154 research outputs found

    Three-Dimensional Nonlinear Integral Operator with the Modelling of Majorant Function

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     تقدم هذه الورقة البحثية طريقة  لايجاد الحل التقريبي لمؤثر فولتيرا التكاملي  الثلاثي الأبعاد غير الخطي في  R3. حيث يتم استخدام مفهوم (Majorant function) وباستخدام طريقة نيوتن المعدلة  لتحويل مؤثر فولتيرا التكاملي  الثلاثي الأبعاد غير الخطي  إلى متتالية  لمؤثر فولتيرا التكاملي  الثلاثي الأبعاد الخطي ومن يتم استخدام طريقة (Gaussian-Legendre)  التربيعية لايجاد الحل التقريبي لمؤثر فولتيرا التكاملي  الثلاثي الأبعاد الخطي من خلال التعامل مع نظام جبري خطي.تم مناقشة وجود ووحدانية الحل للطريقة المستخدمة مع اعطاء أمثلة توضيحية لإظهار دقة وكفاءة الطريقة.In this paper, the process for finding an approximate solution of nonlinear three-dimensional (3D) Volterra type integral operator equation (N3D-VIOE) in R3 is introduced. The modelling of the majorant function (MF) with the modified Newton method (MNM) is employed to convert N3D-VIOE to the linear 3D Volterra type integral operator equation (L3D-VIOE). The method of trapezoidal rule (TR) and collocation points are utilized to determine the approximate solution of L3D-VIOE by dealing with the linear form of the algebraic system. The existence of the approximate solution and its uniqueness are proved, and illustrative examples are provided to show the accuracy and efficiency of the model. Mathematical Subject Classification (2010):  45P05, 45G10, 47H9

    Sparse spectral methods for integral equations and equilibrium measures

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    In this thesis, we introduce new numerical approaches to two important types of integral equation problems using sparse spectral methods. First, linear as well as nonlinear Volterra integral and integro-differential equations and second, power-law integral equations on d-dimensional balls involved in the solution of equilibrium measure problems. These methods are based on ultraspherical spectral methods and share key properties and advantages as a result of their joint starting point: By working in appropriately weighted orthogonal Jacobi polynomial bases, we obtain recursively generated banded operators allowing us to obtain high precision solutions at low computational cost. This thesis consists of three chapters in which the background of the above-mentioned problems and methods are respectively introduced in the context of their mathematical theory and applications, the necessary results to construct the operators and obtain solutions are proved and the method's applicability and efficiency are showcased by comparing them with current state-of-the-art approaches and analytic results where available. The first chapter gives a general scope introduction to sparse spectral methods using Jacobi polynomials in one and higher dimensions. The second chapter concerns the numerical solution of Volterra integral equations. The introduced method achieves exponential convergence and works for general kernels, a major advantage over comparable methods which are limited to convolution kernels. The third chapter introduces an approximately banded method to solve power law kernel equilibrium measures in arbitrary dimensional balls. This choice of domain is suggested by the radial symmetry of the problem and analytic results on the supports of the resulting measures. For our method, we obtain the crucial property of computational cost independent of the dimension of the domain, a major contrast to particle simulations which are the current standard approach to these problems and scale extremely poorly with both the dimension and the number of particles.Open Acces

    Colloquium numerical treatment of integral equations

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    Numerical solution of the two-dimensional Fredholm integral equations using Gaussian radial basis function

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    AbstractIn this paper, we introduce a numerical method for the solution of two-dimensional Fredholm integral equations. The method is based on interpolation by Gaussian radial basis function based on Legendre–Gauss–Lobatto nodes and weights. Numerical examples are presented and results are compared with the analytical solution to demonstrate the validity and applicability of the method

    Approximate solution of two-dimensional Volterra integral equation by Chebyshev polynomial method and Adomian decomposition method

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    In this paper we investigate the numerical solution of two dimensional Volterra integral equations by two different methods, Chebyshev polynomial and Adomian decomposion method. Two numerical examples are given to illustrate the methods. Acomparison between the two methods is given. keywords: Chebyshev polynomials , Adomian decomposion method , two dimensional integral equations , collocation points