81 research outputs found

    The History of Chinese Cybersecurity: Current Effects on Chinese Society Economy, and Foreign Relations

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    Chinese cybersecurity has become an infamous topic in the field of cybersecurity today, causing a great deal of controversy. The controversy stems from whether or not censorship is hindering Chinese economy, society, and relationships with other countries. The White Papers (中国政府白皮书), the Constitution of the People’s Republic of China (中华人民共和国宪法), and The Internet in China (中国互联网状况) all suggest that there is a free flow of Internet both within and without China that promotes peaceful socioeconomic development which the Chinese government seeks to promote. But is China sacrificing lucrative business prospects to secure their country? From whom is China securing its people, and is filtering the Internet truly the cure to insecurity? International Security Studies (ISS) has examined the issue of what is actually being secured, the nation state or its people. More recent schools of thought have asserted that Human Security, which is also concerned with the welfare of the people of the state, is relevant to China’s current security questions. China is reacting to its recent economic slowdown by reasserting its dominance over news outlets and increasing censorship of the Internet, which is in direct contradiction to its National Defense and Military Strategy policy. The policy dictates informationization and modernization through the use of the Internet and technology, but to control the free-flow of Internet is to limit economic and social development. This paper explores the above documents, other comparable countries’ cybersecurity policies, censorship policies throughout China’s recent history, news reports, International Relations Theory (IRT), and ISS to see if this is so

    Public-Private Partnerships in the Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure in China: An Illustrative Case Study

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    © 2018 Kun Wang and Yongjian Ke. Effective supply of charging infrastructure is a necessary support for the development of electric vehicle and also an important strategic measure to promote energy consumption revolution and green development. The construction and operation of charging infrastructure in China is unfortunately not smooth, lagging behind the actual demand. Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) may offer a promising way forward and accelerate the development of charging infrastructure by tapping the private sectors' financial resources and professional skills. However, PPP has not been commonly adopted in this sector yet. This paper hence studied an illustrative case of Anqing Project in China to demonstrate how governments structure a PPP deal in the electric vehicle charging infrastructures. A content analysis was conducted on the important project documents to investigate key elements including the planning, construction, risk sharing, profit distribution, and supervision during the execution stage. Based on the illustration, some key lessons and recommendations were provided to offer a reference for future charging infrastructure PPP projects in China

    The Strategic Motivations Behind South Korea’s Shifting Approach to Space Technology

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    학위논문(석사) -- 서울대학교대학원 : 국제대학원 국제학과(국제협력전공), 2022. 8. 신성호.Although some comprehensive studies of South Korea’s space technology developments and the logics behind it do exist, the evolving nature of both the space sector and balance of power in East Asia necessitate a reassessment of South Korea as a rising space power. The first part of this study breaks down regional space dynamics through an analysis of the capabilities and motivations of select regional actors—the United States, China, and North Korea. Using a cohort of governmental, industrial, and academic sources, the second part of this study seeks to extend and amend existing research assessing the Korean space program in its frameworks, doctrine, achievements, objectives, and international cooperation efforts. This project considers the impact of regional threats on Korea’s underlying grand strategy shift in space. In light of new policy changes amidst increasing sophistication of the space assets and capabilities of its northern neighbors, this study finds that South Korea is beginning to show efforts to cope with these realities by approaching space as not just an area for civil investment and the betterment of citizens’ quality of life, but also as a fourth military domain.대한민국 우주개발의 기술 발전과 그를 지원하는 논리에 관한 종합적인 연구가 존재함에도 불구하고, 동아시아 세력균형과 우주개발 분야 자체의 급격한 발달은 우주개발 분야에서 부상하는 강대국으로서 대한민국에 대한 재검토가 필요하게 만들었다. 본 연구의 1장에서는 미국, 중국 그리고 북한이라는 지역 세력의 우주개발 능력과 동기에 대한 분석을 통해서 동북아시아 내의 지정학적 역학 관계를 살펴본다. 제 2장은 다양한 나라의 정부적, 산업적 그리고 학술적 자료를 통해 대한민국 우주개발 프로그램과 프레임워크, 원리, 성과, 목적, 그리고 국제협조 노력에 대한 연구를 연장하며 보충하고자 한다. 본 연구의 저자는 대한민국 우주개발 대전략의 변화에 대한 지역적인 위협의 영향도 조사했다. 본 연구에 따르면 한국은 북한과 중국에서의 우주개발 능력과 자산의 급격한 고급·복잡화를 고려하여 현실에서 처리할 수 있는 방법을 추구하고 있다. 그 방법 중 하나는 우주개발을 토목 인프라와 시민 생활의 질을 개선할 수 있는 공간뿐만 아니라 제4차의 군사 영역으로 간주하는 정책을 만드는 것이다.CHAPTER I. Introduction and Background 1 I-1. Purpose of Research 5 I-2. Literature Review 6 CHAPTER II. Strategic Context 11 II-1. United States 13 II-2. China 21 II-3. North Korea 31 CHAPTER III. The Foundations of the Korean Space Program 41 III-1. 1978-1994 41 III-2. 1995-2014 45 CHAPTER IV. The Current Trajectory of the ROK Space Program 50 IV-1. Frameworks and Accomplishments in the Current Space Era 51 IV-2. Budget Allocations 59 IV-3. Public-Private and Military-Civil Integration 65 IV-4. International Cooperation and Security 71 IV-5. Critical Assessment 76 CHAPTER V. Conclusion 81 References 89 Korean Abstract 104석

    The Study on Development Strategy of People Electrical Appliance Group JiangSu Sinuo Equipment Co. Ltd

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    人民电器集团江苏斯诺成套设备工程有限公司是由中国500强企业人民电器集团有限公司和江苏索信电气设备有限公司共同出资成立,原为变压器、成套设备、电缆销售企业,现在正转型为非晶合金材料及产品研发、生产、销售为一体的公司。伴随着中国电力事业的高速发展,以及国家对电力行业“节能减排”工作的进一步要求和重视,非晶合金材料及非晶合金变压器以其性能优越、损耗低、节能环保的特点得到了国家发改委与国家电网公司的大力推广,未来十年必将拥有广阔的市场前景。面对如此良好的市场机遇,公司该如何把握机会发展自己,是摆在江苏斯诺面前需要认真思考和研究的问题。为此如何根据江苏斯诺公司的实际情况快速制定和实施有效的战略来提升企...Sinuo Equipment Engineering Co., Ltd. is joint ventured by People Electrical Applicance Group, one of China’s top 500 enterprises, and Jiangsu Suoxin Electrical Equipment Co., Ltd., and it is now transforming its business from previous sales of the transformer, equipment and cable into research and development, production and sales of the amorphous alloy material and product. Along with the rapid ...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院高级经理教育中心(EMBA项目)_高级管理人员工商管理硕士(EMBA)学号:X201015609

    Approach to model on the fourth generation port competitiveness: an application for PDA

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    Research on strategic countermeasures of Nanjing port based on the analysis of its major cargoes

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    Some thoughts on network planning and construction of urban rail intersection

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    A case study of Shanghai Rail intersection network planning , put rail into network era , should innovate in planning design concepts , moderately ahead of plan , Build intensive , Multi-level rail intersection system , and strengthen interaction and land control with urban planning . advocates rail intersection with station Core body , Implement the networked development phase the innovative design of station sustainable development . The summarizes the construction of rail-intersection projects in soft soil area represented by Shanghai technology , construction methods for hub projects and protection techniques and measures for urban environment , Application Prospects for construction of new technologies for rail-intersection engineering

    The Challenge of a Sustainable E-Commerce Supply Chain

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    Treballs Finals del Màster en Oficial en Empresa Internacional / International Business, Facultat d'Economia i Empresa, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2020-2021, Tutor: Guillermo Oliva GalvánThe rapid rise of e-commerce in recent years challenges companies to cope with unprecedented parcel volumes and also to comply with their sustainability goals. In the literature exists a variety of recommendations for sustainable measures along the supply chain. The aim of this thesis was to demonstrate the extent to which sustainable warehousing measures are used in practice and whether these are sufficient for environmental protection. A qualitative research approach was chosen, including a case study of a leading logistics company. The results showed that the emissions of the increasing global transport activities cannot yet be compensated by the sustainability efforts of today. Low business incentives and high complexity of sustainability practices are obstacles. Ultimately, a sustainable trend reversal can only succeed if technological progress is not only used to expand e-commerce business models but also to design innovative, cost-effective, and simple-to-implement solutions in the future