346,668 research outputs found

    Largest sparse subgraphs of random graphs

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    For the Erd\H{o}s-R\'enyi random graph G(n,p), we give a precise asymptotic formula for the size of a largest vertex subset in G(n,p) that induces a subgraph with average degree at most t, provided that p = p(n) is not too small and t = t(n) is not too large. In the case of fixed t and p, we find that this value is asymptotically almost surely concentrated on at most two explicitly given points. This generalises a result on the independence number of random graphs. For both the upper and lower bounds, we rely on large deviations inequalities for the binomial distribution.Comment: 15 page

    The structure of spray-dried detergent powders

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    The complex multi-scale structure of spray-dried detergent granules has been characterized using a range of techniques including microscopy, wide-angle and small-angle X-ray scattering and X-ray microtomography. Four simple model formulations based on linear alkyl benzene sulphonate (NaLAS) and sodium sulphate were used to probe the influence of initial slurry water content and sodium silicate on the structure. The structure can be viewed as a porous matrix consisting of liquid crystalline NaLAS, sodium sulphate and binder in which large crystals of sodium sulphate are embedded. These large crystals were initially undissolved in the slurry and are consequently reduced in number in the product made from higher water content slurry. The both slurry water content and sodium silicate changed the polymorphs, and the d-spacing of the lamellae. The surface micro-structure and particle morphology can also be significantly affected with the high initial water content; particles having a distinct agglomerated and blistered structure

    Saturation numbers for Ramsey-minimal graphs

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    Given graphs H1,…,HtH_1, \dots, H_t, a graph GG is (H1,…,Ht)(H_1, \dots, H_t)-Ramsey-minimal if every tt-coloring of the edges of GG contains a monochromatic HiH_i in color ii for some i∈{1,…,t}i\in\{1, \dots, t\}, but any proper subgraph of GG does not possess this property. We define Rmin⁑(H1,…,Ht)\mathcal{R}_{\min}(H_1, \dots, H_t) to be the family of (H1,…,Ht)(H_1, \dots, H_t)-Ramsey-minimal graphs. A graph GG is \dfn{Rmin⁑(H1,…,Ht)\mathcal{R}_{\min}(H_1, \dots, H_t)-saturated} if no element of Rmin⁑(H1,…,Ht)\mathcal{R}_{\min}(H_1, \dots, H_t) is a subgraph of GG, but for any edge ee in Gβ€Ύ\overline{G}, some element of Rmin⁑(H1,…,Ht)\mathcal{R}_{\min}(H_1, \dots, H_t) is a subgraph of G+eG + e. We define sat(n,Rmin⁑(H1,…,Ht))sat(n, \mathcal{R}_{\min}(H_1, \dots, H_t)) to be the minimum number of edges over all Rmin⁑(H1,…,Ht)\mathcal{R}_{\min}(H_1, \dots, H_t)-saturated graphs on nn vertices. In 1987, Hanson and Toft conjectured that sat(n,Rmin⁑(Kk1,…,Kkt))=(rβˆ’2)(nβˆ’r+2)+(rβˆ’22)sat(n, \mathcal{R}_{\min}(K_{k_1}, \dots, K_{k_t}) )= (r - 2)(n - r + 2)+\binom{r - 2}{2} for nβ‰₯rn \ge r, where r=r(Kk1,…,Kkt)r=r(K_{k_1}, \dots, K_{k_t}) is the classical Ramsey number for complete graphs. The first non-trivial case of Hanson and Toft's conjecture for sufficiently large nn was setteled in 2011, and is so far the only settled case. Motivated by Hanson and Toft's conjecture, we study the minimum number of edges over all Rmin⁑(K3,Tk)\mathcal{R}_{\min}(K_3, \mathcal{T}_k)-saturated graphs on nn vertices, where Tk\mathcal{T}_k is the family of all trees on kk vertices. We show that for nβ‰₯18n \ge 18, sat(n,Rmin⁑(K3,T4))=⌊5n/2βŒ‹sat(n, \mathcal{R}_{\min}(K_3, \mathcal{T}_4)) =\lfloor {5n}/{2}\rfloor. For kβ‰₯5k \ge 5 and nβ‰₯2k+(⌈k/2βŒ‰+1)⌈k/2βŒ‰βˆ’2n \ge 2k + (\lceil k/2 \rceil +1) \lceil k/2 \rceil -2, we obtain an asymptotic bound for sat(n,Rmin⁑(K3,Tk))sat(n, \mathcal{R}_{\min}(K_3, \mathcal{T}_k)).Comment: to appear in Discrete Mathematic
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