4 research outputs found

    Effective Large Scale Computing Software for Parallel Mesh Generation

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    Scientists commonly turn to supercomputers or Clusters of Workstations with hundreds (even thousands) of nodes to generate meshes for large-scale simulations. Parallel mesh generation software is then used to decompose the original mesh generation problem into smaller sub-problems that can be solved (meshed) in parallel. The size of the final mesh is limited by the amount of aggregate memory of the parallel machine. Also, requesting many compute nodes on a shared computing resource may result in a long waiting, far surpassing the time it takes to solve the problem.;These two problems (i.e., insufficient memory when computing on a small number of nodes, and long waiting times when using many nodes from a shared computing resource) can be addressed by using out-of-core algorithms. These are algorithms that keep most of the dataset out-of-core (i.e., outside of memory, on disk) and load only a portion in-core (i.e., into memory) at a time.;We explored two approaches to out-of-core computing. First, we presented a traditional approach, which is to modify the existing in-core algorithms to enable out-of-core computing. While we achieved good performance with this approach the task is complex and labor intensive. An alternative approach, we presented a runtime system designed to support out-of-core applications. It requires little modification of the existing in-core application code and still produces acceptable results. Evaluation of the runtime system showed little performance degradation while simplifying and shortening the development cycle of out-of-core applications. The overhead from using the runtime system for small problem sizes is between 12% and 41% while the overlap of computation, communication and disk I/O is above 50% and as high as 61% for large problems.;The main contribution of our work is the ability to utilize computing resources more effectively. The user has a choice of either solving larger problems, that otherwise would not be possible, or solving problems of the same size but using fewer computing nodes, thus reducing the waiting time on shared clusters and supercomputers. We demonstrated that the latter could potentially lead to substantially shorter wall-clock time

    Real-Time High-Quality Image to Mesh Conversion for Finite Element Simulations

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    Technological Advances in Medical Imaging have enabled the acquisition of images accurately describing biological tissues. Finite Element (FE) methods on these images provide the means to simulate biological phenomena such as brain shift registration, respiratory organ motion, blood flow pressure in vessels, etc. FE methods require the domain of tissues be discretized by simpler geometric elements, such as triangles in two dimensions, tetrahedra in three, and pentatopes in four. This exact discretization is called a mesh . The accuracy and speed of FE methods depend on the quality and fidelity of the mesh used to describe the biological object. Elements with bad quality introduce numerical errors and slower solver convergence. Also, analysis based on poor fidelity meshes do not yield accurate results specially near the surface. In this dissertation, we present the theory and the implementation of both a sequential and a parallel Delaunay meshing technique for 3D and ---for the first time--- 4D space-time domains. Our method provably guarantees that the mesh is a faithful representation of the multi-tissue domain in topological and geometric sense. Moreover, we show that our method generates graded elements of bounded radius-edge and aspect ratio, which renders our technique suitable for Finite Element analysis. A notable feature of our implementation is speed and scalability. The single-threaded performance of our 3D code is faster than the state of the art open source meshing tools. Experimental evaluation shows a more than 82% weak scaling efficiency for up to 144 cores, reaching a rate of more than 14.3 million elements per second. This is the first 3D parallel Delaunay refinement method to achieve such a performance, on either distributed or shared-memory architectures. Lastly, this dissertation is the first to develop and examine the sequential and parallel high-quality and fidelity meshing of general space-time 4D multi-tissue domains

    Enabling technology for non-rigid registration during image-guided neurosurgery

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    In the context of image processing, non-rigid registration is an operation that attempts to align two or more images using spatially varying transformations. Non-rigid registration finds application in medical image processing to account for the deformations in the soft tissues of the imaged organs. During image-guided neurosurgery, non-rigid registration has the potential to assist in locating critical brain structures and improve identification of the tumor boundary. Robust non-rigid registration methods combine estimation of tissue displacement based on image intensities with the spatial regularization using biomechanical models of brain deformation. In practice, the use of such registration methods during neurosurgery is complicated by a number of issues: construction of the biomechanical model used in the registration from the image data, high computational demands of the application, and difficulties in assessing the registration results. In this dissertation we develop methods and tools that address some of these challenges, and provide components essential for the intra-operative application of a previously validated physics-based non-rigid registration method.;First, we study the problem of image-to-mesh conversion, which is required for constructing biomechanical model of the brain used during registration. We develop and analyze a number of methods suitable for solving this problem, and evaluate them using application-specific quantitative metrics. Second, we develop a high-performance implementation of the non-rigid registration algorithm and study the use of geographically distributed Grid resources for speculative registration computations. Using the high-performance implementation running on the remote computing resources we are able to deliver the results of registration within the time constraints of the neurosurgery. Finally, we present a method that estimates local alignment error between the two images of the same subject. We assess the utility of this method using multiple sources of ground truth to evaluate its potential to support speculative computations of non-rigid registration