37,302 research outputs found

    Adaptation of the Electric Machines Learning Process to the European Higher, Education Area

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    In this paper the basic lines of a complete teaching methodology that has been developed to adaptthe electric machines learning process to the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) arepresented. New teaching materials that are specific to Electric Machines have been created(textbooks, self-learning e-books, guidelines for achieving teamwork research, etc.). Working ingroups has been promoted, as well as problem solving and self-learning exercises, all of which areevaluated in a way that encourages students' participation. Finally, the students' learning process inthe lab has been improved by the development both of a new methodology to follow in the lab andnew workbenches with industrial machines that are easier to use and also enable the labexperiments to be automated. Finally, the first results obtained as a result of applying the proposedmethodology are presented

    A New Laboratory for Hands-on Teaching of Electrical Engineering

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    © 2018 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works. This paper describes an innovative laboratory for students in Electrical Engineering courses, which is recently established at the Energy Department of Politecnico di Torino, Italy. The main peculiarities of the lab are the high ICT content of each test rig, the multidisciplinary experiences, and the hands-on teaching methodology, allowing the student to have access in overall safety to many complex electrical/electromechanical systems. Currently, eight courses of Bachelor and Master of Science degrees in electrical engineering carry out in-class exercises and hands-on experiments in the new lab, serving over 200 students in total per year. The innovative lab also allows for external collaborations with companies and institutions for specific (and in some cases permanent) training offers, like a one-day per month LabVIEW course for faculty and staff members of Politecnico di Torino

    Power Converters and Power Quality

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    This paper discusses the subject of power quality for power converters. The first part gives an overview of most of the common disturbances and power quality issues in electrical networks for particle accelerators, and explains their consequences for accelerator operation. The propagation of asymmetrical network disturbances into a network is analysed. Quantitative parameters for network disturbances in a typical network are presented, and immunity levels for users' electrical equipment are proposed. The second part of this paper discusses the technologies and strategies used in particle accelerator networks for power quality improvement. Particular focus is given to networks supplying loads with cycling active and reactive power.Comment: 26 pages, contribution to the 2014 CAS - CERN Accelerator School: Power Converters, Baden, Switzerland, 7-14 May 201

    Experimental High-Frequency Parameter Identification of AC Electrical Motors

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    In order to predict conducted electromagnetic interference in inverter-motor drive systems, high-frequency (HF) motor models are requested and the involved parameters have to be available. In previous studies, the authors have presented an accurate HF model for induction motors and they have defined the procedures to identify the model parameters. In this paper, these results are extended to several types and sizes of industrial ac motors such as induction, synchronous reluctance (without interior permanent magnets), and brushless motors. The model parameter-identification procedure has been improved, and it is based on a least-squares data fitting applied to the measured magnitude and phase-frequency-response curves of the phase-to-ground and the phase-to-neutral impedances. The aim of this paper is to provide quick indications to select the suitable values of the HF model parameters, with reference to the size and type of the ac motor, to evaluate the HF voltage and current components in inverted-fed ac motor system

    An Economic Analysis of Fluid Milk Processing in Alaska

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    Alaskan fluid milk is processed for market by a two-firm industry. In Delta Junction, the Northern Lights Dairy obtains milk from two producers and services an Interior market from Delta to Fairbanks. In Anchorage , Matanuska Maid (M-M) obtains milk from II producers and markets its products largely in southcentral Alaska and , to a less extent, in Fairbanks. Direct competition between the two is minimal. The principal source of competition is preprocessed fluid milk shipped in from Puget Sound

    Electrical Machines Laminations Magnetic Properties: A Virtual Instrument Laboratory

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    "© 2015 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.” Upon publication, authors are asked to include either a link to the abstract of the published article in IEEE XploreÂź, or the article’s Digital Object Identifier (DOI).Undergraduate courses in electrical machines often include an introduction to their magnetic circuits and to the various magnetic materials used in their construction and their properties. The students must learn to be able to recognize and compare the permeability, saturation, and losses of these magnetic materials, relate each material to its specific properties, and understand the impact of these properties on the major performance metrics of electrical machines. This paper describes a new test equipment setup and lab guide that helps students achieve these learning goals. The test equipment consists of two transformers of grain-oriented and non-grain-oriented electrical steel, transducers, a data acquisition (DAQ) board and a PC-based virtual instrument. The virtual instrument shows voltage, current, and core flux time waveforms, the rms voltage versus current curves and, most importantly, the lamination material magnetic cycle. Students' laboratory work was organized into a series of experiments that guide their achievement of these magnetic materials-related abilities. Pre- and post-lab exams assessed student learning, which was shown to have increased significantly. Students' opinions of the relevance, usefulness, and motivational effect of the laboratory were also positiveMartĂ­nez-RomĂĄn, J.; PĂ©rez Cruz, J.; Pineda SĂĄnchez, M.; Puche Panadero, R.; Roger Folch, J.; Riera Guasp, MV.; Sapena Bañó, Á. (2015). Electrical Machines Laminations Magnetic Properties: A Virtual Instrument Laboratory. IEEE Transactions on Education. 58(1):159-166. doi:10.1109/TE.2014.2348536S15916658

    Designing laboratory experiments for electricity grid integration of renewable energy using microgrid, test-rig emulators and real time simulation tools.

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    This paper describes efforts to integrate advanced approaches in microgrid, test-rig emulators and real time simulation into early postgraduate and undergraduate engineering education. It describes two experiments designed for groups of early stage researchers and postgraduate students in the field of Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE). These electrical laboratory experiments are part of a H2020-funded weeklong training course and focus on a medium speed rotary emulator for wave energy applications, and a wind turbine emulator that demonstrated the operation of a Doubly-Fed Induction Generator (DFIG) in a two-machine coupled rig. This paper also discusses some initial reviews of the training course. These reviews noted that students had a desire for more hands-on experimental work, and that the requirements to cover electrical safety material limited the amount of effective time available for experimental work. Finally, the paper outlines some approaches for improving the design of future laboratory experiments in this area

    Modern Laboratory-Based Education for Power Electronics and Electric Machines

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    The study of modern energy conversion draws upon a broad range of knowledge and often requires a fair amount of experience. This suggests that laboratory instruction should be an integral component of a power electronics and electric machines curriculum. However, before a single watt can be processed in a realistic way, the student must understand not only the operation of conversion systems but also more advanced concepts such as control theory, speed and position sensing, switching signal generation, gate drive isolation, circuit layout, and other critical issues. Our approach is to use a blue-box module where these details are pre-built for convenience, but not hidden from the students inside a black box. Recent improvements to our blue-box modules are described in this paper and include a dual-MOSFET control box with independently isolated FET devices, a triple silicon controlled rectifier control box, a discretely built, high quality pulse-width modulation inverter, a small discrete brushless dc drive system, and a high-performance computer-controlled brushless dc dynamometer motor drive system. Complete details, sufficient to allow the reader to duplicate these designs, are publicly available
