1,781 research outputs found

    A taxonomy for emergency service station location problem

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    The emergency service station (ESS) location problem has been widely studied in the literature since 1970s. There has been a growing interest in the subject especially after 1990s. Various models with different objective functions and constraints have been proposed in the academic literature and efficient solution techniques have been developed to provide good solutions in reasonable times. However, there is not any study that systematically classifies different problem types and methodologies to address them. This paper presents a taxonomic framework for the ESS location problem using an operations research perspective. In this framework, we basically consider the type of the emergency, the objective function, constraints, model assumptions, modeling, and solution techniques. We also analyze a variety of papers related to the literature in order to demonstrate the effectiveness of the taxonomy and to get insights for possible research directions

    Real-time ambulance relocation: Assessing real-time redeployment strategies for ambulance relocation

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    Providers of Emergency Medical Services (EMS) are typically concerned with keeping response times short. A powerful means to ensure this, is to dynamically redistribute the ambulances over the region, depending on the current state of the system. In this paper, we provide new insight into how to optimally (re)distribute ambulances. We study the impact of (1) the frequency of redeployment decision moments, (2) the inclusion of busy ambulances in the state description of the system, and (3) the performance criterion on the quality of the distribution strategy. In addition, we consider the influence of the EMS crew workload, such as (4) chain relocations and (5) time bounds, on the execution of an ambulance relocation. To this end, we use trace-driven simulations based on a real dataset from ambulance providers in the Netherlands. In doing so, we differentiate between rural and urban regions, which typically face different challenges when it comes to EMS. Our results show that: (1) taking the classical 0-1 performance criterion for assessing the fraction of late arrivals only differs slightly from related response time criteria for evaluating the performance as a function of the response time, (2) adding more relocation decision moments is highly beneficial, particularly for rural areas, (3) considering ambulances involved in dropping off patients available for newly coming incidents reduces relocation times only slightly, and (4) simulation experiments for assessing move-up policies are highly preferable to simple mathematical models

    The Minimum Expected Penalty Relocation Problem for the computation of compliance tables for ambulance vehicles

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    We study the ambulance relocation problem in which one tries to respond to possible future incidents quickly. For this purpose, we consider compliance table policies: a relocation strategy commonly used in practice. Each compliance table level indicates the desired waiting site locations for the available ambulances. To compute efficient compliance tables, we introduce the minimum expected penalty relocation problem (MEXPREP), which we formulate as an integer linear program. In this problem, one has the ability to control the number of waiting site relocations. Moreover, different performance measures related to response times, such as survival probabilities, can be incorporated. We show by simulation that the MEXPREP compliance tables outperform both the static policy and compliance tables obtained by the maximal expected coverage relocation problem (MECRP), which both serve as benchmarks. Besides, we perform a study on different relocation thresholds and on two different methods to assign available ambulances to desired waiting sites


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    Emergency medical service (EMS) systems provide medical care to pre-hospital patients who need rapid response and transportation. This dissertation proposes a new realistic approach for EMS systems in two major focuses: multiple unit dispatching and relocation strategies. This work makes recommendations for multiple-unit dispatch to multiple call priorities based on simulation optimization and heuristics. The objective is to maximize the expected survival rate. Simulation models are proposed to determine the optimization. A heuristic algorithm is developed for large-scale problems. Numerical results show that dispatching while considering call priorities, rather than always dispatching the closest medical units, could improve the effectiveness of EMS systems. Additionally, we extend the model of multiple-unit dispatch to examine fairness between call priorities. We consider the potentially-life-threatening calls which could be upgraded to life-threatening. We formulate the fairness problem as an integer programming model solved using simulation optimization. Taking into account fairness between priorities improves the performance of EMS systems while still operating at high efficiency. As another focus, we consider dynamic relocation strategy using a nested-compliance table policy. For each state of the EMS systems, a decision must be made regarding exactly which ambulances will be allocated to which stations. We determine the optimal nested-compliance table in order to maximize the expected coverage, in the binary sense, as will be later discussed. We formulate the nested-compliance table model as an integer program, for which we approximate the steady-state probabilities of EMS system to use as parameters to our model. Simulation is used to investigate the performance of the model and to compare the results to a static policy based on the adjusted maximum expected covering location problem (AMEXCLP). Additionally, we extend the nested-compliance table model to consider an upper bound on relocation time. We analyze the decision regarding how to partition the service area into smaller sub-areas (districts) in which each sub-area operates independently under separate relocation strategies. We embed the nested-compliance table model into a tabu search heuristic algorithm. Iteration is used to search for a near-optimal solution. The performance of the tabu search heuristic and AMEXCLP are compared in terms of the realized expected coverage of EMS systems

    Developing A Mathematical Model For Locating Facilities And Vehicles To Minimize Response Time

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    Traditional mathematical models for locating/allocating vehicles and facilities are reviewed and extended to illustrate how to formulate and solve a problem of minimized response time, given resource constraints.  Results indicate that the average response time can be significantly improved through strategically allocating vehicles throughout the service area.  Furthermore, the modified model was shown to outperform the traditional model as the number of vehicles allocated to a fixed number of facilities increase.  Implications are identified for applications such public transit systems, wholesale and distribution operations

    Fire truck relocation during major incidents

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    The effectiveness of a fire department is largely determined by its ability to respond to incidents in a timely manner. To do so, fire departments typically have fire stations spread evenly across the region, and dispatch the closest truck(s) whenever a new incident occurs. However, large gaps in coverage may arise in the case of a major incident that requires many nearby fire trucks over a long period of time, substantially increasing response times for emergencies that occur subsequently. We propose a heuristic for relocating idle trucks during a major incident in order to retain good coverage. This is done by solving a mathematical program that takes into account the location of the available fire trucks and the historic spatial distribution of incidents. This heuristic allows the user to balance the coverage and the number of truck movements. Using extensive simulation experiments we test the heuristic for the operations of the Fire Department of Amsterdam‐Amstelland, and compare it against three other benchmark strategies in a simulation fitted using 10 years of historical data. We demonstrate substantial improvement over the current relocation policy, and show that not relocating during major incidents may lead to a significant decrease in performance

    A Chance Constrained Programming Model for Reliable Emergency Vehicles Relocation Problem

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    AbstractEmergency vehicles relocation is one mechanism of increasing preparedness for potential emergencies. This paper addresses the problem of designing reliable emergency vehicles relocation system. Under this respect, we extend the DYNACO model with chance-constrained programming framework for the optimal redeployment of emergency vehicles. The model deals with the availability of emergency vehicles by approximate hypercube. In addition, other random elements including travel time and emergency demand are taken into account in the model. Solution procedure based on genetic algorithm and Monte-Carlo simulation is developed to solve the stochastic model. Computational experiences are reported to illustrate the performance and the effectiveness of the proposed solution

    Anticipatory routing of police helicopters

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    We have developed a decision support application for the Dutch Aviation Police and Air Support unit for routing their helicopters in anticipation of unknown future incidents. These incidents are not known in advance, yet do require a swift response. A response might include the dispatch of a police helicopter to support the police on the ground. If a helicopter takes too long to arrive at the crime scene, it might be too late to assist. Hence, helicopters have to be proximate when an incident happens to increase the likelihood of being able to support the police on the ground in apprehending suspects. We propose the use of a forecasting technique, followed by a routing heuristic to maximize the number of incidents where a helicopter provides a successful assist. We have implemented these techniques in a decision support application in collaboration with the Dutch Aviation Police and Air Support. Using numerical experiments, we show that our application has the potential to improve the success rate with a factor nine. The Dutch Air Support and Aviation Police are now using the application