266 research outputs found

    Hidden synaptic differences in a neural circuit underlie differential behavioral susceptibility to a neural injury

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    Individuals vary in their responses to stroke and trauma, hampering predictions of outcomes. One reason might be that neural circuits contain hidden variability that becomes relevant only when those individuals are challenged by injury. We found that in the mollusc, Tritonia diomedea, subtle differences between animals within the neural circuit underlying swimming behavior had no behavioral relevance under normal conditions but caused differential vulnerability of the behavior to a particular brain lesion. The extent of motor impairment correlated with the site of spike initiation in a specific neuron in the neural circuit, which was determined by the strength of an inhibitory synapse onto this neuron. Artificially increasing or decreasing this inhibitory synaptic conductance with dynamic clamp correspondingly altered the extent of motor impairment by the lesion without affecting normal operation. The results suggest that neural circuit differences could serve as hidden phenotypes for predicting the behavioral outcome of neural damage

    The Locus coeruleus in Parkinson’s disease - from basic research to new translational perspectives -

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    This cumulative dissertation summarizes three peer-reviewed publications addressing different aspects of the prodromal and manifest phase of Parkinson’s disease with special emphasis on the vulnerability of the noradrenergic locus coeruleus. The first publication represents an original article describing the establishment and characterization of the first ever α-synuclein overexpression mouse model for the locus coeruleus. Narrative articles two and three discuss the importance of the locus coeruleus in context of prodromal Parkinson’s disease, and the heterogeneity of the affected mesencephalic and extramesencephalic dopaminergic systems in manifest Parkinson’s disease. The first publication entitled “A53T-α-synuclein overexpression in murine locus coeruleus induces Parkinson’s disease-like pathology in neurons and glia” describes the establishment of the first locus coeruleus α-synucleinopathy mouse model. The data show that viral vector mediated focal overexpression of human A53T-α-synuclein triggered time-dependent neurodegeneration of noradrenergic locus coeruleus neurons, accompanied by progressive α-synuclein phosphorylation, formation of proteinase K-resistant α-synuclein-aggregates, accumulation of Ubi-1- and p62-positive inclusions in microglial cells and induction of progressive micro- and astrogliosis. Apart from this local pathology, we observed abundant α-synuclein positive axons in LC output regions, indicating rapid anterograde axonal transport of A53T-α-synuclein. The second publication entitled “The locus coeruleus – another vulnerability target in Parkinson’s disease” addresses the role of the locus coeruleus noradrenergic system in prodromal and manifest Parkinson’s disease. Within this review we provide a comprehensive description of the neuroanatomical basis of the locus coeruleus system and its implication in Parkinson’s disease, summarize highly relevant vulnerability factors, and list all animal studies conducted so far investigating locus coeruleus pathology in experimental research. Further, we provide a therapeutic outlook on how noradrenergic replacement therapy has already been successfully tested in manifest Parkinson’s disease patients and how locus coeruleus dysfunction can be of use for the development of disease modifying therapy approaches and disease progression biomarkers. Within the third publication entitled “Mesencephalic and extramesencephalic dopaminergic systems in Parkinson’s disease”, we provide a historical overview over the key milestones of Parkinson’s disease pathogenesis and therapy, dissect the dopaminergic basis of the cardinal parkinsonian motor symptomatology, summarize the anatomical features of the ten dopaminergic systems of the mammalian central nervous system and their involvement in Parkinson’s disease, illustrate how the advanced dopaminergic imaging techniques contribute to optimized differential diagnosis and pathogenetic knowledge, and explain how dopaminergic replacement therapy improves the cardinal motor symptomatology while simultaneously inducing a new set of symptoms based on a hyperdopaminergic status

    Modelling the effects of serotonin on the hippocampal CA1 region during navigation

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    The mammalian hippocampus is vitally involved in the formation of both episodic memory and semantic memory, and in learning and recognition. These functions are actively involved during spatial navigation through an environment. The rodent hippocampus in particular has been greatly studied, providing a wealth of experimental data; however collation of this data into universally accepted theories of hippocampal function is far from complete. The present study concentrates on events occurring in the rodent hippocampus during such navigation. There is particular emphasis on the hippocampal theta rhythm which is manifested during navigation; on the existence and characteristics of place fields and associated place cells; and on the phenomenon of phase precession. The study has been limited to the CA1 region. Testable assertions are made about these phenomena. These assertions have been incorporated into models which are described in the later chapters of the thesis. The model has been further extended to demonstrate features of serotonergic activity in the CA1 region

    Physiological studies on the postsynaptic dorsal column system

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    This thesis has made an electrophysiological study of segmental and descending influences on identified neurones of the postsynaptic dorsal column (p.s.d.c.) system and has examined aspects of the relationship between the neurones of this projection and the spinocervical tract (s.c.t.). Extracellular single unit microelectrode recordings were made from the axons of p.s.d.c. neurones ascending the dorsal columns of cats anaesthetised with chloralose.1) The response properties and organisation of the cutaneous receptive fields of p.s.d.c. neurones were investigated using light tactile, and noxious mechanical and thermal stimuli.The receptive fields of units with input from glabrous skin had a complex organisation and many were discontinuous. These units could be inhibited by both light tactile and noxious cutaneous stimuli. In contrast, units with receptive fields confined to hairy skin of the proximal limb often had a concentric receptive field organisation in which the high threshold excitatory component extended beyond the low threshold area. These units could be inhibited only by light tactile stimuli and their inhibitory receptive fields generally covered an extensive area of skin virtually surrounding the excitatory componentsThese observations are contrasted with the (ii) relatively simple receptive field organisation of s.c.t. neurones and are discussed in relation to previous observations of the morphology and ultrastructure of neurones of the p.s.d.c. and s.c.t. systems.2) A study has been made of the influence of systems descending from the brain on the response properties and receptive field organisation of p.s.d.c. neurones. The cutaneous receptive fields of p.s.d.c. units were investigated both before and during a block of conduction in descending fibres produced by cooling a region of cord rostral to the recording site. The results indicate that both the responsiveness of p.s.d.c. neurones to noxious mechanical and thermal stimuli and the area of skin from which such stimuli may effectively excite these cells are powerfully suppressed by inhibitory controls descending from the brain. The possible functions of these descending actions are discussed.3) The relationship between neurones of the p.s.d.c. and s.c.t. systems has been investigated. Contrary to recent reports in the literature, it was established that p.s.d.c. and s.c.t. projections arise in substantial part, if not entirely, from separate populations of neurones in the dorsal horn. There is, however, a close relationship between the two systems at the level of the dorsal horn. Evidence was obtained to support the suggestion that some s.c.t. cells make effective excitatory collateral connections with p.s.d.c. neurones

    Subcellular information processing in the olfactory system

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    The nervous system is tasked with the challenge of processing a variety of sensory stimuli from the environment with limited coding space and energy consumption. Recent findings challenge the traditional view of the neuron as the elementary functional unit of the nervous system, in which dendrites mainly serve as input sites, and action potential propagation through axons generates output. Instead, individual neurites have emerged as the single functional unit capable of computing inputs and generating outputs locally. Despite recent advances, the link between the mechanisms that facilitate local computations and their behavioural relevance remains unclear. I addressed this problem in Drosophila Melanogaster. The anatomical organisation of the mushroom body, a brain region associated with learning, has a compartmentalised architecture that forms the basis for local computations. My project studied subcellular signalling in the mushroom body and its role in memory formation, with emphasis on the non-spiking APL neuron that is involved in sparse odour coding and memory formation, to determine if it operates locally. To investigate this, I addressed the following points. 1. I investigated the nature of activity spread in the APL neuron. I found that input to the APL neuron evokes activity that attenuates as it propagates, supporting local computations. 2. I characterised the spatial nature of inhibition from the APL neuron onto mushroom body neurons. I found that the inhibition had a strong local effect that diminished with distance. 3. I sought to determine if there are spatial differences in the APL neuron’s response to electric shock, and if plasticity in the APL neuron is similarly spatially distinct. I found that electric shock responses are spatially distinct, but my data on plasticity was inconclusive. 4. I investigated the effects of local muscarine signalling on Kenyon cell odour responses. I found that muscarine signalling has spatially distinct effects

    The role of prefrontal cortex and serotonin in foraging decisions

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    "Deciding whether to give up on a course of action or persist in the hope that our efforts will pay off is a crucial but hard problem to define and optimize. What information is best to take into account? What returns justify the costs? What are the costs and benefits of taking an alternative course of action? Considering all these questions simultaneously seems hard, yet, animals routinely solve this conundrum while foraging. Using behavioral, computational and neuronal activity manipulation techniques, in this thesis, we investigate how the brain solves this problem. Specifically, we aim to deepen our understanding of two aspects: how the agent represents the environment in order to extract information suitable to guide its foraging decisions, and how serotonin activity can bidirectionally modulate this decision process.(...)

    Synthetic biology guidelines for diffusion based molecular communication

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    Nanotechnology is widely seen as having huge potential to bring benefits to many areas of research and application. Nowadays, research studies are focusing on realizing nano-machines on the order of nanometers in size. A nano-machine is capable of performing simple tasks such as computing, data storing, sensing, and actuation. The capability for such nano-machine to communicate with each other would considerably expand their potential. Thereby, in order to fulfill more complex tasks nano-networks are needed. Indeed, nanonetworks are the connection and cooperation of millions of nano-machines. However, the traditional mechanisms used in traditional communication networks have been found inappropriate at the nano-scale. Thus, to enable this cooperation between nano-machines, several communication mechanisms have been proposed. Among the different methods for interconnecting nano-machines, Molecular Communications (MC) system is considered one of the most promising mechanisms, which is biologically plausible and occurs in living beings. MC uses physical molecules as information carriers. By employing molecules as information carriers, MC has quickly emerged as a bio-inspired approach. The exchange of information between the transmitter and an intended receiver is carried out via the transmission, propagation, and reception of molecules. The communication range of molecular communications can range from short-range to long-range. The focus of this Ph.D. thesis is on the most fundamental type of molecular communication, namely, Diffusion-based Molecular Communication (DMC) where the propagation of information molecules between a transmitter and a receiver is realized through free diffusion in a fluid environment. It begins by investigating and modeling the neuronal physical layer (layer 1) to understand better through simulation, and then to derive the appropriate performance metrics imposed by a point-to-point neuron neighboring receivers link, as well as by the Single Input Multiple Output (SIMO) network. Following that, the aim is to caracterize the physical channel of the neuron-to-neuron communication system, and to analyze the effect of the toxic proteins aggregation on the brain since this accumulation turns out to be the main reason behind chronic neurodegenerative disorder as in Alzheimer’s disease, then ultimately to come up with a complete sense-actuation closed-loop system vision for fighting this neurodegenerative disorder. Lastly, the goal is to build a mathematical model to track the movement of spermatozoa during the process of chemotaxis, to describe better through simulation, to understand by quantifying the communication problem, then to investigate the effect of varying the appropriate metrics on the arrival time of the spermatozoa and then to propose new treatments which are more reliable, and less expensive than the existing one. It is concluded that the proposed study will provide to synthetic biology design oriented guidelines. In addition, this study presents new solutions for treating diseases which establish a new vision of dealing with them, as well as serve as guidelines for the medical committee.Des de fa un cert temps, s'està veien que la nanotecnologia té un gran potencial per a la seva aplicació en molts camps de recerca . En l'actualitat els temes de recerca d'aquests camps se centren en la realització de nanomàquines i xarxes de nano-màquines. Essent una nano-màquina, aquell giny capaç de realitzar tasques senzilles de computació, d'emmagatzematge de dades, de detecció (actuant com a sensors) i l'actuació d'altres dispositiu, que quan tenen la possibilitat de poder-se comunicar entre elles augmenten considerablement el seu potencial. D'aquesta manera, per a realitzar tasques més complexes és oportú utilitzar nano-xarxes, entenent per nano-xarxes la interconnexió de milions de nano-màquinessón per cooperar entre elles. En aquest sentit, però, els mecanismes tradicionals utilitzats en les xarxes de computadors s'han trobat inadequats a escala nanomètrica, de manera que per poder portar a terme la cooperació entre nano-màquines, s'estan proposant mecanismes de comunicació alternatius. D'entre les xarxes de nano-màquines que es considera més prometedores són els sistemes de Comunicacions Moleculars (CM) que són biològicament plausible i es produeix en els éssers vius. En les Comunicacions Moleculars s'utilitzen molècules físiques com a portadores d'informació, per la qual cosa les MolCom es consideren bio-inspirades. Així, l'intercanvi de portadores d'informació entre un transmissor i un receptor es realitza via transmissió, propagació i recepció de molècules. Essent els possible abast de les comunicacions moleculars de tres rangs possibles, curt, mitjà i llarg abast. Aquesta tesi doctoral se centre en els sistemes bàsics de comunicació molecular, és a dir, en la Comunicació Molecular basada en la difusió (DMC), on la propagació de molècules d'informació entre un transmissor i un receptor es realitza mitjançant la seva lliure difusió en medi fluid. En primer lloc, per comprendre-la millor, s'investiga i es modela la capa física neuronal (capa 1) a través de la simulació, i es deriven les mètriques de rendiment apropiades per a dos casos diferents, un enllaç punt a punt amb els receptors veïns i una xarxa d'un sol transmissor i múltiples receptors. A continuació, es caracteritza el canal físic d'un sistema de comunicació entre neurones i s'analitza l'efecte de l'agregació de les proteïnes tòxiques al cervell, ja que aquesta acumulació resulta ser la raó principal de trastorns neurodegeneratius crònics com ara la malaltia de l'Alzheimer. Finalment, proposem una actuació sensorial completa, basada en un sistema de circuit tancat, per combatre aquest desordre neurodegeneratiu. La tesi conclou amb la construcció d'un model matemàtic molt preliminar que permeti fer un seguiment del moviment d'espermatozoides durant el procés de quimiotaxis. L'objectiu és obrir el tema per a la comunitat científica, ajudar a descriure millor el problema mitjançant un primer conjunt de simulacions per, a continuació, investigar l'efecte de variar els intervals d'arribada dels espermatozoides a les cèl·lules mare i després proposar nous tractaments, més fiables i menys costosos que els existents, per millorar la fertilitat.La Nanotechnologie est désormais largement reconnue comme ayant un énorme potentiel pouvant apporter de considérables avancées dans de nombreux domaines d'investigation et application. De nos jours, les principales études et recherches se concentrent sur la réalisation de Nano-Machines ou machines moléculaires à l’échelle du nanomètre. Une nano-machine est capable de réaliser de simples tâches telles que des calculs, du stockage de données, détection ou activation de mouvement. On imagine donc que la capacité qu’auraient de telles machines à communiquer entres elles augmenterait considérablement leur potentiel. Il est alors indispensable de passer par la création de nanoréseaux afin de pouvoir enfin voir la complexité et diversité de leurs tâches effectuées s’améliorer. Un nanoréseau n’est autre que la connexion et coopération de milliers de nano-machines entres elles, cependant, aucun des mécanismes traditionnels précédemment utilisés dans la science des réseaux ne s’est avéré adapté à l’échelle du nanomètre. Par conséquent, afin de pouvoir avancer sur la recherche, de nombreux systèmes de communication ont déjà été proposés, parmi lesquels la Communication Moléculaire (CM) ou Communication Cellulaire qui reste encore aujourd’hui considérée comme le système d’intercommunication le plus prometteur, ce qui est biologiquement plausible et est présent chez les êtres vivants. La Communication Moléculaires (CM) utilise nos propres molécules comme directs porteurs d’information. Cette approche inédite de la CM sur le sujet a vite été mise en avant pour son inspiration biologique (bio-inspiration). L’échange d’information des porteurs de données avec les transmetteurs et les récepteurs est réalisé entre la transmission, la propagation et la réception des molécules, tout en sachant que la portée de ces connexions entre molécules se situe entre courte, moyenne et longue distance. Cette thèse finale de Doctorat est axée sur le principal type de la Communication Moléculaire, c’est à dire plus précisément sur la diffusion basique de la CM où la propagation de l’information des molécules entre transmetteurs et récepteurs passe par sa libre diffusion via un fluide. C’est en vue de réussir à mieux comprendre le processus lors de simulations et de pouvoir ensuite trouver la dérivation des indicateurs métriques imposés par, d’une part le lien établi point par point des neurones récepteurs voisins, et d’autre part le réseau SIMO ( Single Input Multiple Output - Entrée unique/Multiples Sorties) qu’il est nécessaire de passer par l’étude et la modélisation du premier niveau physique du neurone (niveau 1). L’objectif est donc de caractériser le cheminement physique complet du système de communication liant un neurone à un autre, pour ensuite analyser l’effet des groupes de protéines toxiques trouvés dans le cerveau tout en sachant que ces accumulations s’avèrent être la principale cause des maladies neurodégénératives chroniques telle qu’Alzheimer. À terme, cela permet de reproduire le schéma complet de ce circuit fermé complexe et ainsi d’avoir la possibilité de combattre ces problèmes neurodégénératifs. Dans un second point, l’objectif est de réussir à créer un schéma mathématique capable de suivre la progression des mouvements des spermatozoïdes au cours de la chemotaxis. Cela donnera tout d’abord une vision précise lors des simulations, et de comprendre et chiffrer les problèmes de communication rencontrés pour finalement pourvoir étudier l’effet des variables métriques adéquates à l’arrivée des spermatozoïdes jusqu’à leur destination. La finalité de cette étude est ainsi de réussir à créer de nouveaux traitements plus fiables et abordables que ceux déjà proposés. En conclusion, cette étude se veut de proposer de nouvelles lignes directives et recommandations aux conceptions biologiques synthétiques. Elle permet de présenter des solutions innovantes pour traiter certaines maladies en proposant une vision actuelle et moderne. Un tel projet et point de vue inédit met à disposition un éventail de nouveaux moyens au traitement de certaines maladies, mais aussi un nouvel outil et de nombreuses possibilités pour le monde médical.Postprint (published version

    Sensorimotor Integration an a Small Motor Circuit

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    Rhythmic motor patterns, which underlie behaviors such as mastication, respiration and locomotion, are generated by specialized neural circuits called central pattern generators (CPGs). Although CPGs can generate their rhythmic motor output in the absence of rhythmic input, these motor patterns are modified by rhythmic sensory feedback in vivo. Furthermore, although the importance of sensory feedback in shaping CPG output is well known, most systems lack the experimental access needed to elucidate the mechanisms underlying sensorimotor integration at the cellular and synaptic level. I am therefore examining this issue using the gastric mill CPG, a circuit which generates the rhythmic retraction and protraction motor activity that drives chewing by the teeth in the gastric mill compartment of the crustacean stomach. The gastric mill CPG is well defined and very accessible at the cellular level. Specifically, I am examining the mechanism by which the gastropyloric receptor (GPR), a phasically active proprioceptor, selectively prolongs one phase (retraction) of the gastric mill rhythm in the isolated nervous system when it is activated in a pattern that mimics its in vivo activity. I first demonstrate that GPR regulation of the gastric mill rhythm relies on its presynaptic inhibition of modulatory commissural neuron 1 (MCN1), a projection neuron that activates and drives this rhythm. I also demonstrate that the GPR inhibition of MCN1 regulates the gastric mill rhythm by selectively regulating peptidergic cotransmission by MCN1. Lastly, I demonstrate that a peptide hormone (crustacean cardioactive peptide) that only modestly modifies the gastric mill rhythm, strongly gates the GPR regulation of this rhythm. Mechanistically, it acts not by influencing GPR or MCN1, but by activating the same excitatory current in the CPG neuron LG (lateral gastric) that is activated by MCN1-released peptide. This novel gating mechanism reduces GPR control over the amplitude of this excitatory current in LG. Thus, I have identified specific cellular mechanisms by which (a) phase-specific regulation of an ongoing motor pattern by a sensory input is accomplished, and (b) hormonal modulation gates that sensory input. These events are likely to reflect comparable ones occurring in the larger and less accessible vertebrate CNS