11 research outputs found

    Illumination Waveform Design For Non-Gaussian Multi-Hypothesis Target Classification In Cognitive Radar

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    The cognitive radar system is generalized to deal effectively with arbitrary non-Gaussian distributed target responses via two key contributions: (1) an important statistical expected value operation that is usually evaluated in closed form is evaluated numerically using an ensemble averaging operation, and (2) a powerful new statistical sampling algorithm and a kernel density estimator are applied to draw complex target samples from target distributions specified by both a desired power spectral density and an arbitrary desired probability density function. Simulations using non-Gaussian targets demonstrate very effective algorithm performance. As expected, this performance gain is realized at the expense of increased computational complexit

    Phase-Modulated Waveform Design for Extended Target Detection in the Presence of Clutter

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    The problem to be addressed in this paper is a phase-modulated waveform design for the detection of extended targets contaminated by signal-dependent noise (clutter) and additive noise in practical radar systems. An optimal waveform design method that leads to the energy spectral density (ESD) of signal under the maximum signal-to-clutter-and-noise ratio (SCNR) criterion is introduced first. In order to make full use of the transmission power, a novel phase-iterative algorithm is then proposed for designing the phase-modulated waveform with a constant envelope, whose ESD matches the optimal one. This method is proven to be able to achieve a small SCNR loss by minimizing the mean-square spectral distance between the optimal waveform and the designed waveform. The results of extensive simulations demonstrate that our approach provides less than 1 dB SCNR loss when the signal duration is greater than 1 μs, and outperforms the stationary phase method and other phase-modulated waveform design methods

    Joint Transmit and Receive Filter Optimization for Sub-Nyquist Delay-Doppler Estimation

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    In this article, a framework is presented for the joint optimization of the analog transmit and receive filter with respect to a parameter estimation problem. At the receiver, conventional signal processing systems restrict the two-sided bandwidth of the analog pre-filter BB to the rate of the analog-to-digital converter fsf_s to comply with the well-known Nyquist-Shannon sampling theorem. In contrast, here we consider a transceiver that by design violates the common paradigm B≤fsB\leq f_s. To this end, at the receiver, we allow for a higher pre-filter bandwidth B>fsB>f_s and study the achievable parameter estimation accuracy under a fixed sampling rate when the transmit and receive filter are jointly optimized with respect to the Bayesian Cram\'{e}r-Rao lower bound. For the case of delay-Doppler estimation, we propose to approximate the required Fisher information matrix and solve the transceiver design problem by an alternating optimization algorithm. The presented approach allows us to explore the Pareto-optimal region spanned by transmit and receive filters which are favorable under a weighted mean squared error criterion. We also discuss the computational complexity of the obtained transceiver design by visualizing the resulting ambiguity function. Finally, we verify the performance of the optimized designs by Monte-Carlo simulations of a likelihood-based estimator.Comment: 15 pages, 16 figure

    Robust waveform design for multistatic cognitive radars

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    In this paper we propose robust waveform techniques for multistatic cognitive radars in a signal-dependent clutter environment. In cognitive radar design, certain second order statistics such as the covariance matrix of the clutter, are assumed to be known. However, exact knowledge of the clutter parameters is difficult to obtain in practical scenarios. Hence we consider the case of waveform design in the presence of uncertainty on the knowledge of the clutter environment and propose both worst-case and probabilistic robust waveform design techniques. Initially, we tested our multistatic, signaldependent model against existing worst-case and probabilistic methods. These methods appeared to be over conservative and generic for the considered scenario. We therefore derived a new approach where we assume uncertainty directly on the radar cross-section and Doppler parameters of the clutters. Accordingly, we propose a clutter-specific stochastic optimization that, by using Taylor series approximations, is able to determine robust waveforms with specific Signal to Interference and Noise Ratio (SINR) outage constraints

    The Constant Information Radar

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    abstract: The constant information radar, or CIR, is a tracking radar that modulates target revisit time by maintaining a fixed mutual information measure. For highly dynamic targets that deviate significantly from the path predicted by the tracking motion model, the CIR adjusts by illuminating the target more frequently than it would for well-modeled targets. If SNR is low, the radar delays revisit to the target until the state entropy overcomes noise uncertainty. As a result, we show that the information measure is highly dependent on target entropy and target measurement covariance. A constant information measure maintains a fixed spectral efficiency to support the RF convergence of radar and communications. The result is a radar implementing a novel target scheduling algorithm based on information instead of heuristic or ad hoc methods. The CIR mathematically ensures that spectral use is justified

    Power minimization based robust OFDM radar waveform design for radar and communication systems in coexistence.

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    This paper considers the problem of power minimization based robust orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) radar waveform design, in which the radar coexists with a communication system in the same frequency band. Recognizing that the precise characteristics of target spectra are impossible to capture in practice, it is assumed that the target spectra lie in uncertainty sets bounded by known upper and lower bounds. Based on this uncertainty model, three different power minimization based robust radar waveform design criteria are proposed to minimize the worst-case radar transmitted power by optimizing the OFDM radar waveform, which are constrained by a specified mutual information (MI) requirement for target characterization and a minimum capacity threshold for communication system. These criteria differ in the way the communication signals scattered off the target are considered: (i) as useful energy, (ii) as interference or (iii) ignored altogether at the radar receiver. Numerical simulations demonstrate that the radar transmitted power can be efficiently reduced by exploiting the communication signals scattered off the target at the radar receiver. It is also shown that the robust waveforms bound the worst-case power-saving performance of radar system for any target spectra in the uncertainty sets

    Proposed ontology for cognitive radar systems

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    Cognitive radar is a rapidly developing area of research with many opportunities for innovation. A significant obstacle to development in this discipline is the absence of a common understanding of what constitutes a cognitive radar. The proposition in this study is that radar systems should not be classed as cognitive, or not cognitive, but should be graded by the degree of cognition exhibited. The authors introduce a new taxonomy framework for cognitive radar against which research, experimental and production systems can be benchmarked, enabling clear communication regarding the level of cognition being discussed

    A Study of Adobe Wall Moisture Profiles and the Resulting Effects on Matched Illumination Waveforms in Through-The-Wall Radar Applications

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    In this dissertation, methods utilizing matched illumination theory to optimally design waveforms for enhanced target detection and identification in the context of through-the-wall radar (TWR) are explored. The accuracy of assumptions made in the waveform design process is evaluated through simulation. Additionally, the moisture profile of an adobe wall is investigated, and it is shown that the moisture profile of the wall will introduce significant variations in the matched illumination waveforms and subsequently, affect the resulting ability of the radar system to correctly identify and detect a target behind the wall. Experimental measurements of adobe wall moisture and corresponding dielectric properties confirms the need for accurate moisture profile information when designing radar waveforms which enhance signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR) through use of matched illumination waveforms on the wall/target scenario. Furthermore, an evaluation of the ability to produce an optimal, matched illumination waveform for transmission using simple, common radar systems is undertaken and radar performance is evaluated

    Theory and application of SNR and mutual information matched illumination waveforms

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    A comprehensive theory of matched illumination waveforms for both deterministic and stochastic extended targets is presented. Design of matched waveforms based on maximization of both signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and mutual information (MI) is considered. In addition the problem of matched waveform design in signal-dependent interference is extensively addressed. New results include SNR-based waveform design for stochastic targets, SNR-based design for a known target in signal-dependent interference, and MI-based design in signal-dependent interference. Finally we relate MI and SNR in the context of waveform design for stochastic targets