29 research outputs found

    Aprendizaje de la Tecnología y patrones de enseñanza

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    There is a statistical correlation between types of teaching methods and types of digital learning materials used in Danish state schools. Especially when it comes to “presentational learning materials”, a category which subsume digital textbooks and larger systems and portals characterized by a looser coupling between subjects and courses than the linear progression that characterises the chapter structure of a textbook. This is a finding in a major new study undertaken in 2012-2014 by Rambøll Management Consulting and Boston Consulting Group, within an empirical and theoretical framework developed by Jeppe Bundsgaard and the author. This is partly due to a review of international research in the impact of digital learning materials, and partly due to a theoretical framework with typologies of teaching patterns and digital learning material. This article will present the central parts of the theoretical framework, selected results, and ends with a critique of methods used in the collecting of empirical data with a view to future research in the connection between digital learning materials and teaching patterns.Existe una correlación estadística entre los tipos de métodos de enseñanza y los tipos de materiales de aprendizaje digitales utilizados en las escuelas públicas danesas. Especialmente cuando se trata de "materiales de presentación de aprendizaje", una categoría que subsume los libros de texto digitales y sistemas más grandes y los portales se caracterizan por un acoplamiento más flojo entre los sujetos y los cursos que la progresión lineal que caracteriza la estructura de capítulos de un libro de texto. Este es un hallazgo en un importante nuevo estudio llevado a cabo en 2012-2014 por Rambøll Management Consulting y Boston Consulting Group, dentro de un marco empírico y teórico desarrollado por Jeppe Bundsgaard y el autor. Esto se debe en parte a una revisión de la investigación internacional en el impacto de los materiales digitales para el aprendizaje, y en parte debido a un marco teórico con tipologías de patrones de enseñanza y material de aprendizaje digital. En este artículo se presentará la parte central del marco teórico, los resultados seleccionados, y termina con una crítica de los métodos utilizados en la recogida de datos empíricos con miras a futuras investigaciones en la conexión entre los materiales de aprendizaje digitales y los patrones de enseñanza.Universidad de Granada. Departamento de Didáctica y Organización Escolar. Grupo FORCE (HUM-386

    Processer i undervisningen

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    Hvordan kan digitale procesværktøjer hjælpe læreren med at planlægge og styre komplekse undervisningsprocesser og samtidig gøre undervisning mere fleksibel og elevaktiverende? Artiklen præsenterer en modelskitse til udvikling af digitale procesværktøjer – et læremiddel – der kan støtte lærerens forberedelse til og afvikling af undervisningen

    Research in distance education: review and perspectives

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    Στην παρούσα εργασία επιχειρείται μια ανασκόπηση της έρευνας στην από απόσταση εκπαίδευση από την δεκαετία του 1960 ως σήμερα, όπως παρουσιάζεται στη διεθνή αλλά και στην ελληνική βιβλιογραφία. Tα βασικά ερωτήματα στα οποίαεπιχειρείται να δοθούν απαντήσεις αφορούν κυρίως το είδος της έρευνας που έχει αναπτυχθεί, τα θεωρητικά σχήματα ή μοντέλα που χρησιμοποιούνται, το είδος των ερευνητικών ερωτημάτων ή προβλημάτων στα οποία η έρευνα αυτή επικεντρώνεται και τις τάσεις που διαμορφώνονται για το μέλλον. Η ανασκόπηση της έρευνας στην εξ αποστάσεως εκπαίδευση, που από όσο γνωρίζουμε επιχειρείται για πρώτη φορά στην ελληνική βιβλιογραφία, αποτελεί προϋπόθεση ώστε οι μελλοντικές ερευνητικές δράσεις στο πεδίο να λαμβάνουν υπόψη τη σημαντική ερευνητική παρακαταθήκη,αλλά και τις σύγχρονες εξελίξεις.Έννοιες κλειδιά: Σπουδές δια αλληλογραφίας, ανεξάρτητες σπουδές, συναλλαγή από απόσταση, καθοδηγούμενη διδακτική συνδιάσκεψη, έλεγχος και αλληλεπίδραση, αίσθηση κοινωνικής παρουσίας, κοινωνικό-πολιτιστικό περιβάλλον, εκπαιδευτικέςτεχνολογίεςThis paper presents a review of the research in the field of distance education since the 1960’s, as presented in the international as well as in the Greek literature.The main issues examined include the type of research efforts that have been developed, the theoretical schemes and models used, the type of research questions/problems that are core to the developed research efforts and, finally, the directions of future research. The review of research in distance education, which to our knowledge has not been presented before in the Greek literature, is considered as a prerequisite so that future research in the field can take into consideration the important research efforts of the past as well as the novel developments

    The Usability of classroom Technologies in English Language Teaching and Learning (ELT & ELL)

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    In language teaching and learning, we have a lot to choose from the world of technology: Radio, TV, CD Rom, Computers, C.A.L.L., the Internet, Electronic Dictionary, Email, Blogs and Audio Cassettes, PowerPoint, Videos, DVD‟s or VCD‟s. The last two decades have witnessed a revolution due to the onset of technology, and has changed the dynamics of various industries, and has also influenced the industries and the way people interact and work in the society. This rapid rising and development of information technology have offered a better pattern to explore the new teaching model. As a result, technology plays a very important role in English teaching. Using multimedia to create a context to teach English has its unique advantages.We examined the effect of teaching and learning with technology on student cognitive and affective outcomes using the available technique. Screening studies obtained from an electric search of databases resulted in 58 studies (2013-2014). Overall, effect sizes were small to moderate across the cognitive and affective outcome measures. Specific teaching/learning components such as context/making sense, challenging activity, instructional conversation, and joint productivity were associated with effect sizes. Instructional features such as objectives, the pattern of student computer use, and type of learning task also moderated effect sizes. Suggestions are made for teachers to include these instructional features and teaching strategies in teaching and learning with classroom technology.Keywords: Technology, Teaching and learning, Computer-assisted instruction, Good instructional practices, Student outcome

    Interaktive assistenter i praksis

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    ”Interaktive assistenter” er programmer der har til formål at støtte eleverne i at løse en delopgave i et elevstyret arbejde gennem stilladsering af arbejdsprocesser og introduktion af relevante begreber og faglige metoder. En række nyere digitale læremidler benytter dem, og denne artikel præsenterer nogle empiriske understøttelser af at konceptet virker efter hensigten, og at de interaktive assistenter dermed er et eksempel på hvordan elevaktive undervisningsmetoders udfordring om manglende faglig fordybelse kan imødegås

    Persuasive mathematics courseware design model for special need children

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    There has been a big growth on number of research of courseware design model for children with special needs. A lot of people interested in this topic. However, there is still lack of courseware design model for children with special needs especially in learning mathematics. Reviews from literatures indicate that content application such as courseware specifically designed to cater for the needs of children with special needs in learning is highly scarce. It is found that most of the existing content applications including courseware have focused on the needs of normal learners, in which most of this courseware means too little to the children with special needs learners with their own problem of learning difficulty. Across many courseware reviewed in this research, only two of them are for learning mathematics. Children with special needs required special module or syllabus that can fit in well with their impairment. Thus, this study aims at studying the core element needed in education courseware for children with special needs. In this study, six courseware components have been proposed; which are Structural Component, Content Composition, Design Guideline, Learning Theory, Learning Approach and Technology. To test the design model, some pre-tests and post-tests, observations and evaluations are conducted. The result of the test shows the improvement in their mathematical skill. In addition, the children have shown positive behaviour change in learning mathematics throughout the testing period. Furthermore, the result has also been acknowledged by expert as a useful learning tool for the children with special needs. In this study, MyMath has been proven to be an effective courseware for learning mathematic among children with special needs

    A mixed methods investigation into the impact of computers and maths software on mathematics teaching and matric results of high schools in the EMDC East, Cape Town

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    Includes bibliographical references (leaves 164-179).This mixed methods dissertation investigates whether the Matric Mathematics results and enrolments at high schools in the EMDC East zone of Cape Town have been impacted by the availability of computers and mathematical software (as provided by the Khanya Project); how the teachers at one school in Khayelitsha, Cape Town are using the computer as a tool to teach Mathematics, and whether their pedagogy changes between the Mathematics lessons in the conventional classroom and the computer lab. A series of statistical tests (Mann-Whitney U test; independent samples t-test; paired samples t-tests and the Wilcoxon Signed Rank test) were applied to various samples of the 2007 Matric Mathematics data of high schools in the EMDC East, obtained from WCED. What was concluded was that there was no significant difference between the Matric Mathematics results of the schools with the computers and those without; no significant change in the results after the Khanya labs were installed; no significant change in the percentage of pupils that passed Matric Mathematics; and no significant change in Higher Grade Mathematics enrolment rates. The overall conclusion from the quantitative research was thus that no significant differences were brought about by the use of computers in Mathematics in the EMDC East schools. So, what does happen when the computers are being used? This led to qualitative research on whether and how computers impact pedagogy: observations of ten Mathematics lessons in a selective township school in Khayelitsha were undertaken, and transcriptions made. These transcriptions were analysed in order to determine how the teachers were using the computers as a pedagogical tool, and whether their pedagogy varies across different lesson contexts (face-to-face lessons and computer lab lessons). In the case of the former question, it was found that the computers were primarily being used as a drill-and-practise tool for revision purposes; in other words, as though they were electronic textbooks. In order to answer the latter question, each sentence of each teacher was categorised according to an analytical framework in order to determine if there were any variation in semiotic mediation (in other words, teacher talk) between the classroom and the computer lab. Chi-squared tests for independence indicated that there was a significant, moderate to strong association between the location of the lesson and the type of talk; thus there is significant variation in semiotic variation between the two venues and the teachers' pedagogy does vary between the face-to-face classroom and the computer lab. Further chi-squared tests also indicated significant, moderate to strong associations between the location of the lesson and the scale of interaction (class or individual); and between the type of talk and scale of interaction