17,029 research outputs found

    Weighted Indices for Evaluating the Quality of Research with Multiple Authorship

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    Devising an index to measure the quality of research is a challenging task. In this paper, we propose a set of indices to evaluate the quality of research produced by an author. Our indices utilize a policy that assigns the weights to multiple authors of a paper. We have considered two weight assignment policies: positionally weighted and equally weighted. We propose two classes of weighted indices: weighted h-indices and weighted citation h-cuts. Further, we compare our weighted h-indices with the original h-index for a selected set of authors. As opposed to h-index, our weighted h-indices take into account the weighted contributions of individual authors in multi-authored papers, and may serve as an improvement over h-index. The other class of weighted indices that we call weighted citation h-cuts take into account the number of citations that are in excess of those required to compute the index, and may serve as a supplement to h-index or its variants.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures, 4 table

    The quality of research exploring in-session measures of CBT competence: a systematic review

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    Background: Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is in high demand due to its strong evidence base and cost effectiveness. To ensure CBT is delivered as intended in research, training and practice, fidelity assessment is needed. Fidelity is commonly measured by assessors rating treatment sessions, using CBT competence scales (CCSs). Aims: The current review assessed the quality of the literature examining the measurement properties of CCSs and makes recommendations for future research, training and practice. Method: Medline, PsychINFO, Scopus and Web of Science databases were systematically searched to identify relevant peer-reviewed, English language studies from 1980 onwards. Relevant studies were those that were primarily examining the measurement properties of CCSs used to assess adult 1:1 CBT treatment sessions. The quality of studies was assessed using a novel tool created for this study, following which a narrative synthesis is presented. Results: Ten studies met inclusion criteria, most of which were assessed as being ‘fair’ methodological quality, primarily due to small sample sizes. Construct validity and responsiveness definitions were applied inconsistently in the studies, leading to confusion over what was being measured. Conclusions: Although CCSs are widely used, we need to pay careful attention to the quality of research exploring their measurement properties. Consistent definitions of measurement properties, consensus about adequate sample sizes and improved reporting of individual properties are required to ensure the quality of future research

    Towards Research Excellence for Development: The Research Quality plus (RQ+) Assessment Instrument

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    This document presents a framework and practical guidelines for assessing the quality of research for development. Referred to as the "RQ+"1 assessment instrument, it serves as a tool to guide the work of external evaluators hired by IDRC as part of the External Review process for prospectusbased programs."RQ+" is based on the premise that a credible, balanced and comprehensive assessment of the quality of research for development requires the consideration of elements beyond the research outputs only, or the use of conventional metrics. These additional elements include important aspects of the research process related to design, execution and the sharing of findings. For this reason, RQ+ indicates an approach that straddles output and research project assessment

    Technology Park Malaysia the Quality of Research & Development in Biotechnology

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    Research and development is an area that guarantees the development of products and services of companies. With research, company will be able to explore the possible potential opportunities to be better off in future days and with development, companies that equipped with research activities will go through the possible growth. The word 'research', which comes from two (2) words; re and search can be defined as continuous and explore. The searches for new things are never ends. The explore must be in continuous form. Explore means find and gather for solutions. While continuous means progressively involved in sustaining or maintaining such exploration. Research and development is a base for growth. It is a root where an extensive, unique and useful philosophy of doing things lie. ''Research usually is considered to be studious inquiry or examination, especially investigation or experimentation aimed at the discovery and interpretation of facts and the revision of accepted theories or laws in the light of new facts." (George, 1992, p27) Research is categorized into two (2) categories; basic research and applied research. Basic research is a research conducted to understand the nature of th

    Sampling in Qualitative Research: Improving the Quality of Research Outcomes in Higher Education

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    Sampling consideration in qualitative research is very important, yet inpractice this appears not to be given the prominence and the rigour it deserves among Higher Education researchers. Accordingly, the quality of research outcomes in Higher Education has suffered from low utilisation. This has motivated the production of this paper with a view to advocating for sampling so that sample size selection and sampling designs are made very crucial considerations in research designs. The paper is a desk review and predominantly used the materials from credible and authoritative sources on qualitative research. The key issues that emerged are that sample size selection and sampling designs are very important considerations for Higher Education researcher if they are interested in improving the quality of research outcomes. Importantly, there aremany designs at the disposal of qualitative researchers, which are hitherto not applied. Both practitioners and those in the academia should continueemphasising the use of sampling in qualitative as in mixed and  quantitative methods.Keywords: Qualitative research; Sampling; Research methodology

    Navigating the Information Highway: A Multilayered Approach for First-Year Graduate Students

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    Taylor University’s Zondervan Library developed a multifaceted approach of engagement with graduate students of the Master of Higher Education and Student Development program, utilizing a variety of venues and courses relating to advanced research and writing. Regular assessments provided feedback for improvement within the embedded program structure. A second component of this model involved an archival project, which facilitated student research with primary documents in the university archives. Overall, graduate student understanding and ownership of the research process increased, and teaching faculty noticed improvement in the quality of research-based assignments as well as the program’s thesis project

    Development of an Analysis Process to Assess the Quality of Research Knowledge Graphs

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    This thesis proposes a novel approach for assessing the quality objectively of knowledge graphs, with a particular focus on the Open Research Knowledge Graph (ORKG). The ORKG is a community-driven open platform that aims to make research contributions more discoverable, accessible, and reusable. As a critical component of modern information systems, knowledge graphs enable effective data integration, discovery, and retrieval. However, assessing the quality of these graphs is challenging, given their complexity and heterogeneity. The main problem addressed in this thesis is to develop an approach to assess the quality of knowledge graphs, with a particular emphasis on completeness and accuracy, in the context of the ORKG. The proposed approach is based on a set of quality measures that evaluate different aspects of completeness and accuracy, and it leverages the Knowledge Graph Maturity Model (KGMM) as a framework for assessing the maturity level of the ORKG. The solution is evaluated empirically using a set of ORKG curation grants, and the observed results demonstrate that the proposed approach can effectively identify gaps in completeness and accuracy, and provide a comprehensive assessment of the quality of the ORKG. This assessment can help the ORKG community to prioritize curation efforts and improve the quality of the ORKG. Overall, this thesis contributes to the field of knowledge graph quality assessment by proposing a comprehensive approach for assessing the quality of knowledge graphs, and demonstrating its effectiveness in the context of the ORKG. The proposed approach has the potential to be applied to other knowledge graphs, enabling better data integration, discovery, and retrieval in various domains.In dieser Arbeit wird ein neuartiger Ansatz zur objektiven Bewertung der Qualität von Wissensgraphen vorgeschlagen, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf dem Open Research Knowledge Graph (ORKG) liegt. Der ORKG ist eine von der Gemeinschaft betriebene offene Plattform, die darauf abzielt, Forschungsbeiträge besser auffindbar, zugänglich und wiederverwendbar zu machen. Wissensgraphen sind ein wichtiger Bestandteil moderner Informationssysteme und ermöglichen eine effektive Datenintegration, -suche und -abfrage. Die Bewertung der Qualität dieser Graphen ist jedoch angesichts ihrer Komplexität und Heterogenität eine Herausforderung. Das Hauptproblem, das in dieser Arbeit behandelt wird, ist die Entwicklung eines Ansatzes zur Bewertung der Qualität von Wissensgraphen, mit besonderem Schwerpunkt auf Vollständigkeit und Genauigkeit, im Kontext des ORKG. Der vorgeschlagene Ansatz basiert auf einer Reihe von Qualitätsmaßstäben, die verschiedene Aspekte der Vollständigkeit und Genauigkeit bewerten, und er nutzt das Knowledge Graph Maturity Model (KGMM) als Rahmen für die Bewertung des Reifegrads des ORKG. Die Lösung wird empirisch anhand einer Reihe von ORKG-Kuratoren evaluiert. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass der vorgeschlagene Ansatz effektiv Lücken in der Vollständigkeit und Genauigkeit identifizieren kann und eine umfassende Bewertung der Qualität des ORKG ermöglicht. Diese Bewertung kann der ORKG-Gemeinschaft helfen, Prioritäten bei der Kuratierung zu setzen und die Qualität des ORKG zu verbessern. Insgesamt leistet diese Arbeit einen Beitrag zur Bewertung der Qualität von Wissensgraphen, indem sie einen umfassenden Ansatz zur Bewertung der Qualität von Wissensgraphen vorschlägt und dessen Wirksamkeit im Kontext des ORKG demonstriert. Der vorgeschlagene Ansatz hat das Potenzial, auf andere Wissensgraphen angewendet zu werden, um eine bessere Datenintegration, -suche und -abfrage in verschiedenen Bereichen zu ermöglichen