1,339 research outputs found

    The dynamics of the NAIRU model with two switching regimes

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    We consider a model of inflation and unemployment proposed in Ferri et al. (JEBO, 2001), in which the dynamics are described by a discontinuous piecewise linear map, made up of two branches. We shall show that the bounded dynamics may be classified in two cases: we may have either regular dynamics with stable cycles of any period or quasiperiodic trajectories, or only chaotic dynamics (pure chaos in which a unique absolutely continuous invariant ergodic measure exists, and structurally stable),in a rich variety of cyclical chaotic intervals. The main results are the analytical formulation of the border collision bifurcation curves, through which we give a complete picture of the possible outcomes of the model.Phillips curve, Regime switching, NAIRU, Nonlinearities, Discontinuous maps.

    Nonlinear VAR: Some Theory and an Application to US GNP and Unemployment

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    A generalization of the endogenous threshold model is developed by extending this class to a multivariate framework and to cases where the feedback acts at multiple lags. The feedback is specified, following Beaudry and Koop, by a variable which measures the depth of recessions. We give conditions for the ergodicity of the model and prove strong consistency of the maximum likelihood estimator, although the objective function is discontinuous in the threshold parameter. The model is applied to a bivariate VAR of output growth and changes in the unemployment rate for the US economy. The nonlinearity is found to be statistically significant only in the unemployment equation and it transmits to GNP through the cross-correlation between the series. We also find that, owing to the nonlinear structure, shocks hitting the economy in downturns have lower persistence than those occurring during expansions. Since this dampening effect is stronger for negative than for positive shocks, the feedback from recessions is found to contribute positively to the long-run growth of the economy and we estimate this contribution to be about 1/6 of the total growth over the sample period. We interpret this result as an empirical validation of those economic theories that model recessions as cleansing times. Finally, we suggest that the state-dependence in persistence is a possible key to interpret the divergence in the measures of persistence existing in the literature.mathematical analysis, stochastic models, United States, unemployment, production, econometric models, estimation of parameters

    A lending scheme for a system of interconnected banks with probabilistic constraints of failure

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    We derive a closed form solution for an optimal control problem related to an interbank lending schemes subject to terminal probability constraints on the failure of banks which are interconnected through a financial network. The derived solution applies to a real banks network by obtaining a general solution when the aforementioned probability constraints are assumed for all the banks. We also present a direct method to compute the systemic relevance parameter for each bank within the network

    Verification of Branching-Time and Alternating-Time Properties for Exogenous Coordination Models

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    Information and communication systems enter an increasing number of areas of daily lives. Our reliance and dependence on the functioning of such systems is rapidly growing together with the costs and the impact of system failures. At the same time the complexity of hardware and software systems extends to new limits as modern hardware architectures become more and more parallel, dynamic and heterogenous. These trends demand for a closer integration of formal methods and system engineering to show the correctness of complex systems within the design phase of large projects. The goal of this thesis is to introduce a formal holistic approach for modeling, analysis and synthesis of parallel systems that potentially addresses complex system behavior at any layer of the hardware/software stack. Due to the complexity of modern hardware and software systems, we aim to have a hierarchical modeling framework that allows to specify the behavior of a parallel system at various levels of abstraction and that facilitates designing complex systems in an iterative refinement procedure, in which more detailed behavior is added successively to the system description. In this context, the major challenge is to provide modeling formalisms that are expressive enough to address all of the above issues and are at the same time amenable to the application of formal methods for proving that the system behavior conforms to its specification. In particular, we are interested in specification formalisms that allow to apply formal verification techniques such that the underlying model checking problems are still decidable within reasonable time and space bounds. The presented work relies on an exogenous modeling approach that allows a clear separation of coordination and computation and provides an operational semantic model where formal methods such as model checking are well suited and applicable. The channel-based exogenous coordination language Reo is used as modeling formalism as it supports hierarchical modeling in an iterative top-down refinement procedure. It facilitates reusability, exchangeability, and heterogeneity of components and forms the basis to apply formal verification methods. At the same time Reo has a clear formal semantics based on automata, which serve as foundation to apply formal methods such as model checking. In this thesis new modeling languages are presented that allow specifying complex systems in terms of Reo and automata models which yield the basis for a holistic approach on modeling, verification and synthesis of parallel systems. The second main contribution of this thesis are tailored branching-time and alternating time temporal logics as well as corresponding model checking algorithms. The thesis includes results on the theoretical complexity of the underlying model checking problems as well as practical results. For the latter the presented approach has been implemented in the symbolic verification tool set Vereofy. The implementation within Vereofy and evaluation of the branching-time and alternating-time model checker is the third main contribution of this thesis

    A new paradigm of economic regulation

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    Current regulating policies are aimed at eliminating negative effect of market failures and at controlling macroeconomic stability, but they do not sufficiently facilitate long-term aims of human being. A method of soft economic regulation making use of endogenous nature of preferences is suggested that is aimed at eliminating risks of terminating being of a civilised society in a long-run outlook. The key element of this method is informational control actions, in particular disseminating information about admissible values of strategical commodities, allowing a society to form such preferences of its members that conform the global economic efficiency criterion based on the con-cept of sustainable development.regulation, long-term aims, preferences, market information, value, sustainable development

    Optimizing output regulation for a class of underactuated LPV systems

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    @ 2017 IEEE. Personal use of these materials is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating news collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other worksIn this paper the problem of optimizing the output regulation of an underactuated LPV system is considered. When the system is underactuated, only a subset of the outputs can be arbitrarily controlled, and the remaining ones are constrained. The problem of finding the input that minimizes a cost function of the overall output tracking error is investigated for a special class of LPV systems that admit steady-states. Moreover, it is shown how such solution is related to the inputs associated to the singularly optimal regulation of each output.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Modeling and Analyzing Biomolecular Networks

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    The authors argue for the need to model and analyze biological networks at molecular and cellular levels. They propose a computational toolbox for biologists. Central to their approach is the paradigm of hybrid models in which discrete events are combined with continuous differential equations to capture switching behavior
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