16 research outputs found


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    Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is an enterprise that incorporates and monitors all company operations and procedures across the whole organisation through an extensive information system. ERP vendors are now concentrating more on SMEs because of the near saturation of large enterprises’ ERP adoptions. More SMEs are implementing ERP systems because of globalisation, alliances, value networks, and the widespread flow of knowledge through and within SMEs at present. This study was focused on 80 leading Libyan business organisations catering to local and international trade, manufacturing, trade, banking and hotel services. The risks of adoption relate to the fact that small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) have limited capital and unique features. Article visualizations

    The ERP post-implementation stage: a knowledge transfer challenge

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    This paper examines the knowledge transfer process in ERP post-implementation projects, and specifically between the ERP project teams and the IT support team. Case studies were conducted in three large organizations and data was collected via semi-structured interviews. Descriptive and graphical representations were used to analyze knowledge transfer processes for each case and a cross-case analysis was performed. Results from this exploratory study shed light on the relation between the ERP evolution structure and the use of knowledge transfer mechanisms based on different types of knowledge (functional and technical). This paper highlights the necessity of relying on both formal and informal knowledge transfer mechanisms to cover recurring and ad hoc exchanges between the different stakeholders responsible for the evolution of an ERP. The paper also highlights the impact of the ERP integrator and its different inclusion strategies that are critical for the knowledge being shared by the ERP project stakeholders

    Understanding the Emergent Structure of Competency Centers in Post-implementation Enterprise Systems

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    Part 3: Structures and NetworksInternational audiencePrior research provides conflicting insights about the link between investment in enterprise systems and firm value and in the ES governance mechanisms. The literature generally suggests that management should cultivate its technical and organizational expertise to derive value from currently deployed Enterprise Systems (ES) [8]. In the realm of practice, ERP vendors and configuration/integration partners strongly recommend the creation of an organizational structure to govern the ERP implementation and post-implementation process to improve project success and extract greater value from the ES investment. The ES literature, while unclear on the formation, and functioning of ES governance units, suggests the need for formal and fixed governance structures. This research utilizes Deleuze’s assemblage theory and emergence theory to explain the genesis and evolution of the governing ‘structure’ known as the Competency Center (CC). Our results illustrate the business needs driving the structuring processes behind the CC, are also those that lead to unintended and destabilizing outcomes. Whether the CC ‘assemblage’ survives to provide value depends on how the emergent issues are handled and how the assemblages are “positioned”. This research suggests effective ES governance is not derived from a prescribed step-wise process yielding formal structures, but rather form an organic process of assemblage

    Yet Another ‘List’ Of Critical Success ‘Factors’ For Enterprise Systems: Review Of Empirical Evidence And Suggested Research Directions (2)

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    Critical Success Factors (CSF) remain the most-researched areas within the Enterprise Systems (ES) domain over the years and has resulted in a long ‘list’ of such factors. Consequently, many ‘factors’ are not more than ‘variables’ belonging to the same management area. Therefore, this paper argues for going back to the original definition of CSFs as few key areas and reviews empirical evidence in each CSF area. Thereafter, the paper notes other limitations of the CSF literature and suggests research directions to provide a deeper explanation of the ES phenomena. These include tracing CSFs across time, taking a change-centric view of the ES lifecycle, unpacking interrelationship among CSFs, paying attention to the implementation context, and moving from a list of CSFs to the identification of their underlying mechanisms. We hope that our suggestions will provide a roadmap to ES researchers on conducting focussed research on CSFs

    Pengaruh Stakeholder Perspective Dalam Penerapan ERP: A Systematic Literature Review

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    Penerapan ERP pada perusahaan mempunyai banyak manfaat. Dengan menerapkan ERP, perusahaan mampu meningkatkan produktifitas perusahaan dengan cara mengurangi biaya pengeluaran dan meningkatkan pendapatan. Namun pada penerapan ERP dapat mengalami kesuksesan atau mengalami kegagalan. Oleh karena itu, perlu mempertimbangkan critical succes factor yang berpengaruh terhadap penerapan ERP, salah satunya critical success factor pada penerapan ERP adalah stakeholder perspective. Untuk mengetahui pengaruh stakeholder, maka dilakukan kajian ulang beberapa paper dengan jumlah 24 paper yang ditemukan. Dari kajian ulang didapatkan peninjauan pengaruh stakeholder perspective pada penerapan ERP yang dapat dilihat dari tiga sudut pandang, yaitu studi kasus mengenai pengaruh stakeholder perspective dalam penerapan ERP, faktor-faktor dari stakeholder perspective yang berpengaruh pada proses penerapan ERP meliputi komunikasi, dukungan stakeholder (meliputi dukungan top management dan tim proyek), kesiapan sumber daya manusia, dan beberapa cara atau solusi yang dapat digunakan dalam mencegah atau menangani masalah yang muncul berdasarkan faktor-faktor dari stakeholder perspective yang berpengaruh pada proses penerapan ERP.Penerapan ERP pada perusahaan mempunyai banyak manfaat. Dengan menerapkan ERP, perusahaan mampu meningkatkan produktifitas perusahaan dengan cara mengurangi biaya pengeluaran dan meningkatkan pendapatan. Namun pada penerapan ERP dapat mengalami kesuksesan atau mengalami kegagalan. Oleh karena itu, perlu mempertimbangkan critical succes factor yang berpengaruh terhadap penerapan ERP, salah satunya critical success factor pada penerapan ERP adalah stakeholder perspective. Untuk mengetahui pengaruh stakeholder, maka dilakukan kajian ulang beberapa paper dengan jumlah 24 paper yang ditemukan. Dari kajian ulang didapatkan peninjauan pengaruh stakeholder perspective pada penerapan ERP yang dapat dilihat dari tiga sudut pandang, yaitu studi kasus mengenai pengaruh stakeholder perspective dalam penerapan ERP, faktor-faktor dari stakeholder perspective yang berpengaruh pada proses penerapan ERP meliputi komunikasi, dukungan stakeholder (meliputi dukungan top management dan tim proyek), kesiapan sumber daya manusia, dan beberapa cara atau solusi yang dapat digunakan dalam mencegah atau menangani masalah yang muncul berdasarkan faktor-faktor dari stakeholder perspective yang berpengaruh pada proses penerapan ERP

    The relationship between ERP capabilities, use, and value

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    Ruivo, P., Johansson, B., Sarker, S., & Oliveira, T. (2020). The relationship between ERP capabilities, use, and value. Computers in Industry, 117, 1-15. [103209]. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compind.2020.103209This study assesses the effect of some extended Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) capabilities (Collaboration, Analytics, Web-portals, Add-ons) and ERP use on ERP value. The research conducted, followed a mixed-methods approach using an exploratory study (Delphi) and the resource-based view of the firm to understand the ERP capabilities and develop three competing models surrounding these capabilities, ERP use, and ERP value, and then a confirmatory study using a large-scale survey of firms in Germany, Portugal, and the United Kingdom, to test these models. Results suggest that the moderation model best explains the relationships, while the additive model highlights the direct effects of both ERP capabilities and ERP use on ERP value in an interesting way. Results highlight that the role of ERP use is more critical when moderating ERP capabilities and ERP value, as well as when additive to ERP capabilities, than when mediating between ERP capabilities and ERP value. The practical value of the study lies in the fact that this investigation provides new knowledge on how some extended ERP capabilities may positively influence value from investment, and together with ERP use, provide business value.authorsversionpublishe

    Strategies to Obtain Maximum Usage of Enterprise Resource Planning Systems

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    Business organizations invest significant resources implementing enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems, yet some organizations utilize less than 75% of the ERP system capabilities. The purpose of this single-site case study was to explore ERP utilization strategies implemented by 4 managers in the information technology (IT) department from 1 organization that uses an ERP system in the Midwest region of the United States. The conceptual framework that grounded this study was the user participation theory. Data were collected through participant interviews and analyzed using traditional text analysis. Member checking was used to strengthen the credibility and trustworthiness of the interpretation of the participants\u27 responses. The emergent themes from the study were user participation, user involvement, user attitude, user system satisfaction, and user preparation. The most prominent utilization strategies identified by the participants related to the user participation theme. The implications for positive social change include the potential optimization of benefits from the ERP system that could allow the organization\u27s leaders to direct their resources to causes that can improve the health and welfare of the geographic population in the operational region

    Strategies for Implementing a Successful Enterprise Resource Planning System

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    The U.S. Department of Defense executives consider enterprise resource planning systems as a critical technology because of increasingly global operations and audit compliance pressures, which may affect organizational performance and overall success. The estimated cost to implement enterprise resources systems to avoid failure and meet budget cost across the Department of Defense services and agencies has ranged from 530millionto530 million to 2.4 billion. Guided by the general systems theory, the purpose of this single-case study was to explore enterprise resource planning strategies developed and implemented by United States Marine Corps military leaders. Data collection consisted of a review of organizational documents and semistructured interviews of 5 organizational leaders in a United States Marine Corps base in Albany, Georgia. Data analysis entailed interview transcription, keyword and phrase coding, and emergent theme identification. The prominent emergent themes were essential strategic planning guidance and organizational leaders and change management, which are the essential components for effectively implementing enterprise resource planning systems. The Department of Defense executives and senior leaders may use the findings of this study to develop an essential strategic plan, which could reduce the excessive cost and over-budget associated with enterprise resource planning systems. Social change implications include enhancing end user knowledge and reducing inefficiencies within organizations to improve corporate social responsibility

    Successful Enterprise Resource Planning System Implementation: A Higher Education Managerial Perspective

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    The overall success rate of implementing enterprise resource planning systems is about 30%. Guided by systems theory, the purpose of this qualitative single case study was to explore the strategies used to ensure a successful implementation by information technology managers working in higher education settings. The data were derived from semistructured interviews of 6 managers and documentation from a higher education institution in the northeastern United States that successfully implemented an ERP system. Data analysis consisted of reviewing interview transcripts, from which themes and patterns were identified and coded. Three recurring factors arose throughout the analysis involved commitment, communication, and change management. The main themes included pre-implementation strategy activities, implementation strategies, post-implementation strategy activities, and continuous improvement. Managers engaged in enterprise resource planning systems implementations should frame the strategic approach with a strong commitment, effective communication, and a comprehensive change management plan throughout the process. The implications for positive social change include the potential to improve the institution\u27s business processes, cultivate a more knowledgeable workforce, increase student academic experience, and improve the institution\u27s performance overall