrastructures, particularly in the energy sector. The proposed methods are focused on the investigation of the energy object state in relation to the violation of cybersecurity of its information infrastructure. The cyber threats are believed to be important contemporary threats to energy security in Russia. The proposed methods formed the basis of development information-analytical system used for monitoring of cybersecurity violations in energy sector