1,684 research outputs found

    Dynamic Data Structures for Document Collections and Graphs

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    In the dynamic indexing problem, we must maintain a changing collection of text documents so that we can efficiently support insertions, deletions, and pattern matching queries. We are especially interested in developing efficient data structures that store and query the documents in compressed form. All previous compressed solutions to this problem rely on answering rank and select queries on a dynamic sequence of symbols. Because of the lower bound in [Fredman and Saks, 1989], answering rank queries presents a bottleneck in compressed dynamic indexing. In this paper we show how this lower bound can be circumvented using our new framework. We demonstrate that the gap between static and dynamic variants of the indexing problem can be almost closed. Our method is based on a novel framework for adding dynamism to static compressed data structures. Our framework also applies more generally to dynamizing other problems. We show, for example, how our framework can be applied to develop compressed representations of dynamic graphs and binary relations

    Integration of Oscillatory and Subanalytic Functions

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    We prove the stability under integration and under Fourier transform of a concrete class of functions containing all globally subanalytic functions and their complex exponentials. This paper extends the investigation started in [J.-M. Lion, J.-P. Rolin: "Volumes, feuilles de Rolle de feuilletages analytiques et th\'eor\`eme de Wilkie" Ann. Fac. Sci. Toulouse Math. (6) 7 (1998), no. 1, 93-112] and [R. Cluckers, D. J. Miller: "Stability under integration of sums of products of real globally subanalytic functions and their logarithms" Duke Math. J. 156 (2011), no. 2, 311-348] to an enriched framework including oscillatory functions. It provides a new example of fruitful interaction between analysis and singularity theory.Comment: Final version. Accepted for publication in Duke Math. Journal. Changes in proofs: from Section 6 to the end, we now use the theory of continuously uniformly distributed modulo 1 functions that provides a uniform technical point of view in the proofs of limit statement

    Space hierarchy theorem revised

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    AbstractWe show that, for an arbitrary function h(n) and each recursive function ℓ(n), that are separated by a nondeterministically fully space constructible g(n), such that h(n)∈Ω(g(n)) but ℓ(n)∉Ω(g(n)), there exists a unary language L in NSPACE(h(n)) that is not contained in NSPACE(ℓ(n)). The same holds for the deterministic case.The main contribution to the well-known Space Hierarchy Theorem is that (i) the language L separating the two space classes is unary (tally), (ii) the hierarchy is independent of whether h(n) or ℓ(n) are in Ω(logn) or in o(logn), (iii) the functions h(n) or ℓ(n) themselves need not be space constructible nor monotone increasing, (iv) the hierarchy is established both for strong and weak space complexity classes. This allows us to present unary languages in such complexity classes as, for example, NSPACE(loglogn·log∗n)â§čNSPACE(loglogn), using a plain diagonalization
