7 research outputs found

    The design and implementation of a customized, web-based learning environment.

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    by Ka-Po Ma.Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2000.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 97-105).Abstracts in English and Chinese.Acknowledgments --- p.iiAbstract --- p.iiiChapter 1 --- Introduction --- p.1Chapter 1.1 --- Web-based Education --- p.1Chapter 1.2 --- Customized Web-based Learning --- p.3Chapter 1.3 --- Thesis Overview --- p.6Chapter 2 --- Web-based Education --- p.7Chapter 2.1 --- Impact on Traditional Learning --- p.8Chapter 2.2 --- Theoretical Perspectives on Teaching and Learning --- p.9Chapter 2.2.1 --- Behaviorism Versus Constructivism --- p.10Chapter 2.2.2 --- "Categorization of Individual, Group and Collaborative Learn- ing" --- p.12Chapter 2.3 --- On-line Eduation and Web-based Learning System --- p.15Chapter 2.4 --- Technologies used in Web-based Learning --- p.17Chapter 3 --- General Automated Timetabling --- p.21Chapter 3.1 --- Timtabling Problem --- p.21Chapter 3.2 --- Formulation and Solution Approaches --- p.22Chapter 4 --- "Virtual Campus, Customized Web-based Learning Environment" --- p.25Chapter 4.1 --- Changing Trend in Learning Process --- p.25Chapter 4.2 --- System Design Issue --- p.26Chapter 5 --- System Architecture Issue --- p.31Chapter 5.1 --- Client-server Model --- p.31Chapter 5.1.1 --- Server Side --- p.33Chapter 5.1.2 --- Client Side --- p.34Chapter 5.2 --- Functional-oriented Design --- p.35Chapter 5.3 --- Private Functionality Issue --- p.37Chapter 5.3.1 --- Access Authorizing --- p.37Chapter 5.3.2 --- Availability Updating --- p.40Chapter 5.3.3 --- Personal Information Querying and Modifying --- p.42Chapter 5.3.4 --- Status Selecting --- p.42Chapter 5.3.5 --- Current Online User Querying --- p.43Chapter 5.4 --- Lecture Functionality Issue --- p.44Chapter 5.5 --- Personal Scheduling Functionality Issue --- p.45Chapter 5.6 --- Collaboration Functionality Issue --- p.50Chapter 5.6.1 --- Chatting Room --- p.50Chapter 5.6.2 --- Discussion Board --- p.56Chapter 5.6.3 --- Personal URL-bookmark Keeping and Sharing --- p.57Chapter 6 --- Web-based Learning Scheduler (WL-Scheduler) --- p.59Chapter 6.1 --- "Web-based Customized Timetabling Problem, WCTP" --- p.60Chapter 6.2 --- Solution Approach - Local Search --- p.61Chapter 6.3 --- Algorithm for Approaching Feasible Timetables --- p.63Chapter 6.4 --- Evaluating The Best Timetable --- p.66Chapter 7 --- Multimedia Web Presentation System (MWPS) --- p.67Chapter 7.1 --- Overview --- p.67Chapter 7.2 --- System Components --- p.68Chapter 7.2.1 --- The MWPS Server Machine --- p.69Chapter 7.2.2 --- The MWPS Client Machine --- p.69Chapter 7.2.3 --- The Student Machine --- p.69Chapter 7.3 --- Presentation Flow --- p.69Chapter 7.4 --- Highlighed Features --- p.72Chapter 7.4.1 --- Slides Sequence Capturing --- p.72Chapter 7.4.2 --- Audio/Video Capturing --- p.72Chapter 7.4.3 --- Script-Text On Playback --- p.72Chapter 7.4.4 --- Student Feedbacking --- p.73Chapter 7.4.5 --- White Board Facility --- p.73Chapter 8 --- Illustration via Screen-shots --- p.74Chapter 8.1 --- Login Screen --- p.74Chapter 8.2 --- Functionality provided for Students --- p.75Chapter 8.2.1 --- Personalized Learning Timetable --- p.76Chapter 8.2.2 --- Lecture Delivery --- p.78Chapter 8.2.3 --- Checking active users in Virtual Campus --- p.78Chapter 8.2.4 --- View and Update Personal Information --- p.79Chapter 8.2.5 --- Taking An Entry Test for Interesting Subject --- p.81Chapter 8.2.6 --- Changing Current State --- p.84Chapter 8.2.7 --- Discussion Board --- p.84Chapter 8.2.8 --- Chatting Room --- p.85Chapter 8.3 --- Functionality provided for Teachers --- p.85Chapter 8.4 --- Functionality provided for Administrators --- p.92Chapter 9 --- Conclusion --- p.94Appendix --- p.106Chapter A --- Appendix --- p.106Chapter A.1 --- Internet Technology --- p.106Chapter A.2 --- Web Server --- p.107Chapter A.3 --- Web Client/Server Example --- p.10

    Technological innovation and change in the university

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    It is by now common knowledge that one of the aspects upon which the survival of the University depends is how it will make the best possible use of the new technologies (e-learning). Despite the acceptance of this principle, difficulties arise when one attempts to proceed from the mere declaration to actually planning activities and putting them into effect. This research, the result of collaboration between teachers and researchers of the Educational Science and Engineering Faculties of the University of Florence, focuses on certain theoretical concepts and reference apparatus, bringing international literature to bear on the specific case of Italy. [english version]It is by now common knowledge that one of the aspects upon which the survival of the University depends is how it will make the best possible use of the new technologies (e-learning). Despite the acceptance of this principle, difficulties arise when one attempts to proceed from the mere declaration to actually planning activities and putting them into effect. This research, the result of collaboration between teachers and researchers of the Educational Science and Engineering Faculties of the University of Florence, focuses on certain theoretical concepts and reference apparatus, bringing international literature to bear on the specific case of Italy. [english version

    Theacher Training In ICT-Based Learning Settings: Desing And Implementation Of An On-Line Instructional Model For English Language Teachers.

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    Inmersos de lleno en la Sociedad del conocimiento, la incorporaci贸n de las Tecnolog铆as de la Informaci贸n y la Comunicaci贸n en los procesos de ense帽anza y aprendizaje suponen un gran reto a alcanzar por parte tanto de instituciones educativas, como de un profesorado todav铆a poco formado y menos consciente de los cambios metodol贸gicos a los que se enfrenta.En el marco de la formaci贸n del profesorado,la formaci贸n a lo largo de la vida se establece como prioridad en los programas educativos y de formaci贸n de la agenda europea (2007-2013) y a nuestro entender, 茅sta puede ser claramente ejemplificada por la creaci贸n de comunidades virtuales de aprendizaje en las que individuos con objetivos similares se unen para alcanzar retos en com煤n. El uso de herramientas tecnol贸gicas y de modalidades de formaci贸n basadas en entornos virtuales ayudan a la comunidad a generar e intercambiar conocimiento en un entorno en el que se participa de forma colaborativa, se comparten experiencias y se solucionan problemas, produciendo procesos de formaci贸n y aprendizaje continuos y en constante evoluci贸n.Tomando estas y otras reflexiones como punto de partida se origin贸 la tesis doctoral que presentamos. As铆 pues, nos propusimos, en primer lugar, realizar un an谩lisis de la situaci贸n actual de dicho profesorado en el uso de las tecnolog铆as de la informaci贸n y la comunicaci贸n. El primer gran bloque de esta tesis -o marco te贸rico y referencial- lo constituyen apartados tales como los grandes cambios metodol贸gicos surgidos a ra铆z de la incorporaci贸n de las TIC y su impacto en la ense帽anza y aprendizaje de la lengua inglesa. Seguidamente se realiza un exhaustivo y detallado an谩lisis de los 贸rganos que ofrecen formaci贸n al profesorado y a la oferta formativa en TIC dirigida espec铆ficamente al colectivo mencionado. Posteriormente se lleva a cabo una compilaci贸n de herramientas, recursos y actividades electr贸nicas dirigidas espec铆ficamente al profesorado de ingl茅s teniendo muy en cuenta el 谩mbito pedag贸gico y su implantaci贸n en el aula, proponiendo pautas did谩cticas de f谩cil integraci贸n.El segundo gran bloque de la tesis lo constituye una investigaci贸n llevada a cabo durante tres a帽os para obtener datos fehacientes respecto del conocimiento en TIC que posee dicho profesorado, la detecci贸n de sus demandas formativas reales, la situaci贸n actual de este colectivo en relaci贸n al acceso e infraestructuras tecnol贸gicas y posibles barreras tanto metodol贸gicas como actitudinales. As铆 pues se desarroll贸 una investigaci贸n tomando como muestra profesores tanto de educaci贸n primaria como de secundaria de todo Catalunya. Dicha investigaci贸n fue llevada a a cabo entre los participantes de ocho cursos de formaci贸n TIC para profesorado de ingl茅s y para ello se utiliz贸 la modalidad formativa semi-presencial. Para dar soporte a la formaci贸n a distancia se utilizaron dos plataformas diferentes: BSCW y Moodle que fomentaron la comunicaci贸n y la colaboraci贸n entre los participantes hasta l铆mites insospechados.Los resultados obtenidos permitieron observar una realidad muy alejada de los par谩metros que deber铆an ser considerados normales por lo que respecta al grado de formaci贸n TIC que tienen el profesorado de ingl茅s. Por otra parte, el feedback recibido tras la realizaci贸n de los diferentes cursos de formaci贸n tambi茅n nos permiti贸 realizar una propuesta de Plan de Acci贸n formativo con el principal objetivo de capacitar al profesorado de ingl茅s en el uso de las TIC. As铆 pues, se ofrece una propuesta formativa con los diferentes m贸dulos y contenidos que, a nuestro entender, deber铆a conocer y gestionar dicho profesorado. Finalmente, una de las revelaciones de todo el proceso fue la gestaci贸n y consolidaci贸n de una comunidad virtual de aprendizaje formada por los profesores participantes en el proceso de formaci贸n.Deeply immersed in the Society of knowledge, the integration of ICT in teaching and learning processes suppose a great challenge to be achieved both by competent institutions and by a collective of teachers, which is still far from being well-trained and not conscious of the methodological trenes and changes to which they are confronted.Within the framework of teacher training, life-long training is established as a priority in the European agenda (2007-2013) and, according to our opini贸n this can be exempolified by the creation of virtual learning communities in which individuals with similar objectives unite in order to achieve common goals. The use of technological tools and training modalities help the community to generate and exchange knowledge in an environment in which oparticipation is done collaborately, experiences are shared and problems are solved, producing, thus, continuous processes of learning and training, which are in constant evolution.Taking these and other reflexions as departing point this thesis was originated. We carried in the first place a detailed analysis of the present situation of English as a foreign language teachers in the use of ICT. This first great section of this thesis orreferential and theoretical basis- is conformed by chapters which deal with the great methodological changes emerged out of the integartion of ICT and their impact in the teaching and learning of foreign languages. Followingly, there is an exhaustive analysis of the different organizations which offer teacher training in ICT , especially regarding the collective mentioned. Secondly there is a compilation of tools, resources and e.activities especifically addressed to the English as a foreign language teachers, taking into account the pedagogical field as well as its integration into the classrooms.The second main section of this thesis is conformed by an investigation which was carried out during three years in order to obtain relevant data regarding the knowledge of ICT that teachers have, the detection of their training needs and the real situation of this collective regarding their access to technology and the barriers that prevent them form using ICT.Tus, we Developer an investigation which took as sample teachers belonging to both Primary and Secondary Education from the whole of the catalan territory. The research was carried out with participants of eight courses of teacher training in ICT and used the blended modality. In order to support the virtual teaching we used two different platforms: BSCW and Moodle, which encouraged communication among participants and enhanced collaboration as well.The obtained results allowed us to observe that there are many challenges to be overcome. Otherwise, the feedback obtained after the courses were delivered allowed us to account for a Training Action Plan whose main aim is that of providing training and capacitation to teachers of English as foreign language teachers