4,314 research outputs found

    The neural basis of precise visual short-term memory for complex recognisable objects.

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    Recent evidence suggests that visual short-term memory (VSTM) capacity estimated using simple objects, such as colours and oriented bars, may not generalise well to more naturalistic stimuli. More visual detail can be stored in VSTM when complex, recognisable objects are maintained compared to simple objects. It is not yet known if it is recognisability that enhances memory precision, nor whether maintenance of recognisable objects is achieved with the same network of brain regions supporting maintenance of simple objects. We used a novel stimulus generation method to parametrically warp photographic images along a continuum, allowing separate estimation of the precision of memory representations and the number of items retained. The stimulus generation method was also designed to create unrecognisable, though perceptually matched, stimuli, to investigate the impact of recognisability on VSTM. We adapted the widely-used change detection and continuous report paradigms for use with complex, photographic images. Across three functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) experiments, we demonstrated greater precision for recognisable objects in VSTM compared to unrecognisable objects. This clear behavioural advantage was not the result of recruitment of additional brain regions, or of stronger mean activity within the core network. Representational similarity analysis revealed greater variability across item repetitions in the representations of recognisable, compared to unrecognisable complex objects. We therefore propose that a richer range of neural representations support VSTM for complex recognisable objects

    Object knowledge modulates colour appearance

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    We investigated the memory colour effect for colour diagnostic artificial objects. Since knowledge about these objects and their colours has been learned in everyday life, these stimuli allow the investigation of the influence of acquired object knowledge on colour appearance. These investigations are relevant for questions about how object and colour information in high-level vision interact as well as for research about the influence of learning and experience on perception in general. In order to identify suitable artificial objects, we developed a reaction time paradigm that measures (subjective) colour diagnosticity. In the main experiment, participants adjusted sixteen such objects to their typical colour as well as to grey. If the achromatic object appears in its typical colour, then participants should adjust it to the opponent colour in order to subjectively perceive it as grey. We found that knowledge about the typical colour influences the colour appearance of artificial objects. This effect was particularly strong along the daylight axis

    Inside the brain of an elite athlete: The neural processes that support high achievement in sports

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    Events like the World Championships in athletics and the Olympic Games raise the public profile of competitive sports. They may also leave us wondering what sets the competitors in these events apart from those of us who simply watch. Here we attempt to link neural and cognitive processes that have been found to be important for elite performance with computational and physiological theories inspired by much simpler laboratory tasks. In this way we hope to inspire neuroscientists to consider how their basic research might help to explain sporting skill at the highest levels of performance

    The modularity of processing and perception in the visual brain

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    Practical and theoretical approaches were applied to try to unravel the relationship of the anatomical processing sites to the relative timing of processing and perception. Psychophysical, imaging and theoretical studies led to the overall conclusion that simultaneously presented attributes that are perceived at the same time are processed at the same site, and ones that are perceived at different times are processed at different sites. This is referred to as to the theory of perceptual sites. Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) experiments charted the organisation of the human colour centre (the V4-complex), and found it to be more complex than previously believed. It has two subdivisions, V4 and V4α, of which V4 is retinotopically organised, while V4α is not. The extent and organisation of the colour centre revealed in this study may account for the variability and severity of the syndrome of achromatopsia (acquired cortical colour blindness). Application of an independent components analysis (ICA) to fMRI data showed that these two subdivisions are coactive and can be isolated together from the remaining brain activity. It was further shown that, because cortical areas enjoy substantial autonomy, they differ in their activation time courses, such that ICA can dissect the brain computationally into its functional units, creating what we call chronoarchitectonic maps. The above evidence, when viewed in context of previous experimental and clinical studies, leads us to propose the following: First, that the activity in different visual areas reaches conscious perceptual endpoints at different times; leading to the supposition that consciousness is not unitary but consists of many microconsciousnesses. Second, that since activity at each processing site can become perceptually explicit, there is no terminal perceptual stage in the visual brain; leading to the conclusion that activity at each site of the visual brain can be integrated with activity at any other site, and to the theory of multistage integration

    Predictive coding in auditory perception: challenges and unresolved questions.

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    Predictive coding is arguably the currently dominant theoretical framework for the study of perception. It has been employed to explain important auditory perceptual phenomena, and it has inspired theoretical, experimental and computational modelling efforts aimed at describing how the auditory system parses the complex sound input into meaningful units (auditory scene analysis). These efforts have uncovered some vital questions, addressing which could help to further specify predictive coding and clarify some of its basic assumptions. The goal of the current review is to motivate these questions and show how unresolved issues in explaining some auditory phenomena lead to general questions of the theoretical framework. We focus on experimental and computational modelling issues related to sequential grouping in auditory scene analysis (auditory pattern detection and bistable perception), as we believe that this is the research topic where predictive coding has the highest potential for advancing our understanding. In addition to specific questions, our analysis led us to identify three more general questions that require further clarification: (1) What exactly is meant by prediction in predictive coding? (2) What governs which generative models make the predictions? and (3) What (if it exists) is the correlate of perceptual experience within the predictive coding framework

    General-purpose and special-purpose visual systems

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    The information that eyes supply supports a wide variety of functions, from the guidance systems that enable an animal to navigate successfully around the environment, to the detection and identification of predators, prey, and conspecifics. The eyes with which we are most familiar the single-chambered eyes of vertebrates and cephalopod molluscs, and the compound eyes of insects and higher crustaceans allow these animals to perform the full range of visual tasks. These eyes have evidently evolved in conjunction with brains that are capable of subjecting the raw visual information to many different kinds of analysis, depending on the nature of the task that the animal is engaged in. However, not all eyes evolved to provide such comprehensive information. For example, in bivalve molluscs we find eyes of very varied design (pinholes, concave mirrors, and apposition compound eyes) whose only function is to detect approaching predators and thereby allow the animal to protect itself by closing its shell. Thus, there are special-purpose eyes as well as eyes with multiple functions

    Factors affecting brightness and colour vision under water

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    Both theoretical and practical importance can be attached to attempts to model human threshold and supra-threshold visual performance under water. Previously, emphasis has been given to the integration of visual data from experiments conducted in air with data of the physical specification of the underwater light field. However, too few underwater studies have been undertaken for the validity of this approach to be assessed. The present research therefore was concerned with the acquisition of such data. Four experiments were carried out: (a) to compare the predicted and obtained detection thresholds of achromatic targets, (b) to measure the relative recognition thresholds of coloured targets, (c) to compare the predicted and obtained supra-threshold appearance of coloured targets at various viewing distances and under different experimental instructions, (d) to compare the predicted and obtained detection thresholds for achromatic targets under realistic search conditions. Within each experiment, observers were tested on visual tasks in the field and in laboratory simulations. Physical specifications of targets and backgrounds were determined by photometry and spectroradiometry. The data confirmed that: (a) erroneous predictions of the detection threshold could occur when the contributions of absorption and scattering to the attenuation of light were not differentiated, (b) the successful replication of previous findings for the relative recognition thresholds of colours depended on the brightness of the targets, (c) the perceived change in target colour with increasing viewing distance was less than that measured physically, implying the presence of a colour constancy mechanism other than chromatic adaptation and simultaneous colour contrast; the degree of colour constancy also varied with the type of target and experimental instructions, (d) the successful prediction of the effects of target-observer motion and target location uncertainty required more than simple numerical corrections to the basic detection threshold model. It was concluded that further progress in underwater visibility modelling is possible provided that the tendency to oversimplify human visual performance is suppressed

    Plastic modes of listening: affordance in constructed sound environments

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    This thesis is concerned with how the ecological approach to perception with the inclusion of listening modes, informs the creation of sound art installation, or more specifically as referred to in this thesis as constructed sound environments. The basis for the thesis has been a practiced based research where the aim and purpose of the written part of this PhD project has been to critically investigate the area of sound art, in order to map various approaches towards participating in and listening to a constructed sound environment. The main areas has been the notion of affordance as coined by James J. Gibson (1986), listening modes as coined by Pierre Schaeffer (1966) and further developed by Michel Chion (1994), aural architects as coined by Blesser and Salter (2007) and the holistic approach towards understanding sound art developed by Brandon LaBelle (2006). The findings within the written part of the thesis, based on a qualitative analysis, have informed the practice that has resulted in artefacts in the form of seven constructed sound environments that also functions as case studies for further analysis. The aim of the practice has been to exemplify the methodology, strategy and progress behind the organisation and construction of sound environments The research concerns points towards the acknowledgment of affordance as the crucial factor in understanding a constructed sound environment. The affordance approach govern the idea that perceiving a sound environment is a top-down process where the autonomic quality of a constructed sound environment is based upon the perception of structures of the sound material and its relationship with speaker placement and surrounding space. This enables a researcher to side step the conflicting poles of musical/abstract and non-musical/realistic classification of sound elements and regard these poles as included, not separated elements in the analysis of a constructed sound environment
