723 research outputs found

    Arc flow formulations based on dynamic programming: Theoretical foundations and applications

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    Network flow formulations are among the most successful tools to solve optimization problems. Such formulations correspond to determining an optimal flow in a network. One particular class of network flow formulations is the arc flow, where variables represent flows on individual arcs of the network. For NP-hard problems, polynomial-sized arc flow models typically provide weak linear relaxations and may have too much symmetry to be efficient in practice. Instead, arc flow models with a pseudo-polynomial size usually provide strong relaxations and are efficient in practice. The interest in pseudo-polynomial arc flow formulations has grown considerably in the last twenty years, in which they have been used to solve many open instances of hard problems. A remarkable advantage of pseudo-polynomial arc flow models is the possibility to solve practical-sized instances directly by a Mixed Integer Linear Programming solver, avoiding the implementation of complex methods based on column generation. In this survey, we present theoretical foundations of pseudo-polynomial arc flow formulations, by showing a relation between their network and Dynamic Programming (DP). This relation allows a better understanding of the strength of these formulations, through a link with models obtained by Dantzig-Wolfe decomposition. The relation with DP also allows a new perspective to relate state-space relaxation methods for DP with arc flow models. We also present a dual point of view to contrast the linear relaxation of arc flow models with that of models based on paths and cycles. To conclude, we review the main solution methods and applications of arc flow models based on DP in several domains such as cutting, packing, scheduling, and routing

    Optimisation-Based Solution Methods for Set Partitioning Models

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    Approximation Algorithms for Modern Multi-Processor Scheduling Problems

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    This thesis is devoted to the design and analysis of algorithms for scheduling problems. These problems are ubiquitous in the modern world. Examples include the optimization of local transportation, managing access to concurrent resources like runways at airports and efficient execution of computing tasks on server systems. Problem instances that appear in the real world often are so large and complex that it is not possible to solve them “by hand”. This rises the need for strong algorithmic approaches, which motivates our focus of study. In this work we consider two types of scheduling problems which gained in importance due to recent technological advances. The first problem comes from the avionics industry and deals with scheduling periodically recurring tasks in a parallel computer network on a plane: Each task comes with a period p and execution time c, and needs to use a processor exclusively for c time units every p time units. The scheduling problem is to assign starting offsets for the first execution of the tasks so that no collision occurs. The second problem is a scheduling problem that arises in highly parallelized processing environments with a shared common resource, e.g., modern multi-core computer architectures. In addition to classical makespan minimization problems such as scheduling on identical machines, each job has an additional resource constraint. The scheduler must ensure that at no time, the accumulated requirement of all active jobs at that time exceeds a given limit. For both types of problems we study their algorithmic complexity in a mathematical, rigorous way by designing approximation algorithms and establishing inapproximability results. We thereby give a characterization of the approximation landscape of these problems. We also consider a more practical perspective: For an engineer from the industry, a rigorous proof that an algorithm finds a solution of certain guaranteed quality for all possible kinds of problem instances is usually not that relevant. It is rather of interest to find “good enough” or even optimal solutions for particular instances that actually appear in the real world in “reasonable” time. We show that structural insights gained in the more theoretical process of designing approximation algorithms can be highly beneficial also for obtaining practical results. In particular, we develop integer programming formulations for the avionics problem based on structural properties revealed in the design of approximation algorithms. These formulations lead to strong tools that, for the first time, enable to algorithmically solve real-world instances from our industrial partner

    Approximation Algorithms for Correlated Knapsacks and Non-Martingale Bandits

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    In the stochastic knapsack problem, we are given a knapsack of size B, and a set of jobs whose sizes and rewards are drawn from a known probability distribution. However, we know the actual size and reward only when the job completes. How should we schedule jobs to maximize the expected total reward? We know O(1)-approximations when we assume that (i) rewards and sizes are independent random variables, and (ii) we cannot prematurely cancel jobs. What can we say when either or both of these assumptions are changed? The stochastic knapsack problem is of interest in its own right, but techniques developed for it are applicable to other stochastic packing problems. Indeed, ideas for this problem have been useful for budgeted learning problems, where one is given several arms which evolve in a specified stochastic fashion with each pull, and the goal is to pull the arms a total of B times to maximize the reward obtained. Much recent work on this problem focus on the case when the evolution of the arms follows a martingale, i.e., when the expected reward from the future is the same as the reward at the current state. What can we say when the rewards do not form a martingale? In this paper, we give constant-factor approximation algorithms for the stochastic knapsack problem with correlations and/or cancellations, and also for budgeted learning problems where the martingale condition is not satisfied. Indeed, we can show that previously proposed LP relaxations have large integrality gaps. We propose new time-indexed LP relaxations, and convert the fractional solutions into distributions over strategies, and then use the LP values and the time ordering information from these strategies to devise a randomized adaptive scheduling algorithm. We hope our LP formulation and decomposition methods may provide a new way to address other correlated bandit problems with more general contexts

    Solving an Avionics Real-Time Scheduling Problem by Advanced IP-Methods

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    We report on the solution of a real-time scheduling problem that arises in the design of software-based operation control of aircraft. A set of tasks has to be distributed on a minimum number of machines and offsets of the tasks have to be computed. The tasks emit jobs periodically starting at their offset and then need to be executed on the machines without any delay. Also, further constraints in terms of memory usage and redundancy requirements have to be met. Approaches based on standard integer programming formulations fail to solve our real-world instances. By exploiting structural insights of the problem we obtain an IP-formulation and primal heuristics that together solve the real-world instances to optimality and outperform text-book approaches by several orders of magnitude. Our methods lead, for the first time, to an industry strength tool to optimally schedule aircraft sized problems

    An exact decomposition approach for the real-time Train Dispatching problem (v.2)

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    -Trains movements on a railway network are regulated by official timetables. Deviations and delays occur quite often in practice, demanding fast re-scheduling and re-routing decisions in order to avoid conflicts and minimize overall delay. This is the real-time train dispatching problem. In contrast with the classic ""holistic"" approach, we show how to decompose the problem into smaller subproblems associated with the line and the stations. The decomposition is the basis for a master-slave solution algorithm, in which the master problem is associated with the line and the slave problem is associated with the stations. The two subproblems are modeled as mixed integer linear programs, with their specific sets of variables and constraints. Similarly to the classical Bender's decomposition approach, the slave and the master communicate through suitable feasibility cuts in the variables of the master. By applying our approach to a number of real-life instances from single and double-track lines in Italy, we were able to (quickly) find optimal or near-optimal solutions, with impressive improvements over the performances of the current operating control systems. The new approach will be put in operation in such lines for an extensive on-field test-campaign as of April 2013. Follows SINTEF Technical Report A2327

    An Optimization Approach to a Geometric Packing Problem

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    We investigate several geometric packing problems (derived from an industrial setting) that involve fitting patterns of regularly spaced disks without overlap. We first derive conditions for achieving the feasible placement of a given set of patterns and construct a network formulation that, under certain conditions, allows the calculation of such a placement. We then discuss certain related optimization problems (e.g., fitting together the maximum number of patterns) and broaden the field of application by showing a connection to the well-known Periodic Scheduling Problem. In addition, a variety of heuristics are developed for solving large-scale instances of these provably difficult packing problems. The results of extensive computational testing, conducted on these heuristics, are presented
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