7,694 research outputs found

    Action-based effects on music perception

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    The classical, disembodied approach to music cognition conceptualizes action and perception as separate, peripheral processes. In contrast, embodied accounts of music cognition emphasize the central role of the close coupling of action and perception. It is a commonly established fact that perception spurs action tendencies. We present a theoretical framework that captures the ways in which the human motor system and its actions can reciprocally influence the perception of music. The cornerstone of this framework is the common coding theory, postulating a representational overlap in the brain between the planning, the execution, and the perception of movement. The integration of action and perception in so-called internal models is explained as a result of associative learning processes. Characteristic of internal models is that they allow intended or perceived sensory states to be transferred into corresponding motor commands (inverse modeling), and vice versa, to predict the sensory outcomes of planned actions (forward modeling). Embodied accounts typically refer to inverse modeling to explain action effects on music perception (Leman, 2007). We extend this account by pinpointing forward modeling as an alternative mechanism by which action can modulate perception. We provide an extensive overview of recent empirical evidence in support of this idea. Additionally, we demonstrate that motor dysfunctions can cause perceptual disabilities, supporting the main idea of the paper that the human motor system plays a functional role in auditory perception. The finding that music perception is shaped by the human motor system and its actions suggests that the musical mind is highly embodied. However, we advocate for a more radical approach to embodied (music) cognition in the sense that it needs to be considered as a dynamical process, in which aspects of action, perception, introspection, and social interaction are of crucial importance

    Statistical learning and probabilistic prediction in music cognition: mechanisms of stylistic enculturation

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    Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) funding via grant EP/M000702/1

    Predictive cognition in dementia: the case of music

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    The clinical complexity and pathological diversity of neurodegenerative diseases impose immense challenges for diagnosis and the design of rational interventions. To address these challenges, there is a need to identify new paradigms and biomarkers that capture shared pathophysiological processes and can be applied across a range of diseases. One core paradigm of brain function is predictive coding: the processes by which the brain establishes predictions and uses them to minimise prediction errors represented as the difference between predictions and actual sensory inputs. The processes involved in processing unexpected events and responding appropriately are vulnerable in common dementias but difficult to characterise. In my PhD work, I have exploited key properties of music – its universality, ecological relevance and structural regularity – to model and assess predictive cognition in patients representing major syndromes of frontotemporal dementia – non-fluent variant PPA (nfvPPA), semantic-variant PPA (svPPA) and behavioural-variant FTD (bvFTD) - and Alzheimer’s disease relative to healthy older individuals. In my first experiment, I presented patients with well-known melodies containing no deviants or one of three types of deviant - acoustic (white-noise burst), syntactic (key-violating pitch change) or semantic (key-preserving pitch change). I assessed accuracy detecting melodic deviants and simultaneously-recorded pupillary responses to these deviants. I used voxel-based morphometry to define neuroanatomical substrates for the behavioural and autonomic processing of these different types of deviants, and identified a posterior temporo-parietal network for detection of basic acoustic deviants and a more anterior fronto-temporo-striatal network for detection of syntactic pitch deviants. In my second chapter, I investigated the ability of patients to track the statistical structure of the same musical stimuli, using a computational model of the information dynamics of music to calculate the information-content of deviants (unexpectedness) and entropy of melodies (uncertainty). I related these information-theoretic metrics to performance for detection of deviants and to ‘evoked’ and ‘integrative’ pupil reactivity to deviants and melodies respectively and found neuroanatomical correlates in bilateral dorsal and ventral striatum, hippocampus, superior temporal gyri, right temporal pole and left inferior frontal gyrus. Together, chapters 3 and 4 revealed new hypotheses about the way FTD and AD pathologies disrupt the integration of predictive errors with predictions: a retained ability of AD patients to detect deviants at all levels of the hierarchy with a preserved autonomic sensitivity to information-theoretic properties of musical stimuli; a generalized impairment of surprise detection and statistical tracking of musical information at both a cognitive and autonomic levels for svPPA patients underlying a diminished precision of predictions; the exact mirror profile of svPPA patients in nfvPPA patients with an abnormally high rate of false-alarms with up-regulated pupillary reactivity to deviants, interpreted as over-precise or inflexible predictions accompanied with normal cognitive and autonomic probabilistic tracking of information; an impaired behavioural and autonomic reactivity to unexpected events with a retained reactivity to environmental uncertainty in bvFTD patients. Chapters 5 and 6 assessed the status of reward prediction error processing and updating via actions in bvFTD. I created pleasant and aversive musical stimuli by manipulating chord progressions and used a classic reinforcement-learning paradigm which asked participants to choose the visual cue with the highest probability of obtaining a musical ‘reward’. bvFTD patients showed reduced sensitivity to the consequence of an action and lower learning rate in response to aversive stimuli compared to reward. These results correlated with neuroanatomical substrates in ventral and dorsal attention networks, dorsal striatum, parahippocampal gyrus and temporo-parietal junction. Deficits were governed by the level of environmental uncertainty with normal learning dynamics in a structured and binarized environment but exacerbated deficits in noisier environments. Impaired choice accuracy in noisy environments correlated with measures of ritualistic and compulsive behavioural changes and abnormally reduced learning dynamics correlated with behavioural changes related to empathy and theory-of-mind. Together, these experiments represent the most comprehensive attempt to date to define the way neurodegenerative pathologies disrupts the perceptual, behavioural and physiological encoding of unexpected events in predictive coding terms

    Idealized computational models for auditory receptive fields

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    This paper presents a theory by which idealized models of auditory receptive fields can be derived in a principled axiomatic manner, from a set of structural properties to enable invariance of receptive field responses under natural sound transformations and ensure internal consistency between spectro-temporal receptive fields at different temporal and spectral scales. For defining a time-frequency transformation of a purely temporal sound signal, it is shown that the framework allows for a new way of deriving the Gabor and Gammatone filters as well as a novel family of generalized Gammatone filters, with additional degrees of freedom to obtain different trade-offs between the spectral selectivity and the temporal delay of time-causal temporal window functions. When applied to the definition of a second-layer of receptive fields from a spectrogram, it is shown that the framework leads to two canonical families of spectro-temporal receptive fields, in terms of spectro-temporal derivatives of either spectro-temporal Gaussian kernels for non-causal time or the combination of a time-causal generalized Gammatone filter over the temporal domain and a Gaussian filter over the logspectral domain. For each filter family, the spectro-temporal receptive fields can be either separable over the time-frequency domain or be adapted to local glissando transformations that represent variations in logarithmic frequencies over time. Within each domain of either non-causal or time-causal time, these receptive field families are derived by uniqueness from the assumptions. It is demonstrated how the presented framework allows for computation of basic auditory features for audio processing and that it leads to predictions about auditory receptive fields with good qualitative similarity to biological receptive fields measured in the inferior colliculus (ICC) and primary auditory cortex (A1) of mammals.Comment: 55 pages, 22 figures, 3 table
