3,193 research outputs found


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    This paper investigates the role of instructional supports for argumentation-based computer supported collaborative learning (ABCSCL), a teaching approach that improves the quality of learning processes and outcomes. Relevant literature has been reviewed to identify the instructional supports in ABCSCL environments. A range of instructional supports in ABCSCL is proposed including scaffolding, scripting, and representational tools. Each of these instructional supports are discussed in detail. Furthermore, the extent to which and the way in which such instructional supports can be applied in ABCSCL environments are discussed. Finally, suggestions for future work and implications for the design of ABCSCL environments are provided.  Article visualizations

    Representational transformations : using maps to write essays

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    This research was supported by NSERC (The Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada) RGPIN-2020-04401 and EPSRC (Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council) EP/T518062/1.Essay-writing is a complex, cognitively demanding activity. Essay-writers must synthesise source texts and original ideas into a textual essay. Previous work found that writers produce better essays when they create effective intermediate representations. Diagrams, such as concept maps and argument maps, are particularly effective. However, there is insufficient knowledge about how people use these intermediate representations in their essay-writing workflow. Understanding these processes is critical to inform the design of tools to support workflows incorporating intermediate representations. We present the findings of a study, in which 20 students planned and wrote essays. Participants used a tool that we developed, Write Reason, which combines a free-form mapping interface with an essay-writing interface. This let us observe the types of intermediate representations participants built, and crucially, the process of how they used and moved between them. The key insight is that much of the important cognitive processing did not happen within a single representation, but instead in the processes that moved between multiple representations. We label these processes `representational transformations'. Our analysis characterises key properties of these transformations: cardinality, explicitness, and change in representation type. We also discuss research questions surfaced by the focus on transformations, and implications for tool designers.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Evaluating the design of hospitals within a practice order network

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    Design evaluation is a complex and rich social practice that is organised and distinguished by its practical understandings, rules, general understandings and teleoaffective structures. This praxiographic study of a major National Health Service (NHS) hospital project uses practice theory to investigate the concept of design evaluation as ‘a practice’. By applying Theodore Schatzki’s site ontology, design evaluation practices are revealed to respond to dynamic teleoaffective structures that highlight the role of both practical intelligibility and the intertwined impact of external policy stipulations. Through this theoretical lens, fresh insight into the actuality of NHS hospital design evaluation praxis is provided that questions some of the axioms upon which such processes are assumed to operate. In particular, the appropriateness of the decontextualised and deterministic processes currently found in UK Government design policy is questioned. It is posited that an approach to design evaluation grounded in Schatzki's practice theory has greater potential to improve the design quality of NHS healthcare buildings that could, in turn, improve patient healthcare outcomes

    Instructional Guidance in Microblogging-Supported Learning: Insights from a Multiple Case Study

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    Microblogging tools such as Twitter show potential to enrich classroom experience and benefit student learning. Research shows that instructional guidance is particularly necessary in computer-assisted learning environments, but no research has been done to study the effects of instructional guidance in microblogging-based learning. Using a multiple-case study design, the researcher examined student learning in terms of the amount of participation, ability to focus on task, and depth of thinking in guided, semi-guided, and unguided modes. The findings suggest that in guided environments, students achieved higher levels of learning, especially with respect to focusing on task and depth of thinking. Variations in depth of learning existed between the semi-guided and the guided mode. Students\u27 perceptions of the benefits and challenges of using microblogging across three cases were also analyzed. The study has implications for future research on using microblogging tools for educational purposes and pedagogical practice

    Towards adaptive argumentation learning systems : theoretical and practical considerations in the design of argumentation learning systems

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    This dissertation addresses four issues of pivotal importance in realizing the promises of adaptive argumentation learning systems: (1) User interface: How can argumentation user interfaces be designed to effectively structure and support problem solving, peer interaction, and learning? (2) Software architecture: How can software architectures of adaptive argumentation learning systems be designed to be employable across different argumentation domains and application scenarios in a flexible and cost-effective manner? (3) Diagnostics: How can user behavior be analyzed, automatically and accurately, to drive automated adaptations and help generation? (4) Adaptation: How can strategies for automated adaptation and support be designed to promote problem solving, peer interaction, and learning in an optimal fashion? Regarding issue (1), this dissertation investigates argument diagrams and structured discussion interfaces, two areas of focal interest in argumentation learning research during the past decades. The foundation for such structuring approaches is given by theories of learning and teaching with knowledge representations (theory of representational guidance) and collaboration scripts (script theory of guidance in computer-supported collaborative learning). This dissertation brings these two strands of research together and presents a computer-based learning environment that combines both approaches to support students in conducting high-quality discussions of controversial texts. An empirical study confirms that this combined approach has positive impact on the quality of discussions, thus, underpins the theoretical basis of the approach. Regarding issue (2), this dissertation presents a software framework for enhancing argumentation systems with adaptive support mechanisms. Adaptive support functionality of past argumentation systems has been tailored to particular domains and application scenarios. A novel software framework is presented that abstracts from the specific demands of different domains and application scenarios to provide a more general approach. The approach comprises an extensive configuration subsystem that allows the flexible definition of intelligent software agents, that is, software components able to reason and act autonomously to help students engage in fruitful learning activities. A graphical authoring tool has been conceptualized and implemented to simplify the process of defining and administering software agents beyond what has been achieved with the provided framework system. Among other things, the authoring tool allows, for the first time, specifying relevant patterns in argument diagrams using a graphical language. Empirical results indicate the high potential of the authoring approach but also challenges for future research. Regarding issue (3), the dissertation investigates two alternative approaches to automatically analyzing argumentation learning activities: the knowledge-driven and the data-driven analysis method. The knowledge-driven approach utilizes a pattern search component to identify relevant structures in argument diagrams based on declarative pattern specifications. The capabilities and appropriateness of this approach are demonstrated through three exemplary applications, for which pedagogically relevant patterns have been defined and implemented within the component. The approach proves particularly useful for patterns of limited complexity in scenarios with sufficient expert knowledge available. The data-driven approach is based on machine learning techniques, which have been employed to induce computational classifiers for important aspects of graphical online discussions, such as off-topic contributions, reasoned claims, and question-answer interactions. Validation results indicate that this approach can be realistically used even for complex classification tasks involving natural language. This research constitutes the first investigation on the use of machine learning techniques to analyze diagram-based educational discussions. The dissertation concludes with discussing the four addressed research challenges in the broader context of existing theories and empirical results. The pros and cons of different options in the design of argumentation learning systems are juxtaposed; areas for future research are identified. This final part of the dissertation gives researchers and practitioners a synopsis of the current state of the art in the design of argumentation learning systems and its theoretical and empirical underpinning. Special attention is paid to issue (4), with an in-depth discussion of existing adaptation approaches and corresponding empirical results.Diese Dissertationsschrift behandelt die folgenden vier Fragestellungen, welche bei der Realisierung adaptiver Argumentationssysteme von zentraler Bedeutung sind: (1) Benutzerschnittstelle: Wie mĂŒssen Benutzerschnittstellen beschaffen sein, um Problemlöse-, Kooperations- und Lernprozesse effektiv zu strukturieren und zu unterstĂŒtzen? (2) Softwarearchitektur: Wie können die FunktionalitĂ€ten eines adaptiven Argumentationslernsystems in eine Softwarearchitektur abgebildet werden, welche flexibel und mit angemessenem Aufwand in verschiedenen Bereichen und Szenarien einsetzbar ist? (3) Diagnostik: Wie kann Benutzerverhalten automatisch und mit hoher Genauigkeit analysiert werden, um automatisierte Anpassungen und Hilfestellungen effektiv zu steuern? (4) Adaption: Wie sollten automatisierte Anpassungen und Hilfestellungen ausgestaltet werden, um Problemlöse-, Kooperations- und Lernprozesse optimal zu unterstĂŒtzen? Hinsichtlich Fragestellung (1) untersucht diese Arbeit Argumentationsdiagramme und strukturierte Onlinediskussionen, zwei Schwerpunkte der Forschung zu Lernsystemen fĂŒr Argumentation der vergangenen Jahre. Die Grundlage solcher StrukturierungsansĂ€tze bilden Theorien zum Lehren und Lernen mit WissensreprĂ€sentationen (theory of representational guidance) und Kooperationsskripten (script theory of guidance in computer-supported collaborative learning). Diese Arbeit fĂŒhrt beide ForschungsstrĂ€nge in einer neuartigen Lernumgebung zusammen, die beide AnsĂ€tze vereint, um Lernende beim Diskutieren kontroverser Texte zu unterstĂŒtzen. Eine empirische Untersuchung zeigt, dass sich dieser kombinierte Ansatz positiv auf die DiskussionsqualitĂ€t auswirkt und bekrĂ€ftigt damit die zu Grunde liegenden theoretischen Annahmen. Hinsichtlich Fragestellung (2) stellt diese Arbeit ein Software-Rahmensystem zur Bereitstellung adaptiver UnterstĂŒtzungsmechanismen in Argumentationssystemen vor. Das Rahmensystem abstrahiert von domĂ€nen- und anwendungsspezifischen Besonderheiten und stellt damit einen generelleren Ansatz im Vergleich zu frĂŒheren Systemen dar. Der Ansatz umfasst ein umfangreiches Konfigurationssystem zur Definition intelligenter Softwareagenten, d. h. Softwarekomponenten, die eigestĂ€ndig schlussfolgern und handeln, um Lernprozesse zu unterstĂŒtzen. Um das Definieren und Administrieren von Softwareagenten ĂŒber das bereitgestellte Rahmensystem hinaus zu vereinfachen, wurde ein grafisches Autorenwerkzeug konzipiert und entwickelt. Unter anderem erlaubt dieses erstmals, relevante Muster in Argumentationsdiagrammen ohne Programmierung mittels einer grafischen Sprache zu spezifizieren. Empirische Befunde zeigen neben dem hohen Potential des Ansatzes auch die Notwendigkeit weiterfĂŒhrender Forschung. Hinsichtlich Fragestellung (3) untersucht diese Arbeit zwei alternative AnsĂ€tze zur automatisierten Analyse von LernaktivitĂ€ten im Bereich Argumentation: die wissensbasierte und die datenbasierte Analysemethodik. Der wissensbasierte Ansatz wurde mittels einer Softwarekomponente zur Mustersuche in Argumentationsdiagrammen umgesetzt, welche auf Grundlage deklarativer Musterbeschreibungen arbeitet. Die Möglichkeiten und Eignung des Ansatzes werden anhand von drei Beispielszenarien demonstriert, fĂŒr die verschiedenartige, pĂ€dagogisch relevante Muster innerhalb der entwickelten Softwarekomponente definiert wurden. Der Ansatz erweist sich insbesondere als nĂŒtzlich fĂŒr Muster eingeschrĂ€nkter KomplexitĂ€t in Szenarien, fĂŒr die Expertenwissen in ausreichendem Umfang verfĂŒgbar ist. Der datenbasierte Ansatz wurde mittels maschineller Lernverfahren umgesetzt. Mit deren Hilfe wurden Klassifikationsroutinen zur Analyse zentraler Aspekte von Onlinediskussionen, wie beispielsweise themenfremde BeitrĂ€ge, begrĂŒndete Aussagen und Frage-Antwort-Interaktionen, algorithmisch hergeleitet. Validierungsergebnisse zeigen, dass sich dieser Ansatz selbst fĂŒr komplexe Klassifikationsprobleme eignet, welche die BerĂŒcksichtigung natĂŒrlicher Sprache erfordern. Dies ist die erste Arbeit zum Einsatz maschineller Lernverfahren zur Analyse von diagrammbasierten Lerndiskussionen. Die Arbeit schließt mit einer Diskussion des aktuellen Forschungsstands hinsichtlich der vier Fragestellungen im breiteren Kontext existierender Theorien und empirischer Befunde. Die Vor- und Nachteile verschiedener Optionen fĂŒr die Gestaltung von Lernsystemen fĂŒr Argumentation werden gegenĂŒbergestellt und zukĂŒnftige Forschungsfelder vorgeschlagen. Dieser letzte Teil der Arbeit bietet Forschern und Anwendern einen umfassenden Überblick des aktuellen Forschungsstands bezĂŒglich des Designs computerbasierter Argumentationslernsysteme und den zugrunde liegenden lehr- und lerntheoretischen Erkenntnissen. Insbesondere wird auf Fragestellung (4) vertiefend eingegangen und bisherige AdaptionsansĂ€tze einschließlich entsprechender empirischer Befunde erörtert

    Palliative nurses caring for spirituality : a theological analysis of palliative nurses' discourse on spirituality from 1976 to 2012

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    Tableau d’honneur de la FacultĂ© des Ă©tudes supĂ©rieures et postdoctorales, 2012-2013.Cette Ă©tude porte sur la transformation des discours des infirmiĂšres en soins palliatifs sur la spiritualitĂ©, Ă  partir de leurs manuels de formation. Il s'agit d'une Ă©tude chronologique de l'Ă©mergence d'un discours sĂ©cularisĂ© sur la spiritualitĂ©. Ce mode chronologique est Ă©galement entrecroisĂ© avec le mode thĂ©matique afin de souligner les dĂ©placements de vocabulaire qui ont eu lieu au cours de cette transformation. Ces dĂ©placements sont ensuite interprĂ©tĂ©s Ă  travers la grille d'analyse de la thĂ©ologie politique de DorothĂ©e Soelle. Cette thĂ©ologie est prĂ©sentĂ©e en tant que processus dynamique d'interprĂ©tation constituĂ©e de trois axes d'expression religieuse; soit, la confession, l'argumentation et le mythe. Ce processus interprĂ©tatif a un caractĂšre libĂ©rateur qui vise Ă  rĂ©vĂ©ler les limites de la rationalitĂ© instrumentale. À travers cette Ă©tude nous regardons de plus prĂšs le rĂŽle que joue le langage dans la conception de la spiritualitĂ© dans le monde de la santĂ©. Nous examinons de plus prĂšs le lien entre la spiritualitĂ© et la santĂ©, rendu possible en grande partie par le divorce rĂ©cent entre la spiritualitĂ© et la religion. Ce lien est interprĂ©tĂ© et questionnĂ© Ă  partir de l'hermĂ©neutique politique de Dorotee Soelle qui suggĂšre que la conception, ainsi que la construction de la notion de spiritualitĂ© engage nĂ©cessairement une vision de l'existence humaine qui doit ĂȘtre conçue collectivement avant de l'ĂȘtre individuellement, ce qui lui confĂšre donc un caractĂšre politique

    Argumentative skills in higher education: a comparative approach

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    This text analyzes how curricular units of distinct areas of knowledge may refer,demand and promote argumentative reasoning. This is considered to be a fundamentalfeature in Higher Education within the framework of the Bologna Process. Theobjective of the study is to establish how argumentative skills developed by studentsshould be promoted and assessed in courses from two different areas of knowledge.The sample was made up from 282 students assessment elements developed in 4undergraduate courses for students majoring in Psychology, Educational Science andEngineering, of University of Porto. The methodological approach used was contentanalysis and data were treated by N-Vivo software. Data in relation with the coursessupply the bases to infer that the current position held by argumentative skills inHigher Education depends on the area of knowledge, as well as on the conditions andmethods of student assessment

    Digital History and Hermeneutics

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    For doing history in the digital age, we need to investigate the “digital kitchen” as the place where the “raw” is transformed into the “cooked”. The novel field of digital hermeneutics provides a critical and reflexive frame for digital humanities research by acquiring digital literacy and skills. The Doctoral Training Unit "Digital History and Hermeneutics" is applying this new digital practice by reflecting on digital tools and methods

    Narrative, understanding, and the self: Heidegger and the interpretation of lived experience

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    Since work by Alasdair MacIntyre, Charles Taylor, and Paul Ricoeur, there has been sustained interest among philosophers in the view that narrative plays an essential role in how we understand our lives and selves or--more radically--in how we constitute ourselves as full persons. At one extreme, MacIntyre and Taylor argue that our desires and commitments are hierarchically organized, in the best case unifying our lives into narrative quests. At the other extreme, Galen Strawson has attacked narrativity as far from universal, as well as spurious when taken as an ideal. Thinkers such as Marya Schechtman, Peter Goldie, Daniel Dennett, and David Velleman defend conceptions between these extremes. After examining this background in detail, my dissertation offers an interpretation of Heidegger that supports a revised conception of narrative's role in self-understanding. Whereas existing theories are driven by master metaphors of the self as author, the self as a character, or of lives as stories, I argue that the relationship between the self and narrative is better understood through a notion of reading. Heidegger scholars disagree as to whether the notions of authenticity and historicality put forward in Being and Time support a narrative conception of the self. In my view, Heideggerian "everydayness"--how we are, prior to any reckoning with authenticity--amounts already to a version of the narrative self. Just as readers mid-story understand characters by projecting where they are going, we understand who we are by projecting provisional plotlines for our futures. Such understanding is made explicit in textual narratives, which preserve the structure of lived experience better than any other form of description. Literary narratives, especially certain kinds of experimental rather than "realist" ones, most accurately represent the structure of existential possibilities. Heidegger's notion of truth as disclosing provides a frame which makes the anti-naturalist implications of narrativity more coherent. By bracketing Heidegger's controversial notion of authenticity, conversation with recent work in Anglo-American philosophy on narrative and the self is facilitated. My revised conception of the narrative self establishes a basis for further work on how we use narrative to understand and organize our lives
