12 research outputs found

    Factors Influencing Teachers' Use of ICT in Class: Evidence from a Multilevel Logistic Model

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    Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) have become a key factor in the educational context, especially in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, and, correctly implemented, can help to improve academic performance. The aim of this research was to analyse the factors that influence teachers' decisions to use ICT more- or less frequently to carry out tasks and exercises in their classes. To this end, we estimated a multilevel logistic model with census data from the individualized evaluation of students of the Community of Madrid (Spain) carried out at the end of the 2018-2019 academic year in primary and secondary education. Additionally, we applied multiple imputation techniques to deal with missing values. Based on our results, we found that motivated teachers who have received ICT training, teach calm and respectful classes, and work at schools where students have access to digital devices and frequently use ICT at home, have a high predisposition to use ICT in their classes. Considering our results, our recommendations are aimed at improving teacher training in ICT, encouraging a frequent but responsible use of ICT at home, and increasing the provision of technological resources in schools

    Using Student Response System (SRS) to reduce off-task behavior of students with behavior problems

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    The purpose of the present study was to examine the effect of clickers on decreasing off-task behavior of students with behavior problems in Language and math classes. A total of five students and one special education teacher in a self-contained classroom participated in the study. A single-subject research design with ABAB phases was used. An online program called Class Dojo was used to record study behavior with a chart immediately to show their on-task and off-task behavior. During the baseline, student behavior was recorded in both Language and math classes for 5 days. During the intervention phase, each participating student was provided a remote device called clickers linked with the white board to respond to questions by pressing a key on the device. Their answers would appear on the Interactive Whiteboard anonymously. The teacher corrected mistakes based on student responses and gave feedback. The use of the clicker was withdrawn after 5 days of intervention, then given back to students to use again following the same procedures in the previous intervention. The results showed that students\u27 off-task behavior decreased and on-task behavior increased with the use of clickers. A follow up survey showed that students were satisfied with the clickers and preferred the clicker lessons over non-clicker lessons

    Do information and communication technologies (ICT) improve educational outcomes? Evidence for Spain in PISA 2015

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    With the world becoming increasingly digitalized, determining the relationship between the use of ICT in the learning process and educational outcomes takes on special relevance for guiding educational policy decisions in a reasoned way. The objective of this study is to evaluate the effect on academic performance of the use and availability of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) at school and at home. For this purpose, we apply a hierarchical lineal regression model approach with data from the Programme for International Student assessment survey (PISA) 2015. PISA 2015 contains a brief but specific questionnaire for ICT that is completed voluntarily in some of the countries participating in the survey, as is the case in Spain. The results show differences in the sign of the impact according to the ICT variable used. The positive impact of ICT use is associated with its use for entertainment at home and with the students’ interest in ICT. However, the use of ICT for schoolwork at home and the general use of ICT by students in schools have negative effects on the learning process. Another significant result is the magnitude of the coefficient for the relation between the starting age for using ICT on the scores in the three competences. The higher the age, the lower the score achieved. The results of the regressions by tertiles of performance show that ICT can also play an important role in improving the academic performance of the students with the worst results. Finally, some control variables related to students, home and location are also relevant in our models.Programme for International Student Assessmen

    What are the factors that influence the use of ICT in the classroom by teachers? Evidence from a census survey in Madrid

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    With the world becoming increasingly digitalized, ICT has a key role to play in the educational process. The aim of this research is to determine the personal characteristics of teachers, as well as those of the school and class environment, that make them more likely to use ICT in their classes. This research is especially interesting given that there is little pre-existing literature in this regard. For this purpose, we estimate a logistic model with data from the census survey for the Community of Madrid (2016-2017 academic year) of the individualized evaluation of students in the final evaluation of their fourth year of Compulsory Secondary Education for four different competences: Mathematics, social and civic competence, English and Spanish. Our results suggest that higher teacher motivation, greater use of ICT by students in school and at home and better-prepared teachers who require less ICT training is associated with more frequent use of ICT in the classroom in all four subjects. However, some of the determinants of the use of ICT differ according to the competence evaluated. (...

    Use of Statistical Methods for the Analysis of Educational Data: the Role of ICTs in the Educational Context

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    [ES] En las últimas décadas, la intensificación del uso de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC) ha supuesto grandes cambios en nuestra forma de vida. En este contexto de intensa y creciente digitalización, esta tesis doctoral estudia el papel que juegan las TIC como un factor determinante del rendimiento académico de los estudiantes de educación secundaria, así como los factores que propician el uso de las TIC en el aula por parte de los docentes. La tesis se compone de tres capítulos: (1) en el primero de ellos, se analiza la relación entre distintos tipos de uso de las TIC en el contexto social y educativo y el rendimiento académico; (2) en el capítulo dos, se centra la atención en el impacto que tiene sobre el rendimiento académico el uso de las TIC en el aula para realizar tareas y ejercicios; (3) y en el capítulo tres se analizan los factores que determinan la frecuencia de uso de las TIC en el aula por parte de los docentes. Para realizar estos análisis, se estudian datos procedentes de evaluaciones educativas internacionales y nacionales mediante la aplicación de distintos métodos estadísticos: modelos multinivel, método de variables instrumentales, método de emparejamiento por puntaje de propensión, regresiones cuantílicas y técnica de imputación multivariante por ecuaciones encadenadas. Los resultados alcanzados en las distintas investigaciones proporcionan evidencia empírica novedosa que permite elaborar recomendaciones en materia de política educativa, así como abrir futuras líneas de investigación que permitirán complementar los resultados de esta tesis doctoral.[CA] En les últimes dècades, la intensificació de l'ús de les tecnologies de la informació i la comunicació (TIC) ha suposat grans canvis en la nostra forma de vida. En aquest context d'intensa i creixent digitalització, aquesta tesi doctoral estudia el paper que juguen les TIC com un factor determinant del rendiment acadèmic dels estudiants d'educació secundària, així com els factors que propicien l'ús de les TIC a l'aula per part dels docents. La tesi es compon de tres capítols: (1) en el primer d'ells, s'analitza la relació entre diferents tipus d'ús de les TIC en el context social i educatiu i el rendiment acadèmic; (2) en el capítol dos, se centra l'atenció en l'impacte que té sobre el rendiment acadèmic l'ús de les TIC a l'aula per a fer tasques i exercicis; (3) i en el capítol tres s'analitzen els factors que determinen la freqüència d'ús de les TIC a l'aula per part dels docents. Per a realitzar aquestes anàlisis, s'estudien dades procedents d'avaluacions educatives internacionals i nacionals mitjançant l'aplicació de diferents mètodes estadístics: models multinivell, mètode de variables instrumentals, mètode d'aparellament per puntuació de propensió, regressió quantílica i tècnica d'imputació multivariant per equacions encadenades. Els resultats aconseguits en les diferents investigacions proporcionen evidència empírica nova que permet elaborar recomanacions en matèria de política educativa, així com obrir futures línies d'investigació que permetran complementar els resultats d'aquesta tesi doctoral.[EN] In recent decades, the intensification of the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) has brought about major changes in our way of life. In this context of intense and increasing digitalization, this doctoral thesis studies the role of ICT as a determinant of the academic performance of secondary school students, as well as the factors that favour the use of ICT in the classroom by teachers. The thesis consists of three chapters: (1) in the first one, the relationship between different types of ICT use in the social and educational context and academic performance is analysed; (2) in chapter two, attention is focused on the impact on academic performance of the use of ICT in the classroom to carry out tasks and exercises; (3) and in chapter three, the factors that determine the frequency of ICT use in the classroom by teachers are analysed. In order to carry out these analyses, data from international and national educational assessments are studied by applying different statistical methods: multilevel models, instrumental variables method, propensity score matching method, quantile regressions and multivariate imputation technique by chained equations. The results achieved in the different investigations provide novel empirical evidence that allows us to elaborate recommendations for educational policy, as well as to open future lines of research that will allow us to complement the results of this doctoral thesis.Mi agradecimiento al Ministerio de Universidades por su apuesta en la financiación de mi proyecto de investigación mediante el contrato FPU16/04571 y por permitirme dedicarme durante estos cuatro años exclusivamente a la investigación y a la docencia universitaria. Agradezco también al Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad y al doctor Jorge Calero, investigador principal del proyecto “Evaluación de intervenciones educativas para la mejora de la calidad educativa”, por permitirme participar como miembro del equipo de trabajo en el proyecto EDU2016-76414-R y financiar la presentación de mis investigaciones en congresos nacionales e internacionales. Igualmente, agradezco a la Fundación Sabadell por otorgarme una ayuda a la investigación científica en la convocatoria 2020-2021.Gómez Fernández, NM. (2022). Use of Statistical Methods for the Analysis of Educational Data: the Role of ICTs in the Educational Context [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/181000TESI

    Factors Influencing Teachers’ Use of ICT in Class: Evidence from a Multilevel Logistic Model

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    Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) have become a key factor in the educational context, especially in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, and, correctly implemented, can help to improve academic performance. The aim of this research was to analyse the factors that influence teachers’ decisions to use ICT more- or less frequently to carry out tasks and exercises in their classes. To this end, we estimated a multilevel logistic model with census data from the individualized evaluation of students of the Community of Madrid (Spain) carried out at the end of the 2018–2019 academic year in primary and secondary education. Additionally, we applied multiple imputation techniques to deal with missing values. Based on our results, we found that motivated teachers who have received ICT training, teach calm and respectful classes, and work at schools where students have access to digital devices and frequently use ICT at home, have a high predisposition to use ICT in their classes. Considering our results, our recommendations are aimed at improving teacher training in ICT, encouraging a frequent but responsible use of ICT at home, and increasing the provision of technological resources in schools

    Estudio de las actitudes en el aula de 1º de Bachillerato del País Vasco respecto al uso de las TIC

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    Las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC) están transformando las aulas en los últimos años. La bibliografía presente evalúa que las TIC pueden tener influencia sobre los alumnos, y que las actitudes que los alumnos desarrollan ante las TIC pueden motivar otros aspectos de interés en el aula, como el comportamiento o el estudio. Sin embargo, hay escasez de información al respecto en la etapa de Bachillerato, especialmente donde se compare la opinión de profesores con la de sus alumnos. Se ha realizado un estudio en un curso completo de 1º de Bachillerato y su profesorado, incluyendo un cuestionario común y entrevistas a este último colectivo, para determinar las actitudes existentes hacia las TIC. Los resultados contienen actitudes mayoritariamente positivas entre ambos, en especial referencia al trabajo cooperativo, al estudio e interés por las asignaturas, y a las posibilidades de aprendizaje que ofrecen las TIC

    The use of ICT by science teachers in middle secondary science education in the Himalayan Kingdom of Bhutan

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    This research investigated Bhutanese middle secondary science teachers’ ICT knowledge, skills, perceptions and attitudes, patterns of ICT use, and associated factors linked to effective ICT implementation in their classrooms. The study was based on the hypothesis that the use of ICT in secondary science education in Bhutan was affected by the teachers’ attitudes and perceptions towards the use of ICT; their knowledge and skills related to ICT; their TPACK and the barriers associated with effective implementation of ICT. The research was primarily an exploratory study accommodating a post-positivist approach employing mixed design of both quantitative and qualitative approaches. A questionnaire survey on a sample of middle secondary science teachers was the quantitative study. Case studies of eight schools consisting of their historical background and performance records, semi-structured interviews with eight science teachers from these schools and focus group of students from three of these schools formed the case studies. The survey questionnaire targeted 189 middle secondary science teachers from a total of 63 middle secondary schools and secured a response rate of 85.7%. The survey questions covered patterns of ICT use in daily life, interest in ICT, confidence in using ICT and application of ICT in science teaching. A set of Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge (TPACK) questions (Mishra & Kohler, 2009) were also included to test the level of ICT integration achieved by these teachers. The findings showed that overall, the teachers possessed moderate levels of ICT knowledge and skills; very few ICT elements were used in the teachers’ daily life, and still less were employed in science teaching due to lack of confidence. Although teachers had positive perceptions and attitudes regarding use of ICT in teaching science, many could not fully utilise ICT due to personal and institutional constraints. Teachers were found to use various ICT tools dependent upon their personal competence and confidence. ICT trained teachers used more tools and engaged with more innovation in the classroom, whilst teachers with low ICT competency and confidence exhibited little integration. ICT trained teachers also helped the school management in developing administrative facilities that engaged ICT, and they also involved students in using ICT presentations. Specialised ICT teachers facilitated innovative uses of ICT such as: interactive student-centred teaching; enhanced collaborative student work; improved problem-based and project-based learning. These teachers also shared their ICT knowledge and skills with other colleagues. Schools with a poor ICT resources often provided less time for professional engagement and therefore, inhibited the implementation ICT in classrooms. Based on these findings, the research recommended the government to increase funding for ICT in schools to provide: more computer laboratories and extend the professional development opportunities for both pre-service and in-service science teacher contexts. More extensive research covering other types of educational institutions, more student-focused research, comparison of teacher and student perceptions and linking performance with ICT use were some new research areas suggested for future. The limitations of sample size and sampling method and difficulties encountered in interviews using social sites in recording the proceedings were two main limitations identified in this study. The sampling and size limitations could affect generalisability of the findings beyond the context of this research

    One-to-one laptop program: Effect on boys\u27 education

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    Since the beginning of 1:1 laptop programs in schools there has been extensive research undertaken about the effectiveness of how laptops are used for teaching and learning. With an educational environment in Australia where the use of Information Communications Technology (ICT) is one of the five general capabilities of the Australian Curriculum, an expectation to use ICT effectively for teaching and learning is explicit. However, the use of laptops for teaching and learning is complex for teachers and students. Furthermore, parents are expected to support their child’s learning in a digital age where mobile devices for learning are common. Therefore, investigating parental involvement and perceptions was a significant feature of the study. This report presents a three-year longitudinal study that examined the implementation of a student-owned 1:1 laptop program in a school for boys in Perth, Western Australia. The research tracked 196 students drawn from the junior (primary) and middle (secondary) schools, their families and associated teachers for a three year period. The focus on male students is purposeful. Understanding how male students use their laptops for learning can provide useful insights into the affordances and risks for schools and, in particular, the field of boys’ education. The aim of the research, therefore, was to describe and explain how boys use their laptops for learning in primary and middle school settings. Involving the whole school community in the research allowed for rich description and hopefully insightful explanation. The research literature reports that the use of laptops for learning can increase motivation and engagement, improve technology proficiencies, provide enriched learning experiences, and help teaching and learning. The five research questions developed to guide the research were aimed at either endorsing or challenging these claims. Underpinning this research was a mixed methods approach investigating how the boys used their laptops for learning, teachers’ pedagogical uses of laptops, implementation differences between a junior and middle school, and the possible impact of the laptops on literacy and numeracy outcomes. A rich data set, collected over three years, and derived from qualitative and quantitative techniques, was interrogated in relation to the study’s research questions. The study’s longitudinal design provided further opportunities to triangulate data over the three years, enhancing the strength and reliability of the findings. The novelty factor of laptops for learning quickly abated for both junior and middle school students. A two-pronged approach of providing targeted professional learning for staff coupled with confronting the obvious distraction that a 1:1 device can be for primary and middle school students, yielded positive outcomes. Students held strong views about the role, and effectiveness of a teacher when utilising their laptops for learning. Although teachers reported laptops were important for the teaching and learning program, there was a wide variation in the way teachers harnessed the 1:1 laptop environment for the benefit for student learning. Also, teachers were faced with pedagogical challenges in terms of considering games or Web 2.0 for learning. Literacy and numeracy outcomes based on national assessment results compared to national standards revealed the case study student participants performed favourably. Four enablers for effective laptop use are theorised. These are: inquisitive students, creative teachers, proactive leaders, and national and state policy directions. However, five paradoxes potentially inhibited these enablers. These paradoxes are presented as ‘spanners’ in the cogs of effective 1:1 laptop initiatives: engagement and seduction of students; transformative and conservative pedagogical practices; integration and alienation of parents; autonomy and systemic dependency of schools; and, the hope and fear of Web 2.0. The study may assist educational policy-makers, school leaders and teachers who are contemplating how to best integrate 1:1 laptop devices into the fabric of schools. A model is presented to provide new knowledge about the impacts of 1:1 devices on teaching and learning

    Transforming vocational schools - digitalisation in school development

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    The increasing impact of digitalisation on everyday life and the workplace requires new digital competencies to facilitate the socio-economic participation of citizens. One major avenue to support young people in the changing world is through education. This thesis therefore examines the development of vocational schools in the context of digitalisation. Theoretical considerations about school quality and models of school development form the basis for a multi-perspective research approach, including the five main stakeholder groups in Germany’s dual system of vocational training, namely students, teachers, school leaders, parents and training companies. The thesis focuses on the development of schools as organisational units which operate in a larger educational context. In the third chapter, curricular standards are investigated as external influence factors using a text-mining approach. The chapter examines in which ways these standards correspond to national requirements and how they can provide guidance for stakeholders at the school level. The fourth chapter focuses on the situation of teachers when school leaders decide to introduce digital practices into a school’s routines. The fifth and sixth chapters combine the interpretation of quantitative and qualitative data in a mixed-method approach to emphasise the relationships between stakeholders and different areas of school development, especially during a phase of distance learning. Practical implications of digitalisation for the development of vocational schools are derived from the research work in chapter seven. These include the significance of a shared vision, clear cooperation strategies and a manageable number of educational tools. Furthermore, the need to review the established models of school development in the context of digitalisation and the characteristics of vocational schools is discussed. This thesis claims that it is insufficient to view digitalisation merely as an influencing factor on the different fields of school development. Through new modes of exchange, digitalisation fundamentally transforms the relationship between the stakeholders of development at vocational schools. The way education, organisation, personnel, cooperation and technology interact is transforming at the qualitative, quantitative, spatial and temporal level