44 research outputs found

    Gemeinsames Vokabular für Publikations- und Dokumenttypen

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    Das 2010 erstmalig veröffentlichte „Gemeinsame Vokabular für Publikations- und Dokumenttypen“ bedurfte angesichts des sich verändernden Publikationsverhaltens und neu hinzugekommenen Anforderungen aus der Forschungsberichterstattung einer Überarbeitung. Die Aktualisierung wurde von einer gemeinsamen Arbeitsgruppe der DINI-Arbeitsgruppen „Elektronisches Publizieren“ (E-Pub) und „Forschungsinformationssysteme“ (FIS) sowie dem „Bundeshelpdesk zum KDSF“ erarbeitet

    Topics of doctoral and postdoctoral dissertations devoted to judo in period 2000-2016 - the overall analysis of works of Russian experts

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    The aim of this article are the preferences topics of doctoral and postdoctoral theses on judo defended in Russian Federation universities in the period 2000-201

    Gemeinsames Vokabular für Publikations- und Dokumenttypen

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    Das 2010 erstmalig veröffentlichte „Gemeinsame Vokabular für Publikations- und Dokumenttypen“ bedurfte angesichts des sich verändernden Publikationsverhaltens und neu hinzugekommenen Anforderungen aus der Forschungsberichterstattung einer Überarbeitung. Die Aktualisierung wurde von einer gemeinsamen Arbeitsgruppe der DINI-Arbeitsgruppen „Elektronisches Publizieren“ (E-Pub) und „Forschungsinformationssysteme“ (FIS) sowie dem „Bundeshelpdesk zum KDSF“ erarbeitet

    State of the Art on Doctoral Studies in Azerbaijan

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    After joining the Bologna process in May 2005 in Bergen, Ministry of Education of Azerbaijan elaborated an Action Plan and by the appropriate Order of theMinister of Education “Plan of activities on implementation of the requirements of Bologna Declaration in higher education system of the Republic of Azerbaijan for 2006-2010” was adopted. This Plan stipulates modernization of multi-tier system of higher education, transfer to credit system, elaboration of new Diploma Supplement in compliance with UNESCO/Council of Europe. The teaching and methodological leadership over all higher educational institutions functioning in the Azerbaijan Republic, regardless of its type of ownership and subordination, as well as supervision over quality of teaching and learning process at these institutions is conducted by the Ministry of Education. The Ministry of Education reports to the Cabinet of Ministers. At today two phases of higher education as proposed in Bologna Declaration was implemented in Azerbaijan higher education system. At the first level of higher education, i.e. at bachelorship level a general course provides opportunity for gaining general scientific, humanities and specialised applied knowledge in the areas covering relevant fields of activity. The duration of full-time bachelor degree education is 4 years. The bachelor degree study is implemented according to teaching plans developed on the basis of standards relevant to certain areas (specialties) and approved by the Ministry of Education. Graduates of bachelor level write degree work and defend it before the State Attestation Committee. Establishment of the second, i.e. master level of higher education in Azerbaijan was implemented during 1997-98 academic year. According to the Education Law of the Azerbaijan Republic, the most talented and promising specialists conferred with bachelor degree are retained in magistracy on a competitive basis. Graduates of higher educational institutions delivering only bachelor level can also apply for participation in competitions for magistracy. Magistracy is delivered full-time and part-time. The official duration of magistracy depends on master education programs and ranges between 1,5-2 (part-time 2,5) years subject to specialty. During the final semester of the magistracy the students defend master thesis. There is an urgent need for Azerbaijan universities to revise the rules and content of organizing doctoral studies - the third level of high education in Azerbaijan within the Bologna process documents in terms of their consistency, especially in ensuring science and research provisions in relevance with EU standards, to fulfill the students' mobility - one of the basic provisions of Bologna process. Figures (number of HEIs and others) in the document may contain minor inaccuracies due to the fact that the Education System of Azerbaijan Republic is still under extensive reform. Restructuring and mergers of HEIs and other changes are continuously implemented

    Public History: Its Origins, Nature, and Prospects

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    In its simplest meaning, Public History refers to the employment of historians and the historical method outside of academia: in government, private corporations, the media, historical societies and museums, even in private practice. Public Historians are at work whenever, in their professional capacity, they are part of the public process. An issue needs to be resolved, a policy must be formed, the use of a resource or the direction of an activity must be more effectively planned-and an historian is called upon to bring in the dimension of time: this is Public History

    Peran Karakteristik dan Heterogenitas Demografi Tim Manajemen Puncak Dalam Kinerja Rumah Sakit

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    The characteristics and demographic heterogeneity of Top Management Team (TMT) can be as human capital to improve performance, formulating strategy, and gaining legitimacy in making decisions. The aim of this study was to prove the role of demographic characteristics and heterogeneity hospital’s top management team (TMT) in performance. This was a cross-sectional study that entailed hospital’s TMT in Central Java Indonesia. Secondary data was filled by human resource department staff. Hospital identity, demographic characteristics and heterogeneity of all members of TMT were; 1) age, 2) gender, 3) organizational experience inside/outside the hospital, 4) experience as a hospital’s TMT, 5) education level, and 6) educational specialization. The hospital performance score was measured by BSC, using LIKERT scale; 1 = strongly disagree; 2 = disagree; 3 = agree; 4 = more agree; and 5 = strongly agree. Total score of performance was grouped; i) score 0-75 (good), and ii) score 76-100 (very good). A total of 105 (44.38%) from 242 questionnaire have been analyzed. The average age and heterogeneity, female and gender heterogeneity, period of experience serving as TMT and heterogeneity, level and specialization of education and heterogeneity, did not play a role in hospital performance. The short period of experience in the organization inside or outside the hospital of hospital’s TMT members did not play a role, but heterogeneity played a positive role (Pearson Chi-Square = 0.037, p<0.05 or significant). The demographic characteristics and heterogeneity of hospital’s TMT in Central Java did not play a role in hospital performance as measured by BSC. The performance was thought to be influenced by hospital management courses and training, which was needed to be further proven

    Recommendations for design of a mobile application to support management of anxiety and depression among Black American women

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    Black American women experience adverse health outcomes due to anxiety and depression. They face systemic barriers to accessing culturally appropriate mental health care leading to the underutilization of mental health services and resources. Mobile technology can be leveraged to increase access to culturally relevant resources, however, the specific needs and preferences that Black women feel are useful in an app to support management of anxiety and depression are rarely reflected in existing digital health tools. This study aims to assess what types of content, features, and important considerations should be included in the design of a mobile app tailored to support management of anxiety and depression among Black women. Focus groups were conducted with 20 women (mean age 36.6 years, SD 17.8 years), with 5 participants per group. Focus groups were led by a moderator, with notetaker present, using an interview guide to discuss topics, such as participants' attitudes and perceptions towards mental health and use of mental health services, and content, features, and concerns for design of a mobile app to support management of anxiety and depression. Descriptive qualitative content analysis was conducted. Recommendations for content were either informational (e.g., information to find a Black woman therapist) or inspirational (e.g., encouraging stories about overcoming adversity). Suggested features allow users to monitor their progress, practice healthy coping techniques, and connect with others. The importance of feeling “a sense of community” was emphasized. Transparency about who created and owns the app, and how users' data will be used and protected was recommended to establish trust. The findings from this study were consistent with previous literature which highlighted the need for educational, psychotherapy, and personal development components for mental health apps. There has been exponential growth in the digital mental health space due to the COVID-19 pandemic; however, a one-size-fits-all approach may lead to more options but continued disparity in receiving mental health care. Designing a mental health app for and with Black women may help to advance digital health equity by providing a tool that addresses their specific needs and preferences, and increase engagement