122 research outputs found

    Sociotechnical Imaginaries, the Future and the Third Offset Strategy

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    The End of Traffic and the Future of Access: A Roadmap to the New Transport Landscape

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    In most industrialized countries, car travel per person has peaked and the automobile regime is showing considering signs of instability. As cities across the globe venture to find the best ways to allow people to get around amidst technological and other changes, many forces are taking hold — all of which suggest a new transport landscape. Our roadmap describes why this landscape is taking shape and prescribes policies informed by contextual awareness, clear thinking, and flexibility

    Система навігації самохідної техніки на базі Arduino

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    Пояснювальна записка дипломного проєкту складається з 3 розділів, містить 85 сторінок тексту, 59 рисунків, 3 таблиці, 4 додатки, 59 інформаційних посилань. Об`єкт дослідження: система навігації самохідної техніки на базі Arduino. Мета дипломного проєкту: створення системи управління мобільного колісного робота з використанням Arduino, розробка мобільного колісного робота. У дипломному проєкті створено та реалізовано апаратно-програмний комплекс мобільного робота-автомобіля здатного орієнтуватися у просторі у режимі реального часу та уникати перешкоди, спираючись на: мікроконтролерну плату Arduino UNO, шилд драйверу двигунів Adafruit Motor Shield; використовується код, написаний у програмному забезпеченні Arduino IDE із застосуванням бібліотек AF Motor та Servo. Отримані результати можуть бути корисними при подальших дослідженнях та розробках різних систем навігації мобільних роботів, завдання яких – пересуватися у невизначеному середовищі з численними перешкодами.The explanatory note of the diploma project consists of 3 sections, contains 84 pages of text, 59 drawings, 3 tables, 4 annexes, 59 information links. Object of research: Arduino-based navigation system of self-driving vehicles. The aim of the diploma project: creation of a control system for a mobile wheeled robot using Arduino, the development of a mobile wheeled robot. In this diploma project were created and implemented - a hardware and software complex mobile robot-car, able to navigate in its surroundings and avoid obstacles in real time, created with: Arduino UNO microcontroller board, Adafruit Motor Driver Shield, servomotor and DC motors; code was written in Arduino IDE software using AFMotor and Servo libraries. The results obtained can be useful for further research and development of various navigation systems of autonomous mobile robots, which task is to move in an uncertain environment with numerous obstacles

    Future Implications of Emerging Disruptive Technologies on Weapons of Mass Destruction

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    This report asks the questions: What are the future implications of Emerging Disruptive Technologies (EDTs) on the future of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) warfare? How might EDTs increase the lethality and effectiveness of WMDs in kinetic warfare in 2040? How can civic leaders and public servants prepare for and mitigate projected threats? Problem  In the coming decade, state and non-state adversaries will use EDTs to attack systems and populations that may initiate and accelerate existing geopolitical conflict escalation. EDTs are expected to be used both in the initial attack or escalation as well as a part of the detection and decision-making process. Due to the speed of EDTs, expected confusion, and common lack of human oversight, attacks will also be incorrectly attributed, which has the capacity to escalate rapid geopolitical conflict to global military conflict, and ultimately, to the use of nuclear WMDs. The use of EDTs in the shadow of nuclear WMDs is also expected to create an existential threat to possible adversaries, pushing them to “lower the bar” of acceptability for using nuclear WMDs. EDTs will enable and embolden insider threats, both willing and unknowing, to effect geopolitical conflict on a global scale. In addition, the combination of multiple EDTs when used together for attacks will create WMD effects on populations and governments. Furthermore, EDTs will be used by adversaries to target and destabilize critical infrastructure systems, such as food, energy, and transportation, etc. that will have a broader effect on populations and governments. EDTs will enable adversaries to perpetrate a long-game attack, where the effect and attribution of the attack may not be detected for an extended period -- if ever. Solution  To combat these future threats, organizations will need to conduct research and intelligence gathering paired with exploratory research and development to better understand the state of EDTs and their potential impacts. With this information, organizations will need to conduct collaborative “wargaming” and planning to explore a range of possible and potential threats of EDTs. The knowledge gained from all of these activities will inform future training and best practices to prepare for and address these threats. Organizations will also need to increase their investments in EDT related domains, necessitating countries to not only change how they fight, but also evolve their thinking about deterrence. Expanded regulation, policy making, and political solidarity among members will take on an increasingly more significant and expanded role. Broader government, military, and civilian cooperation will be needed to disrupt and mitigate some of these future threats in conjunction with broader public awareness. All of these actions will place a higher value on cooperation and shared resiliency among NATO members

    Full Volume 82: The Law of War in the 21st Century: Weaponry and the Use of Force

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    "Written So You Can Understand It" : the process and people behind creating an issue of Popular Mechanics

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    Professional project report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Masters of Arts in Journalism from the School of Journalism, University of Missouri--Columbia.At 112 years old, Popular Mechanics has one of the longest legacies in magazines. Looking at the editorial process, editor-in-chief Jim Meigs talks about what makes great science journalism at Popular Mechanics. He talks on topics of style, content, and accuracy and how these come together to form every issue. This paper benefits the industry by analyzing how a consumer science magazine in a rapidly changing industry covers science and technology. These pages not only give industry professionals insight on how to find and craft a science magazine story, but this project also gives potential magazine students insight into the editorial process of a national magazine and the kind of journalism chops that are needed to succeed in this industry.Includes bibliographic references

    Autumn 2016 Full Issue

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