1,088 research outputs found

    Towards Thompson Sampling for Complex Bayesian Reasoning

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    Paper III, IV, and VI are not available as a part of the dissertation due to the copyright.Thompson Sampling (TS) is a state-of-art algorithm for bandit problems set in a Bayesian framework. Both the theoretical foundation and the empirical efficiency of TS is wellexplored for plain bandit problems. However, the Bayesian underpinning of TS means that TS could potentially be applied to other, more complex, problems as well, beyond the bandit problem, if suitable Bayesian structures can be found. The objective of this thesis is the development and analysis of TS-based schemes for more complex optimization problems, founded on Bayesian reasoning. We address several complex optimization problems where the previous state-of-art relies on a relatively myopic perspective on the problem. These includes stochastic searching on the line, the Goore game, the knapsack problem, travel time estimation, and equipartitioning. Instead of employing Bayesian reasoning to obtain a solution, they rely on carefully engineered rules. In all brevity, we recast each of these optimization problems in a Bayesian framework, introducing dedicated TS based solution schemes. For all of the addressed problems, the results show that besides being more effective, the TS based approaches we introduce are also capable of solving more adverse versions of the problems, such as dealing with stochastic liars.publishedVersio

    Playing Multi-Action Adversarial Games: Online Evolutionary Planning versus Tree Search

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    We address the problem of playing turn-based multi-action adversarial games, which include many strategy games with extremely high branching factors as players take multiple actions each turn. This leads to the breakdown of standard tree search methods, including Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS), as they become unable to reach a sufficient depth in the game tree. In this paper we introduce Online Evolutionary Planning (OEP) to address this challenge, which searches for combinations of actions to perform during a single turn guided by a fitness function that evaluates the quality of a particular state. We compare OEP to different MCTS variations that constrain the exploration to deal with the high branching factor in the turn-based multi-action game Hero Academy. While the constrained MCTS variations outperform the vanilla MCTS implementation by a large margin, OEP is able to search the space of plans more efficiently than any of the tested tree search methods as it has a relative advantage when the number of actions per turn increases

    Improving Deep Reinforcement Learning Using Graph Convolution and Visual Domain Transfer

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    Recent developments in Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) have shown tremendous progress in robotics control, Atari games, board games such as Go, etc. However, model free DRL still has limited use cases due to its poor sampling efficiency and generalization on a variety of tasks. In this thesis, two particular drawbacks of DRL are investigated: 1) the poor generalization abilities of model free DRL. More specifically, how to generalize an agent\u27s policy to unseen environments and generalize to task performance on different data representations (e.g. image based or graph based) 2) The reality gap issue in DRL. That is, how to effectively transfer a policy learned in a simulator to the real world. This thesis makes several novel contributions to the field of DRL which are outlined sequentially in the following. Among these contributions is the generalized value iteration network (GVIN) algorithm, which is an end-to-end neural network planning module extending the work of Value Iteration Networks (VIN). GVIN emulates the value iteration algorithm by using a novel graph convolution operator, which enables GVIN to learn and plan on irregular spatial graphs. Additionally, this thesis proposes three novel, differentiable kernels as graph convolution operators and shows that the embedding-based kernel achieves the best performance. Furthermore, an improvement upon traditional nn-step QQ-learning that stabilizes training for VIN and GVIN is demonstrated. Additionally, the equivalence between GVIN and graph neural networks is outlined and shown that GVIN can be further extended to address both control and inference problems. The final subject which falls under the graph domain that is studied in this thesis is graph embeddings. Specifically, this work studies a general graph embedding framework GEM-F that unifies most of the previous graph embedding algorithms. Based on the contributions made during the analysis of GEM-F, a novel algorithm called WarpMap which outperforms DeepWalk and node2vec in the unsupervised learning settings is proposed. The aforementioned reality gap in DRL prohibits a significant portion of research from reaching the real world setting. The latter part of this work studies and analyzes domain transfer techniques in an effort to bridge this gap. Typically, domain transfer in RL consists of representation transfer and policy transfer. In this work, the focus is on representation transfer for vision based applications. More specifically, aligning the feature representation from source domain to target domain in an unsupervised fashion. In this approach, a linear mapping function is considered to fuse modules that are trained in different domains. Proposed are two improved adversarial learning methods to enhance the training quality of the mapping function. Finally, the thesis demonstrates the effectiveness of domain alignment among different weather conditions in the CARLA autonomous driving simulator

    Bayesian optimisation for automated machine learning

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    In this thesis, we develop a rich family of efficient and performant Bayesian optimisation (BO) methods to tackle various AutoML tasks. We first introduce a fast information-theoretic BO method, FITBO, that overcomes the computation bottleneck of information-theoretic acquisition functions while maintaining their competitiveness on the noisy optimisation problems frequently encountered in AutoML. We then improve on the idea of local penalisation and develop an asynchronous batch BO solution, PLAyBOOK, to enable more efficient use of parallel computing resources when evaluation runtime varies across configurations. In view of the fact that many practical AutoML problems involve a mixture of multiple continuous and multiple categorical variables, we propose a new framework, named Continuous and Categorical BO (CoCaBO) to handle such mixed-type input spaces. CoCaBO merges the strengths of multi-armed bandits on categorical inputs and that of BO on continuous space, and uses a tailored kernel to permit information sharing across different categorical variables. We also extend CoCaBO by harnessing the concept of local trust region to achieve competitive performance on high-dimensional optimisation problems with mixed input types. Beyond hyper-parameter tuning, we also investigate the novel use of BO on two important AutoML applications: black-box adversarial attack and neural architecture search. For the former (adversarial attack), we introduce the first BO-based attacks on image and graph classifiers; by actively querying the unknown victim classifier, our BO attacks can successfully find adversarial perturbations with many fewer attempts than competing baselines. They can thus serve as efficient tools for assessing the robustness of models suggested by AutoML. For the latter (neural architecture search), we leverage the Weisfeiler-Lehamn graph kernel to empower our BO search strategy, NAS-BOWL, to naturally handle the directed acyclic graph representation of architectures. Besides achieving superior query efficiency, our NAS-BOWL also returns interpretable sub-features that help explain the architecture performance, thus marking the first step towards interpretable neural architecture search. Finally, we examine the most computation-intense step in AutoML pipeline: generalisation performance evaluation for a new configuration. We propose a cheap yet reliable test performance estimator based on a simple measure of training speed. It consistently outperforms various existing estimators on on a wide range of architecture search spaces and and can be easily incorporated into different search strategies, including BO, to improve the cost efficiency

    Search-based Test Generation for Automated Driving Systems: From Perception to Control Logic

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    abstract: Automated driving systems are in an intensive research and development stage, and the companies developing these systems are targeting to deploy them on public roads in a very near future. Guaranteeing safe operation of these systems is crucial as they are planned to carry passengers and share the road with other vehicles and pedestrians. Yet, there is no agreed-upon approach on how and in what detail those systems should be tested. Different organizations have different testing approaches, and one common approach is to combine simulation-based testing with real-world driving. One of the expectations from fully-automated vehicles is never to cause an accident. However, an automated vehicle may not be able to avoid all collisions, e.g., the collisions caused by other road occupants. Hence, it is important for the system designers to understand the boundary case scenarios where an autonomous vehicle can no longer avoid a collision. Besides safety, there are other expectations from automated vehicles such as comfortable driving and minimal fuel consumption. All safety and functional expectations from an automated driving system should be captured with a set of system requirements. It is challenging to create requirements that are unambiguous and usable for the design, testing, and evaluation of automated driving systems. Another challenge is to define useful metrics for assessing the testing quality because in general, it is impossible to test every possible scenario. The goal of this dissertation is to formalize the theory for testing automated vehicles. Various methods for automatic test generation for automated-driving systems in simulation environments are presented and compared. The contributions presented in this dissertation include (i) new metrics that can be used to discover the boundary cases between safe and unsafe driving conditions, (ii) a new approach that combines combinatorial testing and optimization-guided test generation methods, (iii) approaches that utilize global optimization methods and random exploration to generate critical vehicle and pedestrian trajectories for testing purposes, (iv) a publicly-available simulation-based automated vehicle testing framework that enables application of the existing testing approaches in the literature, including the new approaches presented in this dissertation.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Computer Engineering 201

    Improving Password Guessing via Representation Learning

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    Learning useful representations from unstructured data is one of the core challenges, as well as a driving force, of modern data-driven approaches. Deep learning has demonstrated the broad advantages of learning and harnessing such representations. In this paper, we introduce a deep generative model representation learning approach for password guessing. We show that an abstract password representation naturally offers compelling and versatile properties that can be used to open new directions in the extensively studied, and yet presently active, password guessing field. These properties can establish novel password generation techniques that are neither feasible nor practical with the existing probabilistic and non-probabilistic approaches. Based on these properties, we introduce:(1) A general framework for conditional password guessing that can generate passwords with arbitrary biases; and (2) an Expectation Maximization-inspired framework that can dynamically adapt the estimated password distribution to match the distribution of the attacked password set.Comment: This paper appears in the proceedings of the 42nd IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (Oakland) S&P 202
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