15 research outputs found

    Head-tracked stereo viewing with two-handed 3D interaction for animated character construction

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    In this paper, we demonstrate a new interactive 3D desktop metaphor based on two-handed 3D direct manipulation registered with head-tracked stereo viewing. In our configuration, a six-degree-of-freedom head-tracker and CrystalEyes shutter glasses are used to produce stereo images that dynamically follow the user head motion. 3D virtual objects can be made to appear at a fixed location in physical space which the user may view from different angles by moving his head. The user interacts with the simulated 3D environment using both hands simultaneously. The left hand, controlling a Spaceball, is used for 3D navigation and object movement, while the right hand, holding a 3D mouse, is used to manipulate through a virtual tool metaphor, the objects appearing in front of the screen because of negative parallax. In this way, both incremental and absolute interactive input techniques are provided by the system. Hand-eye coordination is made possible by registration between virtual and physical space, allowing a variety of complex 3D tasks to be performed more easily and more rapidly than is possible using traditional interactive techniques. The system has been tested using both Polhemus Fastrak and Logitech ultrasonic input devices for tracking the head and 3D mouse.197-206Pubblicat

    Virtual reality for rehabilitation of the upper limb motor functions

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    Virtualna stvarnost (VS) kao relativno nova tehnologija u području rehabilitacije pokazuje velik potencijal za učinkovitu primjenu i pozitivne ishode. Ona omogućuje realistično interaktivno iskustvo komunikacije i manipulacije virtualnom okolinom koje intenzivno utječe na rehabilitaciju funkcionalnih motoričkih vjeÅ”tina. Motoričke sposobnosti mogu biti naruÅ”ene velikim brojem motoričkih poremećaja, a najčeŔći su: cerebrovaskularni inzult/moždani udar i cerebralna paraliza (CP). Oni predstavljaju oÅ”tećenja srediÅ”njeg živčanog sustava koja svojom učestalosti naruÅ”avaju kvalitetu života mnogih. Osim motoričkih disfunkcija, posljedice ovih oÅ”tećenja najčeŔće uključuju i senzorne deficite, poremećaj koncentracije,umor i zabrinutost, gubitak motivacije i emocionalne probleme. Motoričke sposobnosti i funkcioniranje osoba s invaliditetom, bez obzira na sličnost u dijagnozi ili pojavnom obliku invaliditeta, razlikuju se između pojedinaca. Stoga je važno procijeniti sposobnosti i potrebe osobe te prema tome kreirati individualan program. Virtualna stvarnost sadrži neke osnovne elemente potrebne za uspjeÅ”nu terapiju, a to su: ponavljanje, povratna informacija o izvedbi/ feedback i motivacija. U ovom radu pružen je prikaz dosadaÅ”njih spoznaja o utjecaju sustava virtualne stvarnosti na motoričko funkcioniranje gornjih ekstremiteta uslijed spomenutih oÅ”tećenja. Također se govori o prednostima i izazovima koje pruža VS te o dostupnosti i primjeni ove metode u Republici Hrvatskoj. Ranije studije pokazale su vrlo slabe dokaze o utjecaju virtualne stvarnosti na motoričko funkcioniranje gornjih ekstremiteta, ali su istaknule mogućnost ove metode da održi konstantan interesi motivaciju sudionika. Studije provedene unutar zadnjih nekoliko godina prikazuju učinkovitost virtualne stvarnosti i njen vidljiv utjecaj na rehabilitaciju funkcionalnih motoričkih sposobnosti gornjih ekstremiteta, no nema dokaza o superiornosti učinaka samostalne primjene ove metode naspram ostalih konvencionalnih metoda. Neki podaci pokazuju najuspjeÅ”nije ishode prilikom primjene ove metode istodobno s radnom ili fizikalnom terapijom.Virtual reality (VR) as a relatively new technology in the domain of rehabilitation shows a great potential for affective implementation and positive outcomes. It provides realistic interactive experience of communication and manipulation with virtual environment, which has an intensive effect on rehabilitation of functional motor skills. Motor abilities can be affected by a large number of motor disorders, but the most common ones are: stroke and cerebral palsy. They are central nervous system disorders which, with their frequency, affect quality of life of many people. Besides motor disfunctions, effects of these impairments often include sensory deficits, concentracion problems, fatigue and anxiety, motivation loss and emotional problems. Motor abilities and functioning of people with disabilities are very different between individuals, even if their diagnose or form of disability are similar or the same. Therefore, it is very important to evaluate person's abilities and needs, and according to that, create individual program. Virtual reality has some of the basic elements needed for successful therapy: repetition, feedback and motivation. This paper has provided an overview of existing data on the subject of virtual reality rehabilitation of upper limb motor functions following stroke and CP. There is also some information about the advantages and challenges that virtual reality provides, and about the availability and implementation of this method in the Republic of Croatia. Earlier studies have showed a very weak evidence about effects of virtual reality on upper extremity motor functions, but they highlighted this method'scapability to hold a constant interest and motivation of the participant. More recent studies have been showing the effects of VR and it's evident impact on the rehabilitation of functional upper extremity motor abilities, but there is still no evidence about the superiority of VR, when applied alone, to conventional methods. Some data shows most successful outcomes when VR is applied concurrent to occupational and physiotherapy


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    Virtualna stvarnost predstavlja računalnu tehnologiju koja replicira stvarno ili imaginarno okruženje pomoću softvera i prezentira umjetno stvoreno okruženje korisniku na način koji mu omogućuje da ga on prihvati kao realno okruženje. Tehnologija virtualne stvarnosti koristi ulazne i izlazne uređaje, a najrasprostranjeniji izlazni uređaji su HMD uređaji ā€“ vizualni izlazni uređaji. Niskobudžetni VR Headset uređaji su najjednostavniji HMD uređaji koji su dostupni Å”iroj populaciji ljudi, a potrebno ih je koristiti u kombinaciji sa Smartphone uređajima. Neki od VR Headset uređaja testirani su u ovom radu (VR Cardboard, iBlue VR Headset, ColorCross 2.0, Arealer VR Headset, Shinecon VR G02 Headset). Uspoređeni su s obzirom na njihove specifikacije i rezultate testiranja (testni video) te je Shinecon VR G02 Headset odabran kao optimalan VR Headset. Također, tehnologija je postala dio svakodnevnice svakog čovjeka i svi koriste Smartphone uređaje. Smartphone uređaji različitih proizvođača s različitim mobilnim operativnim sustavima (Huawei P9 Lite ā€“ Android, iPhone 6 ā€“ iOS, Microsoft Lumia 640 LTE ā€“ Windows) testirani su koristeći odabrani Shinecon VR G02 Headset uređaj da bi se istražio potencijal aplikacija virtualne stvarnosti u kontekstu mobilnog poslovanja. Windows ima najgoru ponudu aplikacija i igara, ali Android i iPhone nude mnogo veći izbor te imaju iste aplikacije i igre virtualne stvarnosti. Virtualna stvarnost u kontekstu mobilnog poslovanja najbolje se koristi u područjima zabave i ograničenih područja obrazovanja. Konačno, testirani su i napredniji HMD uređaji (Samsung Gear VR i HTC Vive) u studiu virtualne stvarnosti ā€“ Legame Studio u Zagrebu.Virtual reality represents a computer technology that replicates the real or imaginary environment by software and presents an artificially created environment to the user in a way that allows him to accept it as a realistic environment. Virtual reality technology uses input and output devices, and the most widespread output devices are HMD devices - visual output devices. Low-cost VR Headset devices are the simplest HMD devices available to a wider population and need to be used in combination with Smartphone devices. Some of the VR Headset devices are tested in this work (VR Cardboard, iBlue VR Headset, ColorCross 2.0, Arealer VR Headset, Shinecon VR G02 Headset). They were compared considering their specifications and test results (test video) and the Shinecon VR G02 Headset was chosen as the optimal VR Headset. Also, technology has become a part of every man's everyday life and everyone uses Smartphone devices. Smartphone devices from different manufacturers with different mobile operating systems (Huawei P9 Lite - Android, iPhone 6 - iOS, Microsoft Lumia 640 LTE - Windows) were tested using the selected Shinecon VR G02 Headset to explore the potential of virtual reality applications in the context of mobile business. Windows has the worst offer of apps and games, but Android and iPhone offer much greater choice and have the same virtual reality apps and games. Virtual reality in the context of mobile business is best used in entertainment and limited areas of education. Finally, more advanced HMD devices (Samsung Gear VR and HTC Vive) have been tested in the virtual reality studio - the Legame Studio in Zagreb


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    Virtualna stvarnost predstavlja računalnu tehnologiju koja replicira stvarno ili imaginarno okruženje pomoću softvera i prezentira umjetno stvoreno okruženje korisniku na način koji mu omogućuje da ga on prihvati kao realno okruženje. Tehnologija virtualne stvarnosti koristi ulazne i izlazne uređaje, a najrasprostranjeniji izlazni uređaji su HMD uređaji ā€“ vizualni izlazni uređaji. Niskobudžetni VR Headset uređaji su najjednostavniji HMD uređaji koji su dostupni Å”iroj populaciji ljudi, a potrebno ih je koristiti u kombinaciji sa Smartphone uređajima. Neki od VR Headset uređaja testirani su u ovom radu (VR Cardboard, iBlue VR Headset, ColorCross 2.0, Arealer VR Headset, Shinecon VR G02 Headset). Uspoređeni su s obzirom na njihove specifikacije i rezultate testiranja (testni video) te je Shinecon VR G02 Headset odabran kao optimalan VR Headset. Također, tehnologija je postala dio svakodnevnice svakog čovjeka i svi koriste Smartphone uređaje. Smartphone uređaji različitih proizvođača s različitim mobilnim operativnim sustavima (Huawei P9 Lite ā€“ Android, iPhone 6 ā€“ iOS, Microsoft Lumia 640 LTE ā€“ Windows) testirani su koristeći odabrani Shinecon VR G02 Headset uređaj da bi se istražio potencijal aplikacija virtualne stvarnosti u kontekstu mobilnog poslovanja. Windows ima najgoru ponudu aplikacija i igara, ali Android i iPhone nude mnogo veći izbor te imaju iste aplikacije i igre virtualne stvarnosti. Virtualna stvarnost u kontekstu mobilnog poslovanja najbolje se koristi u područjima zabave i ograničenih područja obrazovanja. Konačno, testirani su i napredniji HMD uređaji (Samsung Gear VR i HTC Vive) u studiu virtualne stvarnosti ā€“ Legame Studio u Zagrebu.Virtual reality represents a computer technology that replicates the real or imaginary environment by software and presents an artificially created environment to the user in a way that allows him to accept it as a realistic environment. Virtual reality technology uses input and output devices, and the most widespread output devices are HMD devices - visual output devices. Low-cost VR Headset devices are the simplest HMD devices available to a wider population and need to be used in combination with Smartphone devices. Some of the VR Headset devices are tested in this work (VR Cardboard, iBlue VR Headset, ColorCross 2.0, Arealer VR Headset, Shinecon VR G02 Headset). They were compared considering their specifications and test results (test video) and the Shinecon VR G02 Headset was chosen as the optimal VR Headset. Also, technology has become a part of every man's everyday life and everyone uses Smartphone devices. Smartphone devices from different manufacturers with different mobile operating systems (Huawei P9 Lite - Android, iPhone 6 - iOS, Microsoft Lumia 640 LTE - Windows) were tested using the selected Shinecon VR G02 Headset to explore the potential of virtual reality applications in the context of mobile business. Windows has the worst offer of apps and games, but Android and iPhone offer much greater choice and have the same virtual reality apps and games. Virtual reality in the context of mobile business is best used in entertainment and limited areas of education. Finally, more advanced HMD devices (Samsung Gear VR and HTC Vive) have been tested in the virtual reality studio - the Legame Studio in Zagreb

    Behavioural morphisms in virtual environments

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    One of the largest application domains for Virtual Reality lies in simulating the Real World. Contemporary applications of virtual environments include training devices for surgery, component assembly and maintenance, all of which require a high fidelity reproduction of psychomotor skills. One extremely important research question in this field is: "How closely does our facsimile of a real task in a virtual environment reproduce that Task?" At present the field of Virtual Reality is answering this question in subjective terms by the concept of presence and in objective terms by measures of task performance or training effectiveness ratios. [Continues.

    Perzeption in virtueller RealitƤt als Aggregat von Visualisierung und Interaktion

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    Die vorliegende Arbeit belegt, dass sich das varianzanalytische Design mit Messwiederholung zur vergleichenden Untersuchung verschiedener Anzeigesysteme und Interaktionstechniken eignet. DarĆ¼ber hinaus erƶffnet das forschungsmethodische Instrument die Aufnahme weiterer Variablen, von denen ein Einfluss auf Performanz, sense of  resence, usability sowie auf weitere abhƤngige Variablen im Kontext virtueller Umgebungen zu erwarten ist. Weiterhin sind die ReliabilitƤten der Fragebƶgen als zufrieden stellend und gut einzuordnen, wonach  sich der Einsatz der Instrumente empfiehlt, wenngleich umfassende Studien zur ValiditƤt noch ausstehen

    A new taxonomy for locomotion in virtual environments

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    The concept of virtual reality, although evolving due to technological advances, has always been fundamentally defined as a revolutionary way for humans to interact with computers. The revolution comes from the concept of immersion, which is the essence of virtual reality. Users are no longer passive observers of information, but active participants that have leaped through the computer screen and are now part of the information. This has tremendous implications on how users interact with computer information in the virtual world.;Perhaps the most common form of interaction in a virtual environment is locomotion. The term locomotion is used to indicate a user\u27s control of movement through the virtual environment. There are many ways for a user to change his viewpoint in the virtual world. Because virtual reality is a relatively young field, no standard interfaces exist for interaction, particularly locomotion, in a virtual world. There have been few attempts to formally classify the ways in which virtual locomotion can occur. These classification schemes do not take into account the various interaction devices such as joysticks and vehicle mock-ups that are used to perform the locomotion. Nor do they account for the differences in display devices, such as head-mounted displays, monitors, or projected walls.;This work creates a new classification system for virtual locomotion methods. The classification provides guidelines for designers of new VR applications, on what types of locomotion are best suited to the requirements of new applications. Unlike previous taxonomies, this work incorporates display devices, interaction devices, and travel tasks, along with identifying two major components of travel: translation and rotation. The classification also identifies important sub-components of these two.;In addition, we have experimentally validated the importance of display device and rotation method in this new classification system. This was accomplished through a large-scale user experiment. Users performed an architectural walkthrough of a virtual building. Both objective and subjective measures indicate that choice of display device is extremely important to the task of locomotion, and that for each display device, the choice of rotation method is also important

    Construction and management of large-scale and complex virtual manufacturing environments.

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    SIGLEAvailable from British Library Document Supply Centre-DSC:DXN037121 / BLDSC - British Library Document Supply CentreGBUnited Kingdo

    Sensorimotor adaptation of human control strategies : ramifications for future human-machine interface design

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    Thesis (M.S.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 1995.Includes bibliographical references.by Corinna E. Lathan.M.S