11,238 research outputs found

    Proceedings of the 11th International Conference, TPHOLs’98 Canberra, Australia, September–October 1998. Supplementary Proceedings

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    Mechanical theorem provers for higher order logics have been successfully applied in many areas including hardware verification and synthesis; verification of security and communications protocols; software verification, transformation and refinement; compiler construction; and concurrency. The higher order logics used to reason about these problems and the underlying theorem prover technology that support them are also active areas of research. The International Conference on Theorem Proving in Higher Order Logics (TPHOLs) brings together people working in these and related areas for the discussion and dissemination of new ideas in the field. TPHOLs'98 continues the conference tradition of having both a completed work and work-in-progress stream. The Papers from the first stream were formally refereed, and published as volume 1479 of LNCS. This, supplementary, proceedings records work accepted under the work-in-progress category, and is intended to document emerging trends in higher-order logic research. Papers in the work-in-progress stream are vetted for relevance and contribution before acceptance. The work-in-progress stream is regarded as an important feature of the conference as it provides a venue for the presentation of ongoing research projects, where researchers invite discussion of preliminary results. Although the TPHOLs conferences have their genesis in meetings of the users of the HOL theorem proving system, each successive year has seen a higher rate of contribution from the other groups with similar goals, particularly the user communities of Coq, Isabelle, Lambda, Lego, NuPrl, and PVS. Since 1993 the proceedings have been published by Springer as volumes in Lecture Notes in Computer Science series. Bibliographic details of these publications can be found at the back of this book; more history of TPHOLs can be found with further information about the 1998 event at http://cs.anu.edu.au/TPHOLs98/.Conference Papers: Integrating TPS with Omega By Christoph Benzmuller and Volker Sorge Some Theorem Proving Aids By Paul E. Black and Phillip J. Windley Verification of the MDG Components Library in HOL By Paul Curzon, Sofiene Tahar, and Otmane Ait Mohamed Simulating Term-Rewriting in LPF and in Display Logic By Jeremy E. Dawson A Prototype Generic Tool Supporting the Embedding of Formal Notations By Andrew M. Gravell and Chris H. Pratten Embedding a Formal Notation: Experiences of Automating the Embedding of Z in the Higher Order Logics of PVS and HOL By Andrew M. Gravell and Chris H. Pratten Building HOL90 Everywhere Easily (Well Almost) By Elsa L. Gunter Program Composition in COQ-UNITY : By Francois Marques Formally Analysed Dynamic Synthesis of Hardware By Kong Woei Susanto and Tom Melham Requirements for a Simple Proof Checker By Geoffrey Watson Integrating HOL and RAISE: a practitioner's approach By Wai Wong and Karl R. P. H. Leung Effective Support for Mutually Recursive Types By Peter V. Homeie

    Efficient Data Structures for Automated Theorem Proving in Expressive Higher-Order Logics

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    Church's Simple Theory of Types (STT), also referred to as classical higher-order logik, is an elegant and expressive formal system built on top of the simply typed λ-calculus. Its mechanisms of explicit binding and quantification over arbitrary sets and functions allow the representation of complex mathematical concepts and formulae in a concise and unambiguous manner. Higher-order automated theorem proving (ATP) has recently made major progress and several sophisticated ATP systems for higher-order logic have been developed, including Satallax, Osabelle/HOL and LEO-II. Still, higher-order theorem proving is not as mature as its first-order counterpart, and robust implementation techniques for efficient data structures are scarce. In this thesis, a higher-order term representation based upon the polymorphically typed λ-calculus is presented. This term representation employs spine notation, explicit substitutions and perfect term sharing for efficient term traversal, fast β-normalization and reuse of already constructed terms, respectively. An evaluation of the term representation is performed on the basis of a heterogeneous benchmark set. It shows that while the presented term data structure performs quite well in general, the normalization results indicate that a context dependent choice of reduction strategies is beneficial. A term indexing data structure for fast term retrieval based on various low-level criteria is presented and discussed. It supports symbol-based term retrieval, indexing of terms via structural properties, and subterm indexing

    Emerging trends proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Theorem Proving in Higher Order Logics: TPHOLs 2004

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    technical reportThis volume constitutes the proceedings of the Emerging Trends track of the 17th International Conference on Theorem Proving in Higher Order Logics (TPHOLs 2004) held September 14-17, 2004 in Park City, Utah, USA. The TPHOLs conference covers all aspects of theorem proving in higher order logics as well as related topics in theorem proving and verification. There were 42 papers submitted to TPHOLs 2004 in the full research cate- gory, each of which was refereed by at least 3 reviewers selected by the program committee. Of these submissions, 21 were accepted for presentation at the con- ference and publication in volume 3223 of Springer?s Lecture Notes in Computer Science series. In keeping with longstanding tradition, TPHOLs 2004 also offered a venue for the presentation of work in progress, where researchers invite discussion by means of a brief introductory talk and then discuss their work at a poster session. The work-in-progress papers are held in this volume, which is published as a 2004 technical report of the School of Computing at the University of Utah

    From Formal Requirements to Highly Assured Software for Unmanned Aircraft Systems

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    Operational requirements of safety-critical systems are often written in restricted specification logics. These restricted logics are amenable to automated analysis techniques such as model-checking, but are not rich enough to express complex requirements of unmanned systems. This short paper advocates for the use of expressive logics, such as higher-order logic, to specify the complex operational requirements and safety properties of unmanned systems. These rich logics are less amenable to automation and, hence, require the use of interactive theorem proving techniques. However, these logics support the formal verification of complex requirements such as those involving the physical environment. Moreover, these logics enable validation techniques that increase con dence in the correctness of numerically intensive software. These features result in highly-assured software that may be easier to certify. The feasibility of this approach is illustrated with examples drawn for NASA's unmanned aircraft systems

    Essential Incompleteness of Arithmetic Verified by Coq

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    A constructive proof of the Goedel-Rosser incompleteness theorem has been completed using the Coq proof assistant. Some theory of classical first-order logic over an arbitrary language is formalized. A development of primitive recursive functions is given, and all primitive recursive functions are proved to be representable in a weak axiom system. Formulas and proofs are encoded as natural numbers, and functions operating on these codes are proved to be primitive recursive. The weak axiom system is proved to be essentially incomplete. In particular, Peano arithmetic is proved to be consistent in Coq's type theory and therefore is incomplete.Comment: This paper is part of the proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Theorem Proving in Higher Order Logics (TPHOLs 2005). For the associated Coq source files see the TeX sources, or see <http://r6.ca/Goedel20050512.tar.gz

    Certified Exact Transcendental Real Number Computation in Coq

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    Reasoning about real number expressions in a proof assistant is challenging. Several problems in theorem proving can be solved by using exact real number computation. I have implemented a library for reasoning and computing with complete metric spaces in the Coq proof assistant and used this library to build a constructive real number implementation including elementary real number functions and proofs of correctness. Using this library, I have created a tactic that automatically proves strict inequalities over closed elementary real number expressions by computation.Comment: This paper is to be part of the proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Theorem Proving in Higher Order Logics (TPHOLs 2008

    Implementing Theorem Provers in Logic Programming

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    Logic programming languages have many characteristics that indicate that they should serve as good implementation languages for theorem provers. For example, they are based on search and unification which are also fundamental to theorem proving. We show how an extended logic programming language can be used to implement theorem provers and other aspects of proof systems for a variety of logics. In this language first-order terms are replaced with simply-typed λ-terms, and thus unification becomes higher-order unification. Also, implication and universal quantification are allowed in goals. We illustrate that inference rules can be very naturally specified, and that the primitive search operations of this language correspond to those needed for searching for proofs. We argue on several levels that this extended logic programming language provides a very suitable environment for implementing tactic style theorem provers. Such theorem provers provide extensive capabilities for integrating techniques for automated theorem proving into an interactive proof environment. We are also concerned with representing proofs as objects. We illustrate how such objects can be constructed and manipulated in the logic programming setting. Finally, we propose extensions to tactic style theorem provers in working toward the goal of developing an interactive theorem proving environment that provides a user with many tools and techniques for building and manipulating proofs, and that integrates sophisticated capabilities for automated proof discovery. Many of the theorem provers we present have been implemented in the higher-order logic programming language λProlog
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