49 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Self-esteem terhadap Fear of Missing Out (FoMO) pada remaja yang menggunakan SNS

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    Remaja yang mengalami fear of missing out merasakan ketakutan untuk tertinggal momen berharga yang dilakukan orang lain serta berupaya untuk terus terhubung melalui SNS. Hal tersebut dapat disebabkan oleh berbagai macam faktor yang mempengaruhi salah satunya adalah self-esteem. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menguji apakah ada atau tidaknya pengaruh self-esteem terhadap fear of missing out pada remaja yang menggunakan SNS. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah metode kuantitatif berupa analisis regresi linear sederhana dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 349 orang. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan teknik nonprobability sampling. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan alat ukur yaitu Fear of Missing Out Scale dan Self-Liking/Self-Competence Scale-Revised. Masing-masing skala memiliki reliabilitas sebesar 0.810 pada skala FoMO dan reliabilitas sebesar 0.764 pada skala SLCS. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa self-esteem memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap FoMO yang dapat terlihat dari nilai signifikansi sebesar .000 ( P< .05) dan nilai koefisien R-square ( R2) sebesar .113. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa Self-esteem memberikan konstribusi sebesar 11,3 % terhadap FoMO pada remaja, sedangkan sisanya 88,7 % dipengaruhi oleh variabel lain yang tidak diteliti pada penelitian ini. Kata Kunci : Fear of Missing Out, Self-esteem, SN

    El afecto y su relación con la publicación de estados de ánimo

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    La constante publicación de estados en las redes sociales genera expectativas en contactos de personas tanto conocidas como desconocidas, el dar a saber de lo que se hace se ha convertido en una necesidad tanto en jóvenes como en adultos que quieren proyectar una imagen que muchas veces es falsa, y que a su vez busca reconocimiento personal. El objetivo de este trabajo fue analizar el por qué las personas buscan una red social, para transmitir y comunicar sus estados de ánimo, se consideran la atención, la emoción y la percepción de afecto en un mundo cibernético. Mediante revisión bibliográfica y por medio de encuestas a una muestra participativa de 30 mujeres integrantes del Motoclub Iron Horse Riders entre 30 y 40 años, se describe que esta nueva forma de expresarse genera falta de comunicación entre los miembros cercanos de familia y aislamiento social, lo cual desemboca en la búsqueda de aceptación -en muchos casos de personas desconocidas. Podemos darnos cuenta de que se crea un grave problema con respecto a la comunicación interpersonal y el trato cara a cara, ya que se está poniendo por sobre todo a las comunicaciones electrónicas, las cuales no cuentan con el sentido del calor y afecto personal. En conclusión, los dispositivos electrónicos nos conectan más con los que están lejos y al mismo tiempo nos desconectan de los que están cerca

    Smartphone addiction and associated psychological factors

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    The use of smartphone technology has increased drastically resulting in a risk of addiction to certain web applications, such as social networking sites (SNS) that are easily accessible via smartphones. A major concern regarding the increased use of SNS sites is the risk of an increase in narcissism amongst users of SNS. The present study examined the relationship between smartphone use, narcissistic tendencies, and personality as predictors of smartphone addiction. A self-selected sample of 256 smartphone users (M = 29.2; SD = 9.49) completed an online survey. The results revealed that 13.3% of the sample was classified as addicted to smartphones. Regression analysis revealed that narcissism, openness, neuroticism, and age were linked to smartphone addiction. Therefore, it is suggested that smartphones encourage narcissism, even in non-narcissistic users. Future research requires more in-depth qualitative data, addiction scale comparisons, and comparison of use with, and without, SNS access. Further, it is advised that prospective buyers of smartphones be pre-warned of the potential addictive properties of new technology

    Effects of Gender and Personality Differences on Twitter Addiction among Turkish Undergraduates

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    In this study, it was aimed to examine the association between gender, personality traits and Twitter addiction (TA) among undergraduates. Study group consisted of 365 undergraduate students who are enrolled at the state university in western region of Black sea. Big Five Inventory, TA Scale and personal information form were used for data collection. In order to analyze the data, descriptive statistics, t test, Pearson's correlation and multiple regression analyses were utilized. As a result of the study, it was found that while 37.5% of the participants were mildly addicted to Twitter, 14.5% of them were addicted moderately. Another finding suggested that addiction levels of the male students were significantly higher than females. Results also indicated that while gender was positive predictor of TA, agreeableness, conscientiousness and extraversion were significantly negatively predicting the TA levels of the Turkish undergraduates. Keywords: Twitter, addiction, personality, undergraduat

    Effects of environmental crowdedness on offline and online word of mouth marketing

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    Consumers engage in WOM in social settings, which includes crowded settings. This research investigates WOM in crowdedness and other possible influential factors such as comfort, people in the crowd and personality traits. I propose that people who are comfortable, accompanied or extraverted will engage in offline WOM. While people who are uncomfortable, alone or introverted will prefer online WOM as it gives them an opportunity to immerse in their mobile phones. A study was conducted in an organic crowd. The results demonstrate relationships between crowdedness and WOM with potential significant results when considering larger samples in future research


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    Although mobile phone addiction is rapidly spreading, there are few studies available in the literature on social and cultural impacts of this addiction. The concept of Phubbing is defined as individuals escaping interpersonal communication by dealing their mobile phones. In line with this information, the aim of the research is to determine the relationships between phubbing, social media addiction and narcissism structures of individuals who are interested in various levels of bodybuilding. Convenience sampling method were used to reach 319 individuals who are interested in various levels of bodybuilding. The data obtained in accordance with the objectives of the research were analyzed with two-step approach in the light of the basic principles of structural equation modeling. In this respect, confirmatory factor analysis and various validity reliability analyzes proposed by the literature were applied to the research data via AMOS22 package program. Following the validation of the research model, the structural model was tested in order to explore the relationships between the structures. As a result of the analyzes performed within the scope of the measurement model, the model was found to be valid and reliable. As a result of the analyzes performed within the scope of the measurement model, the model was found to be valid and reliable. By testing the structural model researchers found positive relationships between bodybuilding athletes' phubbing, social media loyalty and narcissism levels. The findings obtained from the research have made important contributions to the developing phubbing literature. It can be stated that bodybuilding is affected by tendencies towards social media platforms. This study sheds light on the discussions about future research.  Article visualizations

    Me, My “Selfie” and I: A Survey of Self-disclosure Motivations on Social Media

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    Exploring leadership in Facebook communities: personality traits and activities

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    Leaders of online communities are today becoming key players in social media sites like Facebook. Responsible for the community\u27s participation rules, limits and members’ identities, these leaders represent an important population on which to focus. This paper compares 94 Facebook community leaders to 94 other Internet users (N=188) in order to identify differences among them with respect to five major personality traits ( the BIG 5 ) as well as their online and offline activities. The results of the online surveys show that Facebook community leaders are more extroverted, open to experience, emotionally stable and active online and offline than are other Internet users. Examining the community categories, the leaders who manage Facebook support communities were found to be more introverted and less active online than leaders of other community types. The results are discussed in the context of the unique role of online leadership in the social media environment

    The impact of provocative visual stimulation on emotional changes among introverts

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    Social networking site (SNS) has become a platform for online self-presentation and a replacement of face-to-face (FTF) interaction. Users tend to like or watch the shared video because video sharing is described as a documentary-related meaningful event on SNS. The use of SNS is associated with personality and the site enables users to hide their identity and emotions from others. An Introvert refers to a person with less dominant personality in interaction and socialization. This study aims to explore whether provocative visual sharing in SNS affects emotional changes in Introverts. The experimental study was conducted via online using a post-test group design. A total of 30 Introvert consisting of students aged 20-29 years were selected through purposive sampling. All subjects were added into groups and required to answer a questionnaire before and after watching a provocative visual. Data were analysed using non-parametric test; Mann-Whitney U Test and Wilcoxon-Signed Rank Test. The results shows that there is no emotional differences between gender and insignificance changes in emotion for the Introverts as a whole (z = -1.170, p = 0.077). Their emotion was stable and they did not actively participate in giving comments about the visual. In conclusion, users tend to share a variety of stimulation in SNS but these activities did not affect the Introverts' emotion so much