533 research outputs found

    Efficient coding of spectrotemporal binaural sounds leads to emergence of the auditory space representation

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    To date a number of studies have shown that receptive field shapes of early sensory neurons can be reproduced by optimizing coding efficiency of natural stimulus ensembles. A still unresolved question is whether the efficient coding hypothesis explains formation of neurons which explicitly represent environmental features of different functional importance. This paper proposes that the spatial selectivity of higher auditory neurons emerges as a direct consequence of learning efficient codes for natural binaural sounds. Firstly, it is demonstrated that a linear efficient coding transform - Independent Component Analysis (ICA) trained on spectrograms of naturalistic simulated binaural sounds extracts spatial information present in the signal. A simple hierarchical ICA extension allowing for decoding of sound position is proposed. Furthermore, it is shown that units revealing spatial selectivity can be learned from a binaural recording of a natural auditory scene. In both cases a relatively small subpopulation of learned spectrogram features suffices to perform accurate sound localization. Representation of the auditory space is therefore learned in a purely unsupervised way by maximizing the coding efficiency and without any task-specific constraints. This results imply that efficient coding is a useful strategy for learning structures which allow for making behaviorally vital inferences about the environment.Comment: 22 pages, 9 figure

    The Opponent Channel Population Code of Sound Location Is an Efficient Representation of Natural Binaural Sounds

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    In mammalian auditory cortex, sound source position is represented by a population of broadly tuned neurons whose firing is modulated by sounds located at all positions surrounding the animal. Peaks of their tuning curves are concentrated at lateral position, while their slopes are steepest at the interaural midline, allowing for the maximum localization accuracy in that area. These experimental observations contradict initial assumptions that the auditory space is represented as a topographic cortical map. It has been suggested that a “panoramic” code has evolved to match specific demands of the sound localization task. This work provides evidence suggesting that properties of spatial auditory neurons identified experimentally follow from a general design principle- learning a sparse, efficient representation of natural stimuli. Natural binaural sounds were recorded and served as input to a hierarchical sparse-coding model. In the first layer, left and right ear sounds were separately encoded by a population of complex-valued basis functions which separated phase and amplitude. Both parameters are known to carry information relevant for spatial hearing. Monaural input converged in the second layer, which learned a joint representation of amplitude and interaural phase difference. Spatial selectivity of each second-layer unit was measured by exposing the model to natural sound sources recorded at different positions. Obtained tuning curves match well tuning characteristics of neurons in the mammalian auditory cortex. This study connects neuronal coding of the auditory space with natural stimulus statistics and generates new experimental predictions. Moreover, results presented here suggest that cortical regions with seemingly different functions may implement the same computational strategy-efficient coding.German Science Foundation (Graduate College "InterNeuro"

    Resonant Neural Dynamics of Speech Perception

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    What is the neural representation of a speech code as it evolves in time? How do listeners integrate temporally distributed phonemic information across hundreds of milliseconds, even backwards in time, into coherent representations of syllables and words? What sorts of brain mechanisms encode the correct temporal order, despite such backwards effects, during speech perception? How does the brain extract rate-invariant properties of variable-rate speech? This article describes an emerging neural model that suggests answers to these questions, while quantitatively simulating challenging data about audition, speech and word recognition. This model includes bottom-up filtering, horizontal competitive, and top-down attentional interactions between a working memory for short-term storage of phonetic items and a list categorization network for grouping sequences of items. The conscious speech and word recognition code is suggested to be a resonant wave of activation across such a network, and a percept of silence is proposed to be a temporal discontinuity in the rate with which such a resonant wave evolves. Properties of these resonant waves can be traced to the brain mechanisms whereby auditory, speech, and language representations are learned in a stable way through time. Because resonances are proposed to control stable learning, the model is called an Adaptive Resonance Theory, or ART, model.Air Force Office of Scientific Research (F49620-01-1-0397); National Science Foundation (IRI-97-20333); Office of Naval Research (N00014-01-1-0624)
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