291,877 research outputs found

    Exit, Voice, and Disloyalty

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    Innomhuspositioneringssystem kan med fördel användas i många olika tillämpningar, allt från sjukhus till shoppingcenter. Denna rapport behandlar olika tekniker och lösningar för att designa ett positioneringssystem. Rapporten tar även upp i detalj hur ett system kan konstrueras av ZigBee kombinerat med dödräkning

    Exit, Voice, and Disloyalty

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    This Lecture begins with a puzzle about Albert Hirschman’s famous work Exit, Voice, and Loyalty: Why do we make much of exit and voice but utterly neglect loyalty? It’s a question that goes well beyond Hirschman’s book. For example, much of constitutional theory is preoccupied with a single question: What doesademocracy owe its minorities? And most of the answers to this question fit naturally into the two categories Hirschman made famous: voice and exit. On both the rights side and the structural side of constitutional theory, scholars worry about providing minorities with an adequate level of influence. And the solutions they propose almost inevitably offer minorities a chance at voice or exit, ] as if no other option exists. The First Amendment, for instance, offers minorities the right to free speech (voice) and private association (exit). Similarly, structural arrangements give minorities the chance to vote in national elections (voice) and in state elections (exit)

    President Ames\u27 67th Commencement Address

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    A Lifespan and Beyond – Essay in Honor of Wolfgang Mitter

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    Drama for the Church: the Soul Purpose Plays

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    Intended as an introductory chapter to a book, this essay outlines the motivation for writing liturgical drama and for creating Soul Purpose. Unfortunately, John Steven Paul (1951-2009), professor of Theatre at Valparaiso University, passed away before he could complete the full manuscript

    On Becoming Human in LingĂ­t AanĂ­: Encountering Levinas through Indigenous Inspirations

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    Calls for taking up wisdom in its place risk re-inscribing coloniality at the level of signification if attempts to resituate intelligibility in the specificity of place are not enacted through a careful translation of experience between victims and perpetrators of colonial violence. At some level, decolonization ought to be conceived as a kind of translation. Emmanuel Levinas' project to "translate" Judaism into Greek is one way of staging such decolonial translation by providing us an internal critique of coloniality while remaining receptive to indigenous inspirations that enrich eco-phenomenological ways of encountering place. In the final instance, however, this paper calls for encountering place through the indigenous languages that make place ethically legible. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]Ye

    Free Speech and the Diverse University

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    There are those who think that free speech and inclusivity on college campuses are inconsistent. The notion that the two values are in tension with one another has become a common framing for thinking about the modern campus. A Gallup-Knight Foundation poll of college students asked respondents not only whether they valued free speech or diversity but also to choose between them and indicate which was “more important for colleges.” When forced to choose, a substantial minority of students said they would prioritize inclusivity over the freedom to express “viewpoints that are offensive” on campus. Following the Gallup-Knight poll the American Council on Education put a similar question to college presidents. University leaders overwhelmingly insisted that if forced to choose they would prioritize allowing students “to be exposed to all types of speech.” Those pollsters were hardly alone in wanting to focus attention on “when core values collide.” Much of the debate surrounding campus free speech in recent years has assumed that choices must be made between speech and inclusivity and has moved on to argue over which should take priority. This Article proceeds in three Parts. Part I explores the need for universities to clearly articulate their position on free speech. Part II explains why it is crucial to integrate community members into an inclusive intellectual culture. And Part III identifies discrete administrative steps that must be taken to implement these policies

    Master\u27s Project: Tending to Joy

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    If we dare to hope for the thriving of humans and all of life, then joy must hold a solid place in our imagination. The purpose of this project was to breathe joy into my own life and into the world around me. Following a literature review, I carried out three mini-projects – creating crowd-sourced collages out of what brings people joy, sending daily text messages with quotes about joy, and providing cookies to groups working on social change efforts. The projects succeeded in spreading delight, raising spirits, and inspiring reflection. The journey towards cultivating joy in my own life was substantially messier and remains completely unresolved. I conclude this project not yet able but still aspiring to fully say “yes” to life

    Drone Warfare and Just War Theory

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    This book chapter addresses two questions. First, can targeted killing by drones in non-battlefield zones be justified on basis of just war theory? Second, will the proliferation and expansion of combat drones in warfare, including the introduction of autonomous drones, be an obstacle to initiating or executing wars in a just manner in the future? The first question is answered by applying traditional jus ad bellum (justice in the resort to war) and jus in bello (justice in the execution of war) principles to the American targeted killing campaign in Pakistan; the second question is answered on basis of principles of “just military preparedness” or jus ante bellum (justice before war), a new category of just war thinking. It is concluded that an international ban on weaponized drones is morally imperative and, certainly, that an international treaty against autonomous lethal weapons should be adopted
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