7 research outputs found

    Data analytics applied to the analysis of petroleum production in Brazil / Análise de dados aplicada à análise da produção de petróleo no Brasil

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    We mine the set of data provided by the ANP (Agência Nacional do Petróleo e Gás - National Oil and Gas Agency), of petroleum production and distribution in Brazilian territory. We use modern data science techniques to collect, analyze, treat and model hydrocarbon production data from all production units operating in the period from February 2009 to 2020. We highlight the high production of hydrocarbons in the Brazilian territory related to the performance of Petrobras, responsible for about 95% of Brazilian production. We report the discovery of an apparent paradox: the Tupi field presents the highest daily production, however it is not the largest national producer, a position that belongs to the Marlim field, yet we present the data analytics techniques that we use to solve this paradox

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    Information Outlook, July/August 2010

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    Volume 14, Issue 5https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_io_2010/1004/thumbnail.jp

    The role of Namibian ministerial librarians in knowledge management

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    Magister Bibliothecologiae - MBiblThe core traditional functions of the library namely collecting, processing, disseminating, storing and the utilization of documented information in order to supply information services and resources, have changed. In the information / knowledge society era, the library manages both external and internal knowledge of the host organization. This can be achieved through the process of collection of relevant information, processing, organizing and dissemination to ensure that information / knowledge contents housed in the library are retrievable and accessible to the targeted audience, using various dissemination channels. Librarians ensure that the targeted audiences are equipped with the skills to locate, evaluate, and use available and useful information / knowledge effectively, by providing information literacy training to them. Studies have found the visibility of librarians in the knowledge management environment to be very low and the utilization of their skills to be minimal. Therefore, this study investigated the practice of knowledge management by ministerial librarians in Namibia. The study relied on the Bukowitz and Williams Knowledge Management (KM) framework (2000). This framework is appropriate to the study because it consists of different stages (GET, USE, LEARN, CONTRIBUTE, ASSESS, BUILD / SUSTAIN, AND DIVEST) that address the themes of the focus of the study,thus making it relevant to effective and efficient knowledge management in an enterprise such as the government ministries.The method of data collection and analysis employed was qualitative, with semi structured interviews. The results of the study revealed that few ministerial librarians are practicing knowledge management by ensuring that they are identifying, capturing, evaluating, retrieving, and sharing the ministry’s knowledge/information assets, for it to add value and improve the performance of employees as they contribute to the strategic missions of the ministries. Viewed from that perspective, the findings reveal some barriers which prohibit ministerial librarians to effectively practice knowledge management, which among of them include: inadequate training; limited resources for ICT infrastructure adaption and purchasing of resources meeting the needs of the ministry; staffing shortage, bureaucratic system, and others. Based on the findings, the researcher therefore recommends that certain measures need to be put in place to address the short comings to effective knowledge management so that ministerial librarians are able to render services to their users for them to become independent lifelong learners

    The Working Environment and Changing Role of Corporate Librarians in Taiwan

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    受到「知識經濟」觀念的影響,知識管理近幾年在企業經營管理方面受到極多的注目。而在整個讀書資訊學的領域中,服務於企業資訊服務單位中的專業人員受到這個風潮的影響也最大,工商圖書館員不論在工作環境或是角色任務上都有了結構性的變化。關於這個議題,美國地區對近十年來工商圖書館員工作內容與角色轉型,在美國專門圖書館學會的主導之下已有一系列的實證研究,此外更有大量的個案研究來記錄個別的工商圖書館之轉型過程。然而,臺灣和西方國家在政治、經濟、文化上都有所差異,所衍生出來的企業組織與企業文化也不盡相同,因此需要有本土性的實證研究。本文以研究者執行的國科會專題研究計畫之結果,探討知識管理風潮對我國的工商圖書館工作環境及其服務人員角色之影響,最後並提出結論與建議以供相關單位參考。Influenced by the concept of “Knowledge Economics”, knowledge management (KM) is getting a lot of attention in the field of business administration recently. Corporate centers are mostly affected by KM either in their working environment or in the role of their daily operation in the field of Library and Information Science. In the United States, the Special Library Association (SLA) conducted numerous studies about the working environment and the changing role of corporate librarians in the past ten years. Due to the differences in politics, economics, and culture between Taiwan and the western countries, the organizational structure and corporate culture of the enterprise will not be exactly the same. Therefore, local studies on similar topics are needed. The purpose of this study is to explore the influence of the KM on the working environment and the changing roles of the corporate librarians in Taiwan based on the result of National Science Council Research Project executed by the authors