7 research outputs found


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    The full-fledged Social-Local-Mobile (SoLoMo) services appear recently as the form of app for Android or iOS system which include Facebook, Instagram, LINE, Google maps, etc. However, no study has attempted to understand the continuance intention among SoLoMo services. Besides, SoLoMo services have provided more powerful means of surveillance to track and profile their users, which might arouse negative feeling. In this study, we apply the consumption value theory to explore the value drivers and investigate the moderating effect of users’ perceived surveillance. The results indicate that social value, emotional value, and functional value are significant drivers for continuance intention. Perceived surveillance moderates the relationship of social value and functional value on continuance intention

    Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Continuation Intention Over The Top: Studi pada Disney Plus

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    Penggunaan layanan SVOD dan OTT menjadi salah satu kebutuhan manusia dalam memperoleh hiburan. Dalam era yang serba digital, penggunaan layanan SVOD dan OTT dibutuhkan untuk menemani pelanggan sehingga tidak merasa bosan. Objek yang difokuskan oleh peneliti adalah pada aplikasi Disney Plus Hotstar. Aplikasi ini berada pada posisi kedua dimana Netflix menjadi peringkat pertama yang paling sering digunakan. Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teori konsumsi yang menjelaskan megnenai perilaku konsumtif dari pelanggan. Metode yang digunakan oleh peneliti adalah metode kuantitatif dengan menggunakan survei. Teknik analisa yang digunakan adalah dengan menggunakan structural equation model (SEM). Jumlah responden yang digunakan adalah sebanyak 17- responden Hasil menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh antara convenient navigability, binge watching, companionship, social interaction dan information seeking terhadap continuation intention pada pengguna Disney Plus. Namun, entertainment dan relaxation tidak menunjukkan adanya pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap continuation intention pada pengguna Disney Plus. Implikasi manajerial menunjukkan bahwa faktor yang mempengaruhi continuation intentnion adalah convenient navigability, binge watching, companionship, social interaction dan information seeking

    Understanding The Growth Of Takeaway Food Apps in The UK: A Supplier and Consumer Perspective

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    This research investigates the development, use and consumer acceptance of online takeaway food ordering (OTFO) apps in the UK. Although the online takeaway food ordering sector is well-established, it continues to improve services by bringing new technology and innovation in the sector. Among the latest technologies introduced into the sector is the development of takeaway apps. Given the recent developments and advancements in technology, there is limited evidence on how consumers view and use takeaway apps. In addition, the development and operation of the sector has so far received little attention in the academic literature. To develop a more in-depth understanding of this new technology and its adoption, the study employed a mixed methods approach. The first approach adopted a case study perspective to investigate the growth of technology within one organisation. The second approach focused on consumer acceptance of the technology through conducting in-depth semi-structured interviews (n = 12) and a questionnaire survey (n = 150). The findings from this study suggest that organisations that supply takeaway apps tend to adopt innovation to improve business growth and ensure customer satisfaction. The best way for the organisation to encourage consumers to adopt the new technology was evidenced through the marketing mix such as through television advertisements. Although organisations have been active in promoting the apps, there are still insufficient information of consumer perception of how the technology. Through investigating the consumer perspective, it was revealed that the consumer perceived the use of takeaway apps similar to purchasing takeaway food. To understand consumer acceptance of takeaway apps, the study used the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) by studying perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, perceived trust, perceived risk security and perceived social influence on the intention to use and actual use of the apps. This study contributes to the emerging body of knowledge on the online takeaway food ordering sector. In addition, it has an applied contribution in contributing to the development of new theory in the technology influence on university student takeaway food purchase and the acceptance of takeaway food apps

    Understanding the mechanism of consumer resistance to innovation : the moderating role of consumption values

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    Although previous research has established different types of barriers that lead to consumer resistance to innovation, little has been done to understand the effects of some scarcely researched barriers and how these different barriers can be mitigated. Further, there is scant empirical research examining the detrimental impact of resistance to innovation. Therefore, drawing on prospect theory and innovation resistance literature, this study develops and tests a conceptual framework to address the above-noted gaps in the literature. The key aims of the study are to understand: 1) the mechanism of consumer resistance in the context of smart payment services; 2) the development of consumer resistance to smart payment services due to different barrier perceptions; 3) the detrimental impact of consumer resistance to smart payment services by empirically establishing its consequence in the form of negative word of mouth (NWOM); 4) the role of consumer resistance to smart payment services as an underlying mechanism that explicates the translation of perceived barriers into NWOM; and 5) the role of perceived consumption values in buffering the effects of barrier perceptions on consumer resistance to smart payment services. Based on an online survey, data from n = 356 consumers (laggards) were collected and analysed in the context of smart payment services. The findings revealed that although most barriers from the extended Ram and Sheth framework influence resistance, the effects of the commonly investigated value and tradition barriers are, surprisingly, not found to be significant. Resistance is found to mediate the relationship between most barriers and NWOM, implying resistance is the key underlying mechanism that explicates why laggards who perceive barriers spread NWOM about smart payment services. Most importantly, consumption values are found to buffer the effects of some of the perceived barriers on resistance, which extends our understanding of the mechanism of resistance. Based on these results, theoretical and managerial contributions are discussed

    Constructing Ionian identities: the Ionian Islands in British official discourses; 1815-1864

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    Utilising material such as colonial correspondence, private papers, parliamentary debates and the press, this thesis examines how the Ionian Islands were defined by British politicians and how this influenced various forms of rule in the Islands between 1815 and 1864. It explores the articulation of particular forms of colonial subjectivities for the Ionian people by colonial governors and officials. This is set in the context of political reforms that occurred in Britain and the Empire during the first half of the nineteenth-century, especially in the white settler colonies, such as Canada and Australia. It reveals how British understandings of Ionian peoples led to complex negotiations of otherness, informing the development of varieties of colonial rule. Britain suggested a variety of forms of government for the Ionians ranging from authoritarian (during the governorships of T. Maitland, H. Douglas, H. Ward, J. Young, H. Storks) to representative (under Lord Nugent, and Lord Seaton), to responsible government (under W. Gladstone’s tenure in office). All these attempted solutions (over fifty years) failed to make the Ionian Islands governable for Britain. The Ionian Protectorate was a failed colonial experiment in Europe, highlighting the difficulties of governing white, Christian Europeans within a colonial framework