107,518 research outputs found

    ALT-C 2010 - Conference Introduction and Abstracts

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    Pervasive Displays Research: What's Next?

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    Reports on the 7th ACM International Symposium on Pervasive Displays that took place from June 6-8 in Munich, Germany

    User interface design for mobile-based sexual health interventions for young people: Design recommendations from a qualitative study on an online Chlamydia clinical care pathway

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    Background: The increasing pervasiveness of mobile technologies has given potential to transform healthcare by facilitating clinical management using software applications. These technologies may provide valuable tools in sexual health care and potentially overcome existing practical and cultural barriers to routine testing for sexually transmitted infections. In order to inform the design of a mobile health application for STIs that supports self-testing and self-management by linking diagnosis with online care pathways, we aimed to identify the dimensions and range of preferences for user interface design features among young people. Methods: Nine focus group discussions were conducted (n=49) with two age-stratified samples (16 to 18 and 19 to 24 year olds) of young people from Further Education colleges and Higher Education establishments. Discussions explored young people's views with regard to: the software interface; the presentation of information; and the ordering of interaction steps. Discussions were audio recorded and transcribed verbatim. Interview transcripts were analysed using thematic analysis. Results: Four over-arching themes emerged: privacy and security; credibility; user journey support; and the task-technology-context fit. From these themes, 20 user interface design recommendations for mobile health applications are proposed. For participants, although privacy was a major concern, security was not perceived as a major potential barrier as participants were generally unaware of potential security threats and inherently trusted new technology. Customisation also emerged as a key design preference to increase attractiveness and acceptability. Conclusions: Considerable effort should be focused on designing healthcare applications from the patient's perspective to maximise acceptability. The design recommendations proposed in this paper provide a valuable point of reference for the health design community to inform development of mobile-based health interventions for the diagnosis and treatment of a number of other conditions for this target group, while stimulating conversation across multidisciplinary communities

    Modernity, mobility and the digital divides

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    The phrase ‘digital divide’ has been crucial over the last ten years in focusing attention and resources on the issues of access to and use of ICT, including e-learning, by a succession of excluded and marginal individuals and communities. This paper argues however that this is now a dangerously simplistic notion, especially in societies characterised by the postmodernity that has been catalysed by increasing mobility. The paper provides an introduction to some of the ideas and issues

    Location-based technologies for learning

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    Emerging technologies for learning report - Article exploring location based technologies and their potential for educatio

    Gamification techniques for raising cyber security awareness

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    Due to the prevalence of online services in modern society, such as internet banking and social media, it is important for users to have an understanding of basic security measures in order to keep themselves safe online. However, users often do not know how to make their online interactions secure, which demonstrates an educational need in this area. Gamification has grown in popularity in recent years and has been used to teach people about a range of subjects. This paper presents an exploratory study investigating the use of gamification techniques to educate average users about password security, with the aim of raising overall security awareness. To explore the impact of such techniques, a role-playing quiz application (RPG) was developed for the Android platform to educate users about password security. Results gained from the work highlightedthat users enjoyed learning via the use of the password application, and felt they benefitted from the inclusion of gamification techniques. Future work seeks to expand the prototype into a full solution, covering a range of security awareness issues

    URBANO: A Tour-Guide Robot Learning to Make Better Speeches

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    —Thanks to the numerous attempts that are being made to develop autonomous robots, increasingly intelligent and cognitive skills are allowed. This paper proposes an automatic presentation generator for a robot guide, which is considered one more cognitive skill. The presentations are made up of groups of paragraphs. The selection of the best paragraphs is based on a semantic understanding of the characteristics of the paragraphs, on the restrictions defined for the presentation and by the quality criteria appropriate for a public presentation. This work is part of the ROBONAUTA project of the Intelligent Control Research Group at the Universidad PolitĂ©cnica de Madrid to create "awareness" in a robot guide. The software developed in the project has been verified on the tour-guide robot Urbano. The most important aspect of this proposal is that the design uses learning as the means to optimize the quality of the presentations. To achieve this goal, the system has to perform the optimized decision making, in different phases. The modeling of the quality index of the presentation is made using fuzzy logic and it represents the beliefs of the robot about what is good, bad, or indifferent about a presentation. This fuzzy system is used to select the most appropriate group of paragraphs for a presentation. The beliefs of the robot continue to evolving in order to coincide with the opinions of the public. It uses a genetic algorithm for the evolution of the rules. With this tool, the tour guide-robot shows the presentation, which satisfies the objectives and restrictions, and automatically it identifies the best paragraphs in order to find the most suitable set of contents for every public profil

    11 11 remembered

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    I wanted to look at the next step from “experience captured” (Sontag, 1977) to the online art forms about ‘experience shared’ and therefore networked in our participatory culture, which conceptually inspired project two. My work will be experimental so that I can explore sharing (and communicating with) images and possibly audio on a particular subject or theme. My assertion is that we are innate communicators with a natural desire to connect with others. It has been customary for us to communicate and connect since ancient times – from drawings carved out in caves to tales told around communal fires and from Plato’s shadow-playing to religious preaching. We have always communicated/connected throughout history by reading books, listening to the radio and watching the television. Now we are embedded in the World Wide Web ‘public sphere’ where images have become a part of our sharing culture. Thus photo essays and photo sharing are other mediums to communicate and connect. Civic engagement to connect has shifted into a shared online socio, economic, cultural and political space. Historically we have developed from a local geographical community into the ‘digital commons’ - a global landscape of web 2.0 digital media (Merrin, 2008). My project plan is to research and evidence to inform my mobile phone capture idea. I wanted to understand mo-blogging and the method of producing a photo essay. According to an online photography and social media organisation creating a photo essay is an art form as well as journalistically communicating a message
