36 research outputs found

    Extending the generalizability and pragmatic contributions to solve privacy paradox

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    Privacy issue has increasingly become an integral part of organizations and businesses that operate within the digital era. However, heretofore, there is a lack of a systematic literature review to help scholars to integrate what has been done in previous studies when privacy issues were addressed especially the privacy paradox that still perplexes both academia and practitioners alike. Furthermore, with the inconsistency of findings regarding the privacy paradox, there is also a need to support researchers in recognizing the substantial constructs to improve the results of their empirical papers. Therefore, this paper aims to serve as an integrated review to congregate constructs that can help scholars to improve the generalizability and pragmatic contributions when addressing privacy paradox issue. Besides the conclusion that there is a lack of empirical papers on privacy paradox published in the business, management and marketing journal publications, we also synthesize constructs such as the population of the study, methodology, cross-cultural aspect and context of the study to improve the extent of the generalizability and practical contributions of empirical paper related to the privacy paradox. The limitations and implications of this study are also discussed at the end of this paper

    Understanding Continuance Intention to Use Mobile Fitness Services: The Roles of Technological Characteristics and Network Effects

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    Mobile fitness platforms are effective in promoting healthy behaviors but these platforms generally suffer from low retention rates. It is necessary to study how to retain users of mobile fitness platforms. Based on customer value theory and Socio-technical approach, this study proposed a theoretical model to study the factors that affect users’ continuance intention to use mobile fitness platforms from a holistic perspective. A total of 320 valid questionnaires were collected to verify the model. The results indicate that utilitarian value and hedonic value are positively related to continuance intention. Social ties are negatively related to continuance intention. Meanwhile, it is found that technological characteristics have significant positive influences on utilitarian value, hedonic value and social ties. Network effects have significant positive influences on hedonic value and social ties. These findings extend our understanding of users’ continued usage of mobile fitness platforms and provide practical implications for mobile fitness service providers

    Why Do Consumers Boycott Personalization Marketing? A Perspective from Multidimensional Development Theory and Psychological Contract Violation

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    With the advancement of data mining technologies and the collection and storage of massive consumer data, the increasing enterprises have taken the initiative to develop and provide personalization marketing for consumers. While personalization can benefit consumers, its features still reflect potential threats which may lead to consumer boycotts, such as privacy issues. Based on the multidimensional development theory and psychological contract violation, this study explores the mechanism of consumer boycott to personalization marketing from the comprehensive perspective, examines and distinguishes the different roles of situation (customization, advancement, and privacy control) and personal trait (personal innovativeness) in the formation of boycott. This study will help personalization providers to successfully manage their relationships with consumers, avoid boycotts and achieve marketing goals

    How do Patients with Chronic Diseases Make Usage Decisions Regarding Mobile Health Monitoring Services?

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    The increasing population of patients with chronic diseases generates great challenge of chronic disease management. The occurrence of mobile health monitoring service is beneficial to chronic disease prevention and health promotion. The objective of this study is to investigate how the patients with chronic diseases make usage decisions on mobile health monitoring service. A survey comprising 261 subjects were conducted to validate the research model and proposed hypotheses. The results revealed that health severity positively influences mobile health monitoring service use intention, while negative health emotions do not. Health uncertainty avoidance strengthens the effect of health severity but weakens the effect of negative health emotions on mobile health monitoring service use intention. Limitations and implications for research and practice are discussed

    A technology acceptance analysis for mhealth apps: the case of Turkey

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    The acceptance of mHealth (mobile health) apps has been on the increase throughout the world as well as in Turkey. There are two main indicators of mHealth success and acceptance, such as mHealth apps users’ satisfaction level and intention to use mHealth apps. In this context, the factors, including ease of use, trust, privacy, usefulness, and information quality are critical to analyze how they affect the acceptance of the mHealth apps by the Turkish users, and their satisfaction level with mHealth apps. Thus, the main objectives of this study are to (1) to explain how users perceive and use mHealth apps with technology acceptance analysis, (2) investigate whether the usefulness or uselessness of mHealth apps depends on user feelings about mHealth apps, (3) analyze the impacts of ease of use, trust, privacy, usefulness and information quality on mHealth users’ satisfaction and intention, and (4) identify users’ attitudes towards mHealth apps and their satisfaction level with mHealth apps in Turkey. A total of 282 participants from Turkey completed a survey analyzing the ease of use, trust, privacy, usefulness and information quality of mHealth apps to specify the reasons for mHealth acceptance. Statistical techniques were employed for data analysis. This study provides some managerial implications and scholarly recommendations to increase the acceptance of mHealth apps as well as helping mHealth apps designers to recognize the factors that influence the intention to adopt mHealth

    The Adoption of Mobile Health Applications by Patients in Developing Countries: A Systematic Review

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    Mobile health (m-health) apps adoption in developing countries is a new research area in the healthcare industry. M-health is comparatively recent in information systems, with little attention being paid to it developing countries in the previous years. Applications of the m-health strategies in developing nations are considered one of the best platforms for guaranteeing the citizenry’s safety and healthcare security. A systematic review was conducted of m-health apps adoption by patients in developing countries to evaluate the current results. It reviews 22 papers that were published on the topic of m-health adoption in developing countries in academic journals and conferences over the last decade. It identifies the research in terms of research methodologies, theories and models adopted, significant factors identified, limitations and recommendations. Findings show there is a limited contribution to m-health apps adoption in developing countries. Most studies employed TAM and focused on the technological and individual levels; very low intention has been made to health-related factors, levels, and theories. The review presents a broad overview of previous academic studies with a view to future research

    Intent and the Use of Wearables in the Workplace – A Model Development

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    Due to reasons like demographic changes and variations in the spectrum of illness, worldwide expenditures in the health market have exploded.Contemporary information systems are evolving rapidly in the field of ubiquitous computing and nowadays support health in various fields. Wearables and tracking technologies have emerged in private life for health and fitness support.This adoption reveals future possibilities for innovating the health-supporting systems in the workplace. The crucial point of introducing wearables in the occupational health management system is the acceptance of employees. This paper provides a literature-driven measurement model to explain the behavioral intention to use wearables in the occupational health management system. The model provided is supported by 17 hypothesized relationships between relevant constructs and validated by card-sorting

    Examining the Role of Technology Anxiety and Health Anxiety on Elderly Users’ Continuance Intention for Mobile Health Services Use

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    Mobile health (mHealth) is considered to be an important means of releasing the aging population problem. The efficiency of mHealth service can be increased by incorporating more elderly users and guaranteeing their continued use. However, limited attention has been directed toward investigating elderly users’ continuance intention for mHealth service use. Drawing upon the trust theory, we investigated elderly users’ characteristics, i.e. health anxiety and technology anxiety, to explain continuance intention. Survey data were collected comprising 261 valid responses to validate the research model and hypotheses. The results revealed that both cognitive and affective trust enhance continuance intention of mHealth services use. Health anxiety strengthens the effect of cognitive trust, but weakens the effect of affective trust, on the continuance intention. Furthermore, technology anxiety strengthens the effect of affective trust, but not that of cognitive trust, on the continuance intention. The limitations of our study and the theoretical and practical implications are discussed

    A new privacy framework for the management of chronic diseases via mHealth in a post Covid-19 world

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    Aim New challenges are being faced by global healthcare systems such as an increase in the elderly population, budget cuts as well as the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. As pressures mount on healthcare systems to provide treatment to patients, mHealth is seen as one of the possible solutions to addressing these challenges. Given the sensitivity of health data, the rapid development of the mHealth sector raises privacy concerns. The aims of this research were to investigate privacy threats/concerns in the context of mHealth and the management of chronic diseases and to propose a novel privacy framework to address these concerns. Subject and Method The study adopted a modified version of the engineering design process. After defining the problem, information was gathered through literature reviews, and analyses of existing regulatory (privacy) frameworks and past research on privacy threats/concerns. Requirements for a new framework were then specified leading to its development and comparison with existing frameworks. Results A novel future-proof privacy framework was developed and illustrated. Using existing regulatory frameworks for privacy and privacy threats/concerns from research studies, privacy principles and their resulting requirements were identified. Further, mechanisms and associated technologies needed to implement the privacy principles/requirements into a functional prototype were also identified. A comparison of the proposed framework with existing frameworks, should that it addressed privacy threats/concerns in a more comprehensive manner. Conclusion This research makes a valuable contribution to protecting privacy in mHealth. The novel framework developed is an improvement on existing frameworks. It is also future-proof since its foundations are built on regulatory frameworks and privacy threats/concerns existing at the time of its deployment/revision