4 research outputs found

    Розроблення контролера фіксації пасажиропотоку громадського транспорту для системи “розумного” міста

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    A structure of the controller for registering passenger flow of public transport was developed, which includes the single board computer Raspberry Pi; GSM module; GPS module; controller of battery powered device; controller of the emergency restart of the device; button for registering passengers enjoying privileges; camera for registering passengers enjoying privileges and camera for registering passenger flow in a transportation vehicle. A built structure is characterized by the modular organization, which makes it possible to quickly upgrade the designed device. An algorithm of functioning of the controller of registering passenger flow of public transport and specialized software for implementing the functions of the controller were developed. A special feature of the software is the possibility of expanding functionality of the designed device in the process of upgrading the controller. Programming of the microcontroller was perforned in the language C, and programming of the controller based on Raspberry Pi 2 Model B was performed in Python. We built a model of functioning of the controller based on the Petri networks, which allows exploring dynamics of the system and identifying all possible states of the designed system. Authors developed technical support of the controller for registering passenger flow of public transport on the base of the single board computer Raspberry Pi, which ensures competitive price and the required functionality of the project solution.The resulting technical solution in the form of the controller for registering passenger flow of public transport of the system for managing transport flows of a "smart" city is characterized by low cost, required accuracy of calculating passengers and is the optimal project solution with wide functional capacities. The designed device was implemented and tested at the auto transportation enterprises "Mens-Auto" and "Etalon" in Ternopil (Ukraine). Разработана структура контроллера фиксации пассажиропотока общественного транспорта, алгоритм его функционирования, специализированное программное обеспечение для реализации функций контроллера и модель на основе сетей Петри, которая дает возможность исследовать динамику работы системы. Разработано и реализовано техническое обеспечение контроллера на базе одноплатного компьютера Raspberry Pi, что обеспечивает низкую цену проектного решения и является оптимальным решением с широкими функциональными возможностямиРозроблено структуру контролера фіксації пасажиропотоку громадського транспорту, алгоритм його функціонування, спеціалізоване програмне забезпечення для реалізації функцій контролера та модель на основі мереж Петрі, яка дає змогу дослідити динаміку роботи системи. Розроблено та реалізовано технічне забезпечення контролера на базі одноплатного комп’ютера Raspberry Pi, що забезпечує низьку ціну проектного рішення та є оптимальним рішенням з широкими функціональними можливостям

    Understanding the protection of privacy when counting subway travelers through anonymization

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    Public transportation, especially in large cities, is critical for livability. Counting passengers as they travel between stations is crucial to establishing and maintaining effective transportation systems. Various information and communication technologies, such as GPS, Bluetooth, and Wi-Fi, have been used to measure people's movements automatically. Regarding public transportation applications, the automated fare collection (AFC) system has been widely adopted as a convenient method for measuring passengers, mainly because it is relatively easy to identify card owners uniquely and, as such, the movements of their card holders. However, there are serious concerns regarding privacy infringements when deploying such technologies, to the extent that Europe's General Data Protection Regulation has forbidden straightforward deployment for measuring pedestrian dynamics unless explicit consent has been provided. As a result, privacy-preservation techniques (e.g., anonymization) must be used when deploying such systems. Against this backdrop, we investigate to what extent a recently developed anonymization technique, known as detection k-anonymity, can be adapted to count public transportation travelers while preserving privacy. In the case study, we tested our methods with data from Beijing subway trips. Results show different scenarios when detection k-anonymity can be effectively applied and when it cannot. Due to the complicated relationship between the detection k-anonymity parameters, setting the proper parameter values can be difficult, leading to inaccurate results. Furthermore, through detection k-anonymity, it is possible to count travelers between two locations with high accuracy. However, counting travelers from more than two locations leads to more inaccurate results

    Prototipo de sistema de monitoreo de bajo costo que permita el conteo de ingreso de pasajeros y ubicación de automotores en la empresa transportes Lolaya Ltda

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    Due to the problem that some public transport companies present when controlling the sales of passengers that make their cars, and of the different aspects that help improve their profitability, a low-cost solution was proposed that allowed to solve the difficulties presented until the moment. Specifically, an investigation was carried out in Transportes Lolaya Ltda. Company, Who presented several difficulties in the control of sales, for which a prototype of a low-cost monitoring system that allows the counting of passengers and location of motor vehicles was proposed. . In the project, Arduino technology is used with complementary electronic elements in get a low-budget final product, which in turn, meets the needs demanded by the company. The system algorithm and the necessary physical couplings were made, verifying its operation in a car of the company, then the evidenced flaws were improved and are currently installed in several cars. The algorithm used, coupling and operation of the system, electronic elements, automotive implementation, tests and results are presented in the following final report.Debido al problema que presentan algunas empresas de transporte público al momento de controlar las ventas obtenidas del ingreso de pasajeros que se realiza en sus automotores, y de los diferentes aspectos que ayudan a mejorar su rentabilidad, se propuso una solución a bajo costo que permitiera solventar las dificultades presentadas hasta el momento. Específicamente, se realizó una investigación en la empresa Transportes Lolaya Ltda., quienes presentaban varias dificultades en el control de las ventas, por lo cual se propuso un prototipo de un sistema de monitoreo de bajo costo que permita el conteo de pasajeros que hacen uso del transporte público y ubicación de sus automotores. En el proyecto se utiliza la plataforma Arduino en conjunto con elementos electrónicos complementarios con el fin de obtener un producto final de bajo presupuesto, y que a su vez, supliera las necesidades exigidas por la empresa. Se realizó el algoritmo del sistema y los acoples físicos necesarios, verificando su funcionamiento en un automotor de la empresa; posteriormente se realizaron pruebas de funcionamiento para mejorar las falencias evidenciadas y actualmente se encuentran instalados en varios automotores. Se expone en el siguiente informe final el algoritmo utilizado, acople y funcionamiento del sistema, elementos electrónicos, implementación en el automotor, pruebas y resultados

    The New Approach for Passenger Counting in Public Transport System

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    Counting of passengers in public transport system is a very significant task which must be performed for sustainable city planning. In different countries and cities this task performed very differently, or not performed at all, as well as there are no clearly defined international standards for public transport passenger flow analysis, and as a result, for system sustainable development. There are a lot of approaches and methods for passenger flow tracking, but all this approaches have their own disadvantages. It is clear, that often population of cities grow faster than public transport system and its infrastructure. But in reality - it will be very good to look for the online balance between the capacity of the public transport network and actual flow of passengers. In this research solving of passenger counting problem will be performed using such an estimative scientific method of remote sensing as photogrammetry. The case study of passenger counting in public transport system for Riga city is also described in current article for better understanding of the offered approach