40,212 research outputs found

    Thesis & Dissertation Format Guide

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    University of the Pacific Thesis & Dissertation Format Guide. Most recent version: May 1, 2023

    Creating Evidence-Based Electronic Thesis & Dissertation Supplemental File Guidance

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    As a small university library, our research support efforts are focused on Early Career Researchers (ECRs) including graduate students. Many of our campus Electronic Theses & Dissertations (ETDs) have supplemental files which we examined to determine what support our graduate students need. A majority of the files had significant preservation and usability issues, and basic data best practices were not being followed. Based upon this review, we created an ETD supplemental file guide, and partnered with the Graduate Division to communicate this guide to students. In this poster, we will share our supplemental file discoveries, our approach, and resources

    01-26-2012 Anna Nelson to Present Ph.D. Thesis Dissertation during SWOSU Visit

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    Southwestern Oklahoma State University graduate Anna Nelson of Hobbs (NM) will present her Ph.D. thesis dissertation during a visit to the Weatherford campus on Wednesday, February 1

    Predicting Graduate Students’ Self-Efficacy for Thesis/Dissertation Completion in Sub-Saharan Africa

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    Despite the global surge in enrollment for master\u27s and Ph.D. programs worldwide and, to some extent, in Sub-Saharan Africa, a considerable lag in completing theses and dissertations (TD) persists. Personal, situational, and contextual factors, such as supervision arrangements and research abilities, have been correlated with the time taken for TD completion. However, beyond these variables, there remains a significant gap in our understanding of what precisely predicts TD completion. To contribute to this knowledge deficit, we conducted a study to determine the predictive nature of specific information sources on students\u27 self-efficacy regarding TD completion. These sources encompass gender, graduate program level, coursework completion, prior statistical skills, and research knowledge. A survey built in Qualtrics was distributed to 65 masters and doctoral students in the Agricultural Education and Extension departments at four universities in Sub-Saharan Africa. The findings indicated that most respondents possessed prior experience with statistics or research and had completed their coursework. Nevertheless, self-reported research knowledge and self-efficacy for TD completion were rated average, signaling a clear need for proficient research skills to ensure punctual TD completion. Furthermore, hierarchical regression revealed that additional predictors, beyond research knowledge alone, led to a 42% increase in TD self-efficacy for completion. These findings suggest that graduate programs should prioritize providing students with more research-related mastery experiences. This could be accomplished by offering a broader range of statistical courses, hands-on research opportunities, and avenues for professional development. Additionally, institutions should evaluate to address the specific TD research requirements of graduate students through a gendered lens


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    Written theses and dissertations must be unique scientific studies that are either completed or have not been previously investigated. The main criteria for theses and dissertations should be the determination of the title, grand theory, and research idea as well as originality, to ensure that the scientific work produced is not just testing a theory or previous research findings. However, it can contribute fresh ideas and novel research to the study of Islamic preaching. Writing theses and dissertations can also give students research expertise that they can use later on in their studies of Islamic preaching. Students will gain real new experiences through the process of discovery, study, and in-depth scientific thinking about the science of islamic preaching by studying and examining the most recent research areas. Islamic studies lecturers direct the orientation to expertise and classes in the schools overseen by this compartment in accordance with their preferences. It is preferable if Islamic studies lecturers initially have the flexibility to select their compartment. The function of developing expertise or a specific subject requires lecturers who have specialized in that area to maintain a commitment to that function or subject. Tesis dan Disertasi yang ditulis harus merupakan kajian original keilmuan yang ada atau belum pernah diteliti oleh peneliti sebelumnya. Penetuan judul, grand teori dan konsep penelitian serta orisinalitas tesis dan disertasi harus menjadi syarat utama, sehingga karya ilmiah yang dihasilkan tidak hanya sekedar menguji suatu teori atau temuan penelitian sebelumnya. Namun dapat memberikan teori dan kontribusi baru di bidang ilmu dakwah. Penulisan tesis dan disertasi juga dapat memberikan pengalaman meneliti bagi mahasiswa untuk melakukan penelitian berikutnya, ketika mereka telah terjun di medan dakwah. Dengan mengkaji dan mengeksplorasi bidang-bidang penelitian terkini, mahasiswa akan mendapatkan pengalaman baru secara nyata melalui proses penemuan, pengkajian, penelaahan dan pemikiran ilmiah yang mendalam tentang ilmu dakwah. Para dosen Islamic studies sesuai preferensinya memandu orientasi amaliyah Islam tersebut pada keahlian dan matakuliah-matakuliah di fakultas-fakultas yang bernaung di bawah kompartemen tersebut. Sebaiknya para dosen Islami studies memiliki kebebasan awal untuk memilih kompartemennya. Dosen telah masuk ke suatu bidang keahlian ilmu perlu ada komitmen berkelanjutan atas fungsi pengembangan keahlian atau matakuliah tertentu

    Web Based Postgraduate Thesis/Dessertation System - A Prototype

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    With the advancement of information communication technology in Malaysia, education field should take advantage to upgrade their learning and management techniques. Students should be allowed to learn anytime, anywhere and at their own place. However administration and lecture should be able to manage their work more effective and flexible. The web-based system is effective way to learning and managing education works. This report outlines the development of a web-based postgraduate thesis/dissertation management system (WPTS), which aimed to assist thesis/dissertation administration, supervisor and students in the better integration during students doing the thesis/dissertation works. This prototype system base on case study with a group of MSC(IT), administration, lecturer and students who participate in thesis/dissertation management activities. This report also presenting the tests conducted with users, it also contributed some perspective regarding benefits that gain by administration, supervisor and students, and recommends future application of the approach

    Web Based Postgraduate Thesis/Dessertation System - A Prototype

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    With the advancement of information communication technology in Malaysia, education field should take advantage to upgrade their learning and management techniques. Students should be allowed to learn anytime, anywhere and at their own place. However administration and lecture should be able to manage their work more effective and flexible. The web-based system is effective way to learning and managing education works. This report outlines the development of a web-based postgraduate thesis/dissertation management system (WPTS), which aimed to assist thesis/dissertation administration, supervisor and students in the better integration during students doing the thesis/dissertation works. This prototype system base on case study with a group of MSC(IT), administration, lecturer and students who participate in thesis/dissertation management activities. This report also presenting the tests conducted with users, it also contributed some perspective regarding benefits that gain by administration, supervisor and students, and recommends future application of the approach

    Data analysis and interpretation : a handbook for postgraduate social scientists

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    This book is designed to assist postgraduate social science students and researchers to complete their thesis, dissertation or research projects. This book is equipped with a CD-ROM containing data from a Ph.D thesis. The data will be used from start till end, so that the reader could see the continuous application of various statistical tools and techniques to address the research questions identified. Emphasis is given to various SPSS procedures and selected qualitative techniques. Methods for conducting validity and reliability tests as well as subsequent descriptive and inferential analyses are presented in a logical manner. Finally, methods for interpreting and discussing the research findings are presented accordingly