7 research outputs found

    Language Support for Programming High-Performance Code

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    Nowadays, the computing landscape is becoming increasingly heterogeneous and this trend is currently showing no signs of turning around. In particular, hardware becomes more and more specialized and exhibits different forms of parallelism. For performance-critical codes it is indispensable to address hardware-specific peculiarities. Because of the halting problem, however, it is unrealistic to assume that a program implemented in a general-purpose programming language can be fully automatically compiled to such specialized hardware while still delivering peak performance. One form of parallelism is single instruction, multiple data (SIMD). Part I of this thesis presents Sierra: an extension for C ++ that facilitates portable and effective SIMD programming. Part II discusses AnyDSL. This framework allows to embed a so-called domain-specific language (DSL) into a host language. On the one hand, a DSL offers the application developer a convenient interface; on the other hand, a DSL can perform domain-specific optimizations and effectively map DSL constructs to various architectures. In order to implement a DSL, one usually has to write or modify a compiler. With AnyDSL though, the DSL constructs are directly implemented in the host language while a partial evaluator removes any abstractions that are required in the implementation of the DSL.Die Rechnerlandschaft wird heutzutage immer heterogener und derzeit ist keine Trendwende in Sicht. Insbesondere wird die Hardware immer spezialisierter und weist verschiedene Formen der Parallelität auf. Für performante Programme ist es unabdingbar, hardwarespezifische Eigenheiten zu adressieren. Wegen des Halteproblems ist es allerdings unrealistisch anzunehmen, dass ein Programm, das in einer universell einsetzbaren Programmiersprache implementiert ist, vollautomatisch auf solche spezialisierte Hardware übersetzt werden kann und dabei noch Spitzenleistung erzielt. Eine Form der Parallelität ist „single instruction, multiple data (SIMD)“. Teil I dieser Arbeit stellt Sierra vor: eine Erweiterung für C++, die portable und effektive SIMD-Programmierung unterstützt. Teil II behandelt AnyDSL. Dieses Rahmenwerk ermöglicht es, eine sogenannte domänenspezifische Sprache (DSL) in eine Gastsprache einzubetten. Auf der einen Seite bietet eine DSL dem Anwendungsentwickler eine komfortable Schnittstelle; auf der anderen Seiten kann eine DSL domänenspezifische Optimierungen durchführen und DSL-Konstrukte effektiv auf verschiedene Architekturen abbilden. Um eine DSL zu implementieren, muss man gewöhnlich einen Compiler schreiben oder modifizieren. In AnyDSL werden die DSL-Konstrukte jedoch direkt in der Gastsprache implementiert und ein partieller Auswerter entfernt jegliche Abstraktionen, die in der Implementierung der DSL benötigt werden

    A documentation paradigm for an integrated software maintenance support environment

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    Recent advances in computer hardware have not been matched by comparable advances in computer software, inhibiting the production of reliable software at greater levels of productivity. Development of software is restricted by the so-called "maintenance backlog". Productivity in the maintenance sector has not kept pace with increasing annual labour costs, making the maintenance of software the major item in the budget, of organisations responsible for the development and maintenance of software. Gains in productivity can be anticipated by the exploitation of software-maintenance tools, within the framework of an Integrated .Software Maintenance Support Environment (ISMSE). for which a high-level design has been proposed in this thesis, offering comprehensive support for all phases of the software life-cycle, particularly the maintenance phase. A key factor in the reliable modification of software is the time taken to gain the prerequisite understanding, by a study of the system's documentation. This documentation degrades over a period of time, becoming unreliable, inhibiting maintenance of the software, which may be a large capital asset, ultimately, the software may become impossible to maintain, requiring replacement. Understanding gained during maintenance is wide-ranging and at various levels of abstraction, but is often NOT well-recorded, since no effective documentation system exists for recording the maintenance history of large software systems. The documentation paradigm in this thesis, used within the framework of an ISMSE, aims to provide a means of recording the knowledge gained during maintenance, facilitating easier future maintenance, and preserving the reliability of the documentation, so reducing the time required to gain an understanding of the software being maintained. This provides a powerful means of increasing productivity, while simultaneously preserving a valuable capital asset

    Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Principles and Practices of Programming in Java

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    This book contains the proceedings of the 4th international conference on principles and practices of programming in Java. The conference focuses on the different aspects of the Java programming language and its applications

    Interfacing algebraic and numeric computation

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