31 research outputs found

    Edge Routing with Ordered Bundles

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    Edge bundling reduces the visual clutter in a drawing of a graph by uniting the edges into bundles. We propose a method of edge bundling drawing each edge of a bundle separately as in metro-maps and call our method ordered bundles. To produce aesthetically looking edge routes it minimizes a cost function on the edges. The cost function depends on the ink, required to draw the edges, the edge lengths, widths and separations. The cost also penalizes for too many edges passing through narrow channels by using the constrained Delaunay triangulation. The method avoids unnecessary edge-node and edge-edge crossings. To draw edges with the minimal number of crossings and separately within the same bundle we develop an efficient algorithm solving a variant of the metro-line crossing minimization problem. In general, the method creates clear and smooth edge routes giving an overview of the global graph structure, while still drawing each edge separately and thus enabling local analysis

    Multi-robot cooperative systems for exploration : advances in dealing with constrained communication environments

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    PostprintObjeto de conferenciaIn the present document, the authors introduce the Cooperative Exploration problem as well as the most relevant approaches in order to show the most common drawbacks and opportunities to improve the state of art solutions. Subsequently, a preliminary version of a multi-robot exploration proposal is described. The first results obtained in simulated scenarios support the underlying ideas are feasible and promising. They show that is possible to cope with real communication constraints (always present in practice), being more fault tolerant and still having good performance regarding the total exploration time. Next steps to fully implement a more reliable and robust system are discussed

    An Efficient Algorithm for Computing High-Quality Paths amid Polygonal Obstacles

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    We study a path-planning problem amid a set O\mathcal{O} of obstacles in R2\mathbb{R}^2, in which we wish to compute a short path between two points while also maintaining a high clearance from O\mathcal{O}; the clearance of a point is its distance from a nearest obstacle in O\mathcal{O}. Specifically, the problem asks for a path minimizing the reciprocal of the clearance integrated over the length of the path. We present the first polynomial-time approximation scheme for this problem. Let nn be the total number of obstacle vertices and let ε(0,1]\varepsilon \in (0,1]. Our algorithm computes in time O(n2ε2lognε)O(\frac{n^2}{\varepsilon ^2} \log \frac{n}{\varepsilon}) a path of total cost at most (1+ε)(1+\varepsilon) times the cost of the optimal path.Comment: A preliminary version of this work appear in the Proceedings of the 27th Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithm

    Path Planning for Shepherding a Swarm in a Cluttered Environment using Differential Evolution

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    Shepherding involves herding a swarm of agents (\emph{sheep}) by another a control agent (\emph{sheepdog}) towards a goal. Multiple approaches have been documented in the literature to model this behaviour. In this paper, we present a modification to a well-known shepherding approach, and show, via simulation, that this modification improves shepherding efficacy. We then argue that given complexity arising from obstacles laden environments, path planning approaches could further enhance this model. To validate this hypothesis, we present a 2-stage evolutionary-based path planning algorithm for shepherding a swarm of agents in 2D environments. In the first stage, the algorithm attempts to find the best path for the sheepdog to move from its initial location to a strategic driving location behind the sheep. In the second stage, it calculates and optimises a path for the sheep. It does so by using \emph{way points} on that path as the sequential sub-goals for the sheepdog to aim towards. The proposed algorithm is evaluated in obstacle laden environments via simulation with further improvements achieved

    Magnetic suspension turbine flow meter

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    Measurement of liquid flow in certain area such as industrial plant is in critical. Inaccurate measurement can cause serious result. Most of the liquid flow are using Bernoulli principle‘s but in turbine flow meter the flow rate is determine differently by using kinetic energy. Turbine flow meter is one of flow rate transducer that widely used in metallurgical, petroleum, chemical and other industrial and agricultural areas, as shown in Figure 1.1. It is present as high precision of flow meter and when fluid flow troughs it the impeller that faces the fluid will rotate due to flow force exist. The rotation speed is directly proportional to the speed of fluid. During the process, the working states of impeller and bearing are very complicated due the interactive effects from the fluid axial thrust, impeller rotating, and static and dynamic components. In current turbine flow meter design, the common material use for meter bulk body is 1Cr18Ni9Ti, while for the blade 2Gr13 are used. Axis and bearing are made from stainless steel or carbide alloy. The space between the axis and bearing determines it minimum flow rate and life span, and also determines its measurement range (1:10~1:15 - maximum flow rate to minimum flow rate). Since the turbine has movable parts it can produce friction between the axis and ring during the operation. This will cause accuracy of the measurement decrease and can damage the impeller blade. In this research, the friction can be reduced by adopting the principle of magnetic suspension. Rotating shaft will levitate in the magnetic field due to the forces. Friction coefficient reduced because of rotating shaft rotates without abrasion and mechanical contact in space


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    Visibility graphs are basic planning algorithms,widely used in mobile robotics and other disciplines. The construction of a visibility graph can be considered a tool based on geometry that provides support to planning strategies in mobile robots. Visually, the method is used to solve that planning, which is quite extended due to the simplicity of operating with polygons, that represent obstacles in the environment. The cost of these algorithms tend to be quite low. The most sensitive issue of obtaining visibility between polygons is in cases in which the polygons are non-convex. In such cases, it is obligatory to know whether the area where one vertex of the polygon is found, is located in a convex or non-convex area, being desirable to distinguish between both situations in a simple way, issue that was not possible up to now. To obtain the visibility of non-convex polygons, the authors have developed a visual and intuitive method which gives the machine the ability to interpret the visibility with a simplicity similar to the human mind

    Some indecomposable polyhedra

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    We complete the classification, in terms of decomposability, of all combinatorial types of polytopes with 14 or fewer edges. Recall that a polytope P is said to be decomposable if it is equal to a Minkowski sum [image omitted] of two polytopes Q and R which are not similar to P. Our main contribution here is to consider the 42 types of polyhedra with 8 faces and 8 vertices. It turns out that 34 of these are always indecomposable, and 5 are always decomposable. The remaining 3 are ambiguous, i.e. each of them has both decomposable and indecomposable geometric realizations.C

    Multi-robot Cooperative Systems for Exploration : Advances in dealing with constrained communication environments

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    In the present document, the authors introduce the Cooperative Exploration problem as well as the most relevant approaches in order to show the most common drawbacks and opportunities to improve the state of art solutions. Subsequently, a preliminary version of a multi-robot exploration proposal is described. The first results obtained in simulated scenarios support the underlying ideas are feasible and promising. They show that is possible to cope with real communication constraints (always present in practice), being more fault tolerant and still having good performance regarding the total exploration time. Next steps to fully implement a more reliable and robust system are discussed