104,781 research outputs found

    Integrating R and Hadoop for Big Data Analysis

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    Analyzing and working with big data could be very diffi cult using classical means like relational database management systems or desktop software packages for statistics and visualization. Instead, big data requires large clusters with hundreds or even thousands of computing nodes. Offi cial statistics is increasingly considering big data for deriving new statistics because big data sources could produce more relevant and timely statistics than traditional sources. One of the software tools successfully and wide spread used for storage and processing of big data sets on clusters of commodity hardware is Hadoop. Hadoop framework contains libraries, a distributed fi le-system (HDFS), a resource-management platform and implements a version of the MapReduce programming model for large scale data processing. In this paper we investigate the possibilities of integrating Hadoop with R which is a popular software used for statistical computing and data visualization. We present three ways of integrating them: R with Streaming, Rhipe and RHadoop and we emphasize the advantages and disadvantages of each solution.Comment: Romanian Statistical Review no. 2 / 201

    Twinscan: A Software Package for Homology-Based Gene Prediction

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    A complete mapping from genome to proteome would constitute a foundation for genome-based biology and provide targets for pharmaceutical and therapeutic intervention. This is one reason gene structure prediction has been a major subfield of computational biology for over 20 years. Many of the widely used gene prediction systems were developed in the 1990s and are unable to take advantage of the revolution in comparative genomics brought on by the sequencing of the entire genomes of an increasing numbers of vertebrates. Twinscan is a new system for high-throughput gene-structure prediction that exploits the patterns of conservation observed in alignments between a target genomic sequence and its homologous sequence in other organisms. The approach employs a symbolic conservation sequence that effectively combines many local alignments into a single global alignment. This has several important properties that make Twinscan particularly useful for high-throughput gene prediction. For mammals, Twinscan has been shown to be significantly more accurate and reliable by all measures than any non-comparative genomic method. Twinscan is based on, and includes as a component, the same hidden Markov model topology as Genscan, a popular non-homology based gene prediction program. Twinscan has an object-oriented design and is implemented in the C++ programming language. Twinscan’s three major components consist of probabilistic models of both the DNA sequence and the conservation sequence as well as a dynamic programming framework. Both the models and the computational structure are complicated aggregate classes. In this report, the design and implementation of Twinscan is described at the source-code level for the first time

    Pembangunan Modul Pengajaran Kendiri (MPK) keusahawanan dalam topik isu keusahawanan bagi pelajar diploma di politeknik

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    Terdapat pelbagai kaedah pembelajaran yang telah diperkenalkan termasuklah kaedah pembelajaran yang menggunakan pendekatan pembelajaran bermodul secara kendiri. Kajian ini adalah bertujuan untuk mengkaji kesesuaian Modul Pengajaran Kendiri Keusahawanan dalam topik Isu Keusahawanan yang telah dihasilkan bagi pelajar yang mengikuti pengajian Diploma di Jabatan Perdagangan Politeknik. Antara aspek yang dikaji ialah untuk menilai sama ada rekabentuk modul yang dihasilkan dapat memenuhi ciri-ciri modul yang baik, MPK yang dihasilkan dapat membantu mencapai objektif pembelajaran, MPK ini bersifat mesra pengguna dan MPK yang dihasilkan membantu pensyarah menyampaikan pengajarannya dengan lebih berkesan. Kajian ini dilakukan ke atas 110 orang pelajar semester en am yang mengikuti pengajian diploma dan 4 orang pensyarah yang mengajar subjek Keusahawanan di Jabatan Perdagangan Politeknik Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah, Selangor. Kaedah analisa data yang digunakan dalam kajian ini ialah skor min dan peratus. Hasil daripada kajian ini menunjukkan bahawa rekabentuk modul yang dihasilkan memenuhi ciri-ciri modul yang baik, MPK ini membantu untuk mencapai objektif pembelajaran, MPK ini bersifat mesra pengguna dan MPK yang dihasilkan dapat membantu pensyarah menyampaikan pengajarannya dengan lebih berkesan. Ini bermakna secara keseluruhannya, hasil kajian menunjukkan bahawa modul yang dihasilkan oleh pengkaji adalah sesuai digunakan oleh pelajar-pelajar semester enam yang mengikuti pengajian diploma di Jabatan Perdagangan peringkat politeknik. Seterusnya, beberapa pandangan telah dikemukakan bagi meningkatkan rnutu dan kualiti MPK yang dihasilkan. Semoga kajian ini dapat memberi manfaat kepada mereka yang terlibat dalam bidang pendidikan

    Jesuit response to the communication revolution

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    This essay will consider both. In order to offer a context, it begins with a review of the impact of the communication revolution on our individual and collective lives. Communication, the process of exchanging information and influence, occurs through interpersonal methods or through the mass media. However, recent technological advances lead me to focus more on mass communication

    Online Multiple Service System For Home User

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    The aim of this project is to develop an online multiple service system for the home users. The home users may choose the services they need easily through this interactive online system. The few problems encountered by the services sector are hindering its' future development. The revolution of Information Technology and Communication that has contributed to the e-commerce should help the services sector to solve these problems. The e-commerce should not only allow consumers shop on the web through the Internet online system, consumers should also have the opportunity to choose the services they need conveniently. The interactive online system that operates 24 hours a day helps the services sector expands the market; generate a closer relationship between the suppliers and the consumers. Meanwhle the online system also improves the company's ability to manage the information inside the company more effectively. The methodology choosen to develop this online system involving four phases. These four phases are system analysis, system design, system development and the system testing. System analysis is the process of gathering and analysing the information. System design decides the way to build the new system. Programming language like Active Server Pages (ASP), VBScript, JavaScript, Structure Query Language (SQL) and HyperText Markup Language (HTML), and the sohare like Microsoft Visual InterDev, Macromedia Dreamweaver, Microsoft Structure Query Language (SQL), Adobe Photoshop dan Coffee Cup GIF Animator use to develop the system in the system development phase. Finally the system is tested in the system-testing phase before the implementation

    Internet Radio: A New Engine for Content Diversity?

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    While traditional radio stations are subject to extensive government regulations, Internet radio stations remain largely unregulated. As Internet radio usage has increased certain stakeholders have begun to argue that these Internet radio broadcasters are providing significant and diverse programming to American audiences and that government regulation of spectrum-using radio station ownership may be further relaxed. One of the primary justifications for regulation of ownership has been to protect diversity in broadcasting. This study hypothesizes that Internet radio broadcasting does add diversity to the radio broadcasting industry and that it should be considered as relevant by regulators. This study evaluates the role of Internet radio broadcasters according to five criteria intended to gauge the level of diversity being delivered to listeners online. By measuring the levels of format, channel, ownership, location and language diversity among Internet radio stations, it is possible to draw benchmark lessons about the new medium's ability to provide Americans with diverse broadcasting options. The study finds that Internet radio broadcasters are in fact adding measurable diversity to the radio broadcasting industry. Internet broadcasters are providing audiences with access to an increasing number of stations, owners, formats, and language choices, and it is likely that technologies aiding in the mobility of access as well as broadband evolution will reinforce these findings.Comment: 29th TPRC Conference, 200
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