4 research outputs found

    Estrategias a nivel de macro y micro-planificación en un prototipo de verbalización de ontologías

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    En este trabajo se presenta un primer prototipo de un trabajo de generación de lenguaje natural capaz de procesar el contenido de una ontología y generar un texto en lenguaje natural. El texto resultante debe estar organizado y expresado con una sintaxis aceptable, para que sea accesible a cualquier usuario cuyo interés sea el dominio modelado, pero no tenga las herramientas necesarias para comprender las lógicas subyacentes.Workshop: WISS – Innovación en Sistemas de SoftwareRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informátic

    Binary RDF for Scalable Publishing, Exchanging and Consumption in the Web of Data

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    El actual diluvio de datos está inundando la web con grandes volúmenes de datos representados en RDF, dando lugar a la denominada 'Web de Datos'. En esta tesis proponemos, en primer lugar, un estudio profundo de aquellos textos que nos permitan abordar un conocimiento global de la estructura real de los conjuntos de datos RDF, HDT, que afronta la representación eficiente de grandes volúmenes de datos RDF a través de estructuras optimizadas para su almacenamiento y transmisión en red. HDT representa efizcamente un conjunto de datos RDF a través de su división en tres componentes: la cabecera (Header), el diccionario (Dictionary) y la estructura de sentencias RDF (Triples). A continuación, nos centramos en proveer estructuras eficientes de dichos componentes, ocupando un espacio comprimido al tiempo que se permite el acceso directo a cualquier dat

    A semantic framework for ontology usage analysis

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    The Semantic Web envisions a Web where information is accessible and processable by computers as well as humans. Ontologies are the cornerstones for realizing this vision of the Semantic Web by capturing domain knowledge by defining the terms and the relationship between these terms to provide a formal representation of the domain with machine-understandable semantics. Ontologies are used for semantic annotation, data interoperability and knowledge assimilation and dissemination.In the literature, different approaches have been proposed to build and evolve ontologies, but in addition to these, one more important concept needs to be considered in the ontology lifecycle, that is, its usage. Measuring the “usage” of ontologies will help us to effectively and efficiently make use of semantically annotated structured data published on the Web (formalized knowledge published on the Web), improve the state of ontology adoption and reusability, provide a usage-based feedback loop to the ontology maintenance process for a pragmatic conceptual model update, and source information accurately and automatically which can then be utilized in the other different areas of the ontology lifecycle. Ontology Usage Analysis is the area which evaluates, measures and analyses the use of ontologies on the Web. However, in spite of its importance, no formal approach is present in the literature which focuses on measuring the use of ontologies on the Web. This is in contrast to the approaches proposed in the literature on the other concepts of the ontology lifecycle, such as ontology development, ontology evaluation and ontology evolution. So, to address this gap, this thesis is an effort in such a direction to assess, analyse and represent the use of ontologies on the Web.In order to address the problem and realize the abovementioned benefits, an Ontology Usage Analysis Framework (OUSAF) is presented. The OUSAF Framework implements a methodological approach which is comprised of identification, investigation, representation and utilization phases. These phases provide a complete solution for usage analysis by allowing users to identify the key ontologies, and investigate, represent and utilize usage analysis results. Various computation components with several methods, techniques, and metrics for each phase are presented and evaluated using the Semantic Web data crawled from the Web. For the dissemination of ontology-usage-related information accessible to machines and humans, The U Ontology is presented to formalize the conceptual model of the ontology usage domain. The evaluation of the framework, solution components, methods, and a formalized conceptual model is presented, indicating the usefulness of the overall proposed solution